What do you think of the pilot program for $25-a-day child care?


  • Jeremy - 8 years ago

    Do you want your pension to mean anything? Programs like this allow parents to re-enter the workforce increasing the ability for them to care for their family. Also this type of program increases the chances of these children growing into productive adults who will in turn fund your pensions. This was a campaign promise, they followed through. They kept their promise. You can think what you want to. Affordable childcare is important. If the cost of childcare keeps people out of the work force, it keeps them from benefiting the economy and in turn benefiting everyone else. Once again I am disgusted by the vocal minority in Alberta "me, me, me".

  • Vincent - 8 years ago

    This is 100% designed to try to make the government look good and nothing else. All the centres using this program have to use government branding to make sure the centres appear to be "government centres". Also promoting non-profit centres, against which for-profit centres compete is entirely unfair. I'm sure if they had their way all daycares would be government run and for-profit centres would disappear.

    If they really wanted to make daycare more affordable they wouldn't increase costs by raising the minimum wage and they would lower the income threshold at which families are eligible for subsidy.

  • Ben - 8 years ago

    We can't afford yet another social program like this.

    The kids this program is paying to care for will be saddled with a massive debt to repay when they are older.

  • Lindsay - 8 years ago

    It's not my job to subsidize the cost of raising the children others haven chosen to have. Being a parent is not a right. It's a responsibility.

  • Dave - 8 years ago

    Socialism is a horrible disease where excellence is punished to reward mediocrity and outright failure. Eventually, it robs the majority of any desire to contribute. Those who have ambition eventually move away as the costs to maintain the system become too great a burden.
    Our current electoral system promotes socialism on a massive scale, as it is similar to a family of ten where two parents earn all the family income, yet the eight children have an equal say in how that money is spent.
    You elected to have children, no one forced you to, so raise them yourself as we did and all of our ancestors did before us!

  • Janet Hamilton - 8 years ago

    I can see subsidizing day care for low income but not for everyone. When I was working I paid my day care, I see no reason that I should now subsidize someone elses day care. If you are working you should be paying for your own daycare not expecting other tax payers to do it. I worked because i left an abuseive relationship and got no support.

  • Mort - 8 years ago

    Once again Notley is raiding taxpayer's pockets to buy votes and make herself look good. And we wonder why the deficit keeps climbing.
    Socialism works great until you run out of other people's money.

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    Why are people having children that they can't afford to raise? Why should taxpayers foot the bill for absentee parents? Can't afford them, don't have them.

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