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Which 1D member had the best debut solo single?


  • Aman - 7 years ago

    Ofcourse Zayn ????????

  • Alessandra - 7 years ago

    I hate it!! I'm a directioner and i love them all.It's not good to compare among these guys bcuz they're all really great in their own way and i hate people who are saying rude immature things about them.Bullshit!

  • Lena - 7 years ago

    Definitly Harry! He has such a beautiful voice compared to zayn and Niall. For me all songs in Mind of mine sound like the same and this town is over rated! Yo i vote for Harry!

  • Ale - 7 years ago

    I'm voting for Zayn while i'm listening to pillow talk *-*

  • Loukia - 7 years ago

    I believe that Zayn has the best single.His album is amazing and very unique.Second would probably be Niall I really like this town ,his album is gonna be bomb.Third is Louis ,I really like that you can dance at his song. Fourth is Harry his song really gave me a Lana Del Rey vibe

  • Fiona - 7 years ago

    The only one I can take seriously as an artist is Zayn. The rest need a bit more work...

  • Aron Alvin - 7 years ago

    Zayn is the best from all of them but Louis is also can become better if he drops a full album cause he sounds great though in his new single "just hold on" and Harry can do more great if he adds some beat in his music idk everyone got his own opinion but we have to support 1d at all ,we don't have to creat competition between them cause fans represents their idols image....! Remember that..!!

  • Anon - 7 years ago

    For me it would definitely be Zayn's Pillowtalk. I'm not a directioner but this song created an interest in me to listen to his album and now I'm a fan. His whole album was pretty brilliant and considering it's his first one, he did great. He also released it at a time where he was facing a lot of backlash and hardly gave it any promo. It was iconic for the song to do what it did and that is undeniable. His vocals are versatile and angelic. He's also experimented with music and you can tell he loves what he does. I've seen the unnecessary hate he gets for leaving the band,etc. and yet he's done well for himself. And also to people saying his songs are all about sex, first there's nothing wrong with singing about it, second it's not always shallow it's how you look at it and third you should listen to his album there are songs with different heartfelt themes.
    Also I heard Sign of the Times and in my opinion Harry Styles' song is decent but definitely over hyped probably because of his fandom. He made a smart move by making something different which would garner attention. But just being different is not good and it sounds pretentious to me and lacking in originality. It sounds like a lot of the rock ballad songs from the 60s-70s. I also saw many people compare him to musical legends and it's pretty insulting because these people worked hard and took years to achieve their game. His song sounds like a tested formula applied to create a song to make you believe that it should be historic rather than something heartfelt. It is repetitive and two minutes too long. His vocals sound good though the falsetto part seems glossed over with echos so you can't hear his raw vocals. Personally it would be interesting to see if he can sing that live.
    So Zayn for me!

  • Scarlett - 7 years ago

    ZAYN of course! Pillowtalk went straight up to #1 both in UK and the US which is a record breaker, not to mention without promotions or live performances. His amazing vocals is enough to be loved and recognized.

    Second would be Louis for Just Hold On. Its edm style sounds cool and he has a unique voice.

    Third is Niall's This Town. A chill, nice -to-listen to in a quiet afternoon.

    Fourth is Harry"s. Sign of the Times is forgetful, the lyrics didn't even register.

  • KAREN - 7 years ago

    I think Zayn is the standard for the other guys. His music it's very autentic. But the other boys did it well... Zayn did it better in my opinion. Harry it's just the golden guy to the 1d fans... Zayn is very underreted.

  • Samantha - 7 years ago

    I've never listened to 1D so not sure who is who, but based on the songs (singles) - I'd say Zayn is the best artist and most likely the one to be the most successful. His solo songs I've heard to date have great vocals, beats, lyrics and are very stylish. Definitely an artist to keep an eye on.

    Also heard Harry's. Seems a nice/cute lad but wasn't impressed. Any other members I've not yet heard their songs.

  • SammyX - 7 years ago

    Harry seems like he is still rather contrived. His music is not his own, he is borrowing from former artists and kind of mixed it up together into one big mess. I can't listen to it. I like him ok..but at this rate, rather bored and he continues to be, well...packaged and unoriginal. Lyrics are not inspirational and flying around via helicopter isn't either. He needs to find something of his own. Song = pfft...

    From the balance, I would say Zayn is the best artist. All the weird media aside - he's got serious talent. Good voice, solid picks in music. Working on his stage presence and a shame fame has overwhelmed him at times, but let's face it, he still has it just in looking at him. But looks aside, I would still say he is the best artist with the best voice.

    Liam also seemed promising. Where is he?

  • Gizelle - 7 years ago

    I really like Harry's single but did it really have to be 6 minutes long!!!! I can't listen to it fully cuz it's too repetive and long but I really like it. As you can tell I'm torn I see both sides.

  • Andrea - 7 years ago

    Listened to a few songs from one direction before. Have to say Zayn//harry/liam are the only ones who can sing sorry. But since the topic here is who's the best vocalist or who released the best song i have to go with Zayn. Never followed their love life or whatever news or lies told about them. I know Zayn left one direction and its ok. He has his reasons. I was kinda hoping he'd reconsider solely because i love his voice and wanted to hear more so when he decided to go solo and released Pillowtalk i was really happy. That song was the best one last year and his album was so well made. My niece was the one who told me about his anxiety and i do pray to God he overcomes it on a personal note. If he does then he'll definitely rule the music industry! Zayn all the way

  • Sayem Akib - 7 years ago

    Obviously zayn should win the poll.

  • Eliana - 7 years ago

    The Zquads bleeding from the wound as always . The truth is that there are millions of people "overestimating" Harry, to your disgrace. I would say that Harry's career is going to be different, he's always been the weird one, he's doing things differently, so the shock will be until we get used to what's new for us.

  • Izzie - 7 years ago

    Youre making directioners compete against each other!!

  • Edwin - 7 years ago

    I don't get how people are saying Harry's songs lyrics are meaningless and Zayn's song was better...Zayn's song was catchier but definitely not more meaningful
    U can't blame Harry if you don't understand good lyrics!! I guess this itself is a sign that times are bad ,when people support sex songs instead of inspirational ones...!

  • Ale - 7 years ago

    For* song

  • Ale - 7 years ago

    Stop saying pillow talk video became famous gor gigi don't be idiots , became famous for the sing and for his talent many people liked and many people felt identified with the lyrics, and if you don't like that kind of music that IS so puré and honest about de feelings shut up and don't talk shit, everyone has differents tastes

  • Long way Down - 7 years ago

    Zayn acts like his poop doesn't stink. And he has zero stage presence. All he does is mumble (I've seen him live). I was his stan but all the blatant selling of merchandise with his pr relationship with Gigi is one of the saddest falls from grace I've ever seen. I hope Harry is like Sam Smith, honest, transparent and a good song writer with a gorgeous emotional stage presence. Does Zayn even have emotions? His lyrics had no emotional depth at all. How many weed/ humping chick songs can one person sing. The Weeknd does that bit great already. Zayn comes off as a second rate weeknd knockoff. He needs to get to some authenticity somewhere. But i don't think that'll happen. But I do think we'll see him and Gigi on the cover of vogue soon.

  • Sydney - 7 years ago

    Zayn is the only one I actually enjoy listening to as a solo artist. Both catchy and well -written (yes there are sex songs,...because yay!) he showed both depth and adult presence. I wanted to like Harry's but...yawn. It was not well written, and did not have anything to say, what was the message again? I like his voice, but totally boring and contrived.

    They will all keep trying and I'm sure they'll all do well.

  • RyanR - 7 years ago

    1) Zayn
    2) Harry (but maybe Liam?)
    3) Niall
    4) Louis

  • Betsy - 7 years ago

    Don't care for Harry's song. The lyrics are silly, the music is dull and well...I can't listen to it. Zayn's I definitely like to listen to. Some are hot, some are sexy, some are soulful, some are artistic and some are deep. Good artist.

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    Funny how some people prefer songs about sex and fooling around rather than songs that encourage us to face hard times....and then call us "blind" followers. They each have entirely different styles and shouldn't be compared but for me I'd rather choose heartfelt lyrics and a very required message than just a catchy tune so...

  • ZAYNSTAN - 7 years ago

    Seriously. Without all the bias of Zayn leaving one direction and who's more handsome than who Zayn's voice is the best. Harry sounds like a screaming baby. Liam sounds as if he's constipated. Louis sounds...just weak and Niall, well he's a pretty chill singer. But NONE OF THEM can even get into Zayn's vocal league.
    Peace Out.

  • Rocketmaster - 7 years ago

    Zayn, the only single(s) I want to listen to so far as never followed 1D. Pillow talk, LIke I Would, It's You, Borderz, Still Got Time - all good songs. The others, not so much.

    I do hope Z can deal w/his anxiety going forward. It seems to hurt his career as people want to see him perform and it's part of the business, but regardless he is a very good artist.

  • EdwardC - 7 years ago

    In my opinion Zayn seemed to be the only one who was truly interested in being an artist. He really never wanted to be part of the boy band phenomenon. He didn't want to do the dancing and the cute "boyfriend" stuff...he seemed to want to sing and be an inspiring artist from a very young age.

    The rest stuck w/1D and enjoyed the fame and $. They rode their cuteness and have been quite successful doing so. Good for them.

    When I heard Zayn left 1D I thought WOW that is really a risk in terms of $, but it's what he wanted to do. It's cool that he did it to follow his dream and he proved that he had a good reason to do so.

    I'm sure he's still supportive of the others (I don't know any of them personally but seems he is) - but I get why he did what he did and and am glad he did so.

    Zayn gets my vote.

  • Sophie - 7 years ago

    Zayn Malik nailed it - *drop mic*

  • Justin - 7 years ago

    Hmmm boybanders....

    Well, the one who seems to appeal to the adults: Zayn/no longer associated w 1D and best voice
    The one who has the biggest 1D following who can't let go: Harry/although song was soso
    The ones who are trying: Louis/Niall
    The one who we haven't heard from: Liam

    Who knows?

  • Emma - 7 years ago

    I love classic rock and rock ballads but that is not what Harry did. I'm not sure what this song is...but that's not it. I can hear where he is trying to sound like his idols...but he misses the mark. And in terms of a good song..definitely missed that too.

    I hope he does better but his single just does nothing for me. Don't like it.

    If I was to pick one it would be Zayn. He has a great voice and I like listening to his music. He is also insanely hot.

    But you made me pick one!

  • Hahahahaha - 7 years ago

    Honestly I can't even believe this is happening!
    I honestly think Zayn's song was overrated because he left the band to do his own shit.Zayn only made the song so it could go up in the charts.So obviously he had to make it catchy so it would stick people's head, but the overall concept of the song was mainstream and boring.It also gained popularity because Gigi Hadid was in the music video and shortly after they started dating.How many songs have you heard where the lyrics are about sex?? Even though I do admit the song was catchy(for other people at least), I didn't actually like the song at all, it didn't make me feel any deeper emotions that the rest of the boys made me feel.It was just a mainstream song about sex that featured a Victoria's secret model to gain popularity even though the concept was just boring.
    Harry had decided to take a different route and released a rock ballad.Everybody is saying this is boring because all everybody is used to listening that mainstream bullshit.No one can accept that a pop star did something different for a song.Harry didn't feature any model in his video for popularity.His song actually held a meaning and he didn't care if his song went up in the charts.His song actually made you feel deeper emotions.
    It is honestly quite stupid rn.This is just my opinion, because you can't really compare songs from different genres.People that like rnb will like Zayn's song and people who like different music will Harry's song.
    But in my opinion, Harry's song rules.

  • Santana - 7 years ago


    While a good effort from Harry, it just doesn't match Zayn's vocal ability/intensity. The falsetto was weak, the lyrics were meh and the overall song was boring AF. If he wasn't from 1D, I doubt anyone would have listened to it.

    In terms of talent -
    1) Zayn
    2) Would like to hear from Liam
    3) Harry
    4) Louis and Niall tied

    All are doing great so hate to put them up against one another, but Zayn seems to def be the stand out here...

  • Mina - 7 years ago

    To me it was Zayn, he had lots of odds against him releasing Pillowtalk.
    1. Harry has the support of one direction fandom and Simon Cowell since day one while Zayn had a U.K. Smear campaign (Zayn moved to LA. cause it was so bad) and one direction fans hate on pillowtalk purposely because they rather Zayn had stayed in one direction on tour and not recover from his eating disorder. (If you read his book Zayn had an eating disorder and anxiety mental issues, and needed to heal)
    2. Regardless pillowtalk was massively successful and so were Zayns other songs (Cruel, Like I Would, and IDWTLF) because he makes good music. That's why Mind of Mine was a number one selling album. And Zayn succeeded with the odds against him, haters disliked him for being biracial, disliked him from popular gossip columnist Perez Hilton, simons U.K. Smear campaign and the one direction boys not congratulating him yet he still did it.
    3. As for Harry, be honest if it wasn't for the fact Simon made him one directions star boy since day one would it have been successful? It didn't even sound like Harry(if you've heard him live he sounds much different). It was lack luster and a second rate rip off of snow patrol and Lana Del Rey, except they do slow paced songs better. Will Harry get good sales? Of course because he has all of one direction fandom, Simon cowell and other white celebrity friends like Shawn Mendez and the Camila Cabello fandom. But Zayns going to be successful because even when every thing is against him, he has a good voice and his lyrics are meaningful.

  • Rosa - 7 years ago

    I would have to say harry. While zayn has really good vocals, his song was just really pop and really over hyped too much, and he made it so that it will get stuck in your head, super radio friendly, and everyone would like it. But it's harry for me because he went wit a CLASSIC BRITISH ROCK BALLAD. When was the last time any of you voting had heard something like this? The lyrics were INSANELY great, his falsettos were so beautiful, and the end to the song was so epic and his vocals were on point. Harry took a RISK while zayn just wanted a number one I feel. Harry doesn't care about charting, but that he puts out a piece of himself. It seems that zayn just wanted to write about having sex and cheating, which is such an overused idea today

  • Rosa - 7 years ago

    I would have to say harry. While zayn has really good vocals, his song was just really pop and really over hyped too much, and he made it so that it will get stuck in your head, super radio friendly, and everyone would like it. But it's harry for me because he went wit a CLASSIC BRITISH ROCK BALLAD. When was the last time any of you voting had heard something like this? The lyrics were INSANELY great, his falsettos were so beautiful, and the end to the song was so epic and his vocals were on point. Harry took a RISK while zayn just wanted a number one I feel. Harry doesn't care about charting, but that he puts out a piece of himself. It seems that zayn just wanted to write about having sex and cheating, which is such an overused idea today

  • Donny - 7 years ago

    I hate to Say this but here we go. I love Harry. ITs always been that way and forever will be. I am not a massive directioner. Im a huge fan of their songs and that's that. I don't give a crap about their relationships. It's their own shit not mine. This is not high school. I don't let their personal choices influence my choice on whether to listen to their songs or not because that is too damn immature. Its their fucking business not mine. Directioners need to fucking let it go and grow up. So let's go back to that. To answer this question. As much as i love Styles Zayn was,is and will always have the best vocals in one direction. As a harry fan I CAN ADMIT THAT. No matter what he does he will be supported by the fans. Which is not always a good thing. Harry if you see this that song is boring. I was expecting more from you. And the fact that some people are comparing your song and style to other artists is a bit disturbing. zayn was met with ridicule when people were pointing out he sounded like this and that but then you're being praised with the same thing is never fair. I hope your album will have better offerings because boy that song is awful. If your song is great you don't need to be compared to anyone. My vote goes to Zayn. Yes. Because he's the obvious winner. When I heard PILLOWTALK i was actually happy he left the band. Then his album dropped and that solidified my feelings towards him leaving. It was the greatest choice he ever made. His album was a masterpiece regardless of what these kids are saying. If these two songs dropped at the same time and if they weren't former members of 1D with BS and shit surrounding their lives, EVERYONE WILL CHOOSE ZAYN. That's the truth.

  • Fatema - 7 years ago

    Y'all are being played, it's louis tomlinson

  • Syed Ali Raza - 7 years ago

    Zayn only!

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    I am a huge harry styles fan, have been since the first time he sang " isn't she lovely" but I also have the ability to recognize that one direction as a whole(management included) treated zayn's departure with nothing but immaturity. Anyone with eyes would could see the difference in zayn's health from his first year, it was clear they were over working the boys like no tomorrow. Zayn faced nothing but backlash, and i always wondered why the boys went all silent rather than actually showing their support to zayn when things had gotten tough. I must admit I was a bit sad but I wasn't his fan until after he went solo. Solo zayn is an artist, who is not being censored , he plays around with his voice and music taste. As a harry stan my vote will go towards zayn, pillowtalk was an amazing single, a song that did what it did without live performances and promo. I dont know why a lot of harry stans are making us look like ugly pieces of shit tbh. I am not like that I am glad zayn left one direction, because although Harry is still my husband, zayns voice and talent is finally getting recognition. He is dominating one of the biggest music scene( United States), that is a huge accomplishment for a person of colour.
    In regards to Harry, what the fuck was that??No offence, if it wasnt for his name I wouldnt even listen to a song like that? He had so much more potential, he wasted it. Why is he doing this? Like honestly some parts were good but it was so one direction type. He needs to work with different people? I dont want to be a fan of someone who is getting the fame because he is harry styles. I am so jealous of zayn stans that get creative outputs from him. He does new things and that is why he is so big. I dont want to be defending harry against haters who say "oh he got a #1 because he is Harry Styles" please stem away from that. i still got your song and will support you but I am sad.

    As for zayn, he has clearly proven to be the wise one in the group, I hope they all work their differences out. Zayn was always so protective of the band and harry, you could see it so clearly. I am so sorry i sent you hate all these years but I have seen the light zayn, and i hope you nothing but happiness.

  • sam - 7 years ago

    1 .zayn
    2. Naill
    3. Louis
    4. Harry
    Harry song is little bit boring.

  • Ana - 7 years ago

    Zayn of course! PillowTalk was actually different and interesting. Harry stans are pretending his song is interesting when really it's boring. If Zayn released it people would attack him and say it was boring and sucks but because Harry released it they're bias. Pillowtalk > This Town > Just Hold On > Sound Of The Times. Maybe if Harry tried to figure out his own sound instead of copying David Bowie and Queen and Paul Mccartney it would be better.

  • Gaby - 7 years ago


  • Alejandra - 7 years ago

    Zayn Zayn and only Zayn he's the best undoubtedly !!! Angel's voice he deserve it and so much more *-* so please vote as much as you can for him (:

  • Taïna - 7 years ago

    Harry Styles and his beautiful and meaningful song ❤️

  • yanni.jff - 7 years ago

    Horrible????. Decepcionada de las "directioners"... NO SE PUEDEN COMPARAR... TODOS SON TALENTOSOS Y CON GÉNEROS DE MÚSICA DIFERENTES.

  • MAJO - 7 years ago


  • not a 1D fan - 7 years ago

    definitely Zayn!
    I couldn't even make till the end of Harry's !!

  • not a 1D fan - 7 years ago

    definitely Zayn!
    I couldn't even make till the end of Harry's !!

  • Hazoff is real - 7 years ago

    Cdan has a blind about jeff scrambling to find Harry a new beard. I can't wait to see how the Larries react when Harry is papped with the new beard since they think Harry is above bearding. Unlike Liam, Louis and Zayn, who are all firmly bearded up.

  • This is becoming transparent - 7 years ago

    Wow looks like Sony is trying to set up a Harry versus Zayn feud among stans to help sell records. All the money goes to Simon/Sony. Lol, brilliant. Zayn is with Sony. Harry is with Sony.

  • Ivan C - 7 years ago

    Harry is literally where he is at with this song, because he is Harry Styles. If the roles were reversed and Zayn made "Sign of the times" and Harry did "Pillowtalk". The winning margin would be domination on Harry's side.
    Best part of Harry's song is literally the falsetto and he sounds exactly like Zayn. Towards the end he channels Zayn again.
    As far as this poll goes, they are asking who has better vocals and has the most variety of range. And ya'll know it's Zayn.

  • Beth - 7 years ago

    I hate Polldaddy polls. People can sit there and vote over and over, yeah, that's real fair and accurate. Of course Zayn is the better singer of all of them. Harry's new song is not good. It is only selling because he is popular. He does have charm, but that's about it. If no one knew any of these guys, Harry wouldn't sell much at all. Zayn has a beautiful voice and a great vocal range.

  • Beth - 7 years ago

    I hate Polldaddy polls. People can sit there and vote over and over, yeah, that's real fair and accurate. Of course Zayn is the better singer of all of them. Harry's new song is not good. It is only selling because he is popular. He does have charm, but that's about it. If no one knew any of these guys, Harry wouldn't sell much at all. Zayn has a beautiful voice and a great vocal range.

  • No - 7 years ago

    Ppl saying that Zayn sold his album to non 1d fans. Ask your non 1d friends if they know who he is . They won't or they'll say is he the one dating that model? That's it. Pillowtalk did so well because ppl in the 1d fandom gave him a chance. After that he fell off because he attacked the fandom, attacked shippers, and bought into his own hype. Remember as fast as you get to the top, you can fall to the bottom even faster.

  • Lolita - 7 years ago

    This poll is giving me anxiety right now. You guys just started a lowkey fan war.

  • Joe - 7 years ago


  • Deven - 7 years ago

    Zayn seems to be the most talented as a singer and had the best single to date, but wish them all well.

  • Luna - 7 years ago

    Sorry but Harry's song is just terrible. I like Harry ...but it is awful and I'm a huge fan of classic rock and all the artists he has said inspired it. Can't listen to it.

  • Alex - 7 years ago

    I vote for Louis and Niall. They are great. Louis has a beautiful singular voice. Use his voice very well. And Niall has this beatles/jake bugg type voice. They are not typical for boyband or make sucess between this big vocals of the group but with their talent (Louis wrote the most part of 1D songs, Niall plays guitar) and charisma, artist soul figure out a way to shine and make sucess as solo artist even out of expect. Theh deserve a prize for such move.

    And its fun see the others ones (fans) trying to fight to see who is bigger. Gime a break. All 1D boys win the cliche of boybands that just survive 3 albums. And the 5 boys are huge and have their fans. This never happen.

    So we are good. This thing about who voice is better or charts is lame and childish.

    So I vote for Louis and Niall because is not easy to get their place like they did even in this war of big egos amd voice that the midia and fans are with their ass.

    Congrats boys

  • Babynuo - 7 years ago

    I don't really think they should be compared..... They are friends.... Please don't compare them...

  • Karina - 7 years ago

    Lol at people here pissed at Zayn's decision to leave im sorry but are we talking about their life choices here or their musical prowess? I don't give a damn whether Zayn is a part of that pop corn band or by himself. Fact? He will always have the best voice out of the five. Hate him for the stupidest and shallowest reasons(which is usually the case for stupid directioners) I don't give a damn. Take a way their looks take away their name and listen to their voices and music. Zayn has the best voice. Whether or not Harry outsells him or not is not the issue. Harry's choice to release this particular song was a huge mistake. But then again he probably doesn't care since he has a bunch of kids blindly supporting him no matter awful his songs are

  • TanyaLuvs1D - 7 years ago


  • inmatureforblocking - 7 years ago

    This has no sense, why should I choose when i'm a real directioner and can't choose which one, I had to go with the one with less votes, all of this doesn't make any sense

  • Valeria - 7 years ago

    Porque hacer esta votación? ????

  • Sushmita Rajpal - 7 years ago

    Louis..for JHO ????
    Although i love Zayn & Harry too.. ????
    Zayn's STG and Cruel for 2nd.. ????

  • Divas to the dance floor - 7 years ago

    I'm predicting Harry's album will win an armful of Grammy's right out of the gate, Sam Smith style. I think his lyrics will be beautiful and personal. I also think he'll win an oscar if he keeps acting. Look at the another man photoshoot. It was amazing. He took risks there. Harry seems like he's willing to go out on a limb with his art , which means his career will be very successful. I'm so excited to see what Harry does next, he's amazing and not cookie cutter. Love ya Harry!!!!!!!!

  • Andrea - 7 years ago


  • Jessica Solorzano - 7 years ago

    Esto es absurdo

  • noor - 7 years ago

    No zayn's not underrated but harry's overrated ..... actually LOUIS and NIALL are underrated.. louis did the best .. harry was good all of em were good .. but louis deserves best .. but its pathetic to see fandom like this

  • rahma - 7 years ago


  • sam - 7 years ago

    The poll is not about their personality or relationship to their ex so don't tell us zayn is..............
    The poll about their solo song
    And yes zayn is tha winner.

  • sam - 7 years ago

    The poll is not about their personality or relationship to their ex so don't tell us zayn is..............
    The poll about their solo song
    And yes zayn is tha winner.

  • zaynofc - 7 years ago

    zayn obviously zayn's the man ????????????

  • A. - 7 years ago

    Y'all deaf. Louis' of course.

  • 渣渣 - 7 years ago

    Of course it's Zayn
    Without any doubt

  • Arshad - 7 years ago


  • Fuck you all - 7 years ago

    What the fuck are people in the comment section doing?
    WE'RE supposed to be a family. WE WERE supposed to be together as a fan base and support all the boys no matter what!

    But instead, you are here, insulting everyone but your favourite (why do people think it's okay to say stuff like "I love him but he's really overrated and his songs suck)!

    Why are we comparing them to each other? I'm getting tired of it! They're all fantastic in their own ways, why can't people acknowledge that?

  • Maria - 7 years ago

    Niall! Hands down!

  • vee - 7 years ago

    How is this even a music contest when not all of them have a full body of work out there yet, besides Zayne, the self interested loner who wasn't loyal to the group or its work...He stayed long enough to gain game and a bit of Fortune, then dropped them like hot potatoes...With his tires leaving their scene as he burned all his rubber trying to get out of there as fast as he could. The rest haven't even bairly gotten one song out each...So we have not a single word, idea or even an inkling of what their own personal body of work(s )feels (or looks like)???? Seriously we always knew Niall was talented singer designer song writer of a more traditional acciustic bent or a style similar to folk pop? We all knew Zayne would go with his Bollywood and rap/soulish r&b. That's easy to find in his singing style. He's the only one who has has ducks in a row, to get out and do his own gig, so fssr, it makes me wonder which part of the management was putting gum in their ears, Zayne being so miserable with his girlfriend, his lowered value compared to other members, so it still makes me ask...Why zayne? Why him so fast and furious? Did that serve the ends to the means? Break these guys friendships down, very quickly, in order to capatilize on the five of them making even more billions so that the management company could make the management company even wealthier? I mean...The way the industries uses and abuses these boys...At such a tender and vulnerable age, then burns them, by picking at the cracks/fault lines, until the damn had to break open. By the end of the five years, these guys didn't all sign with the same conglomerate music management Corp, but lets be real honest with each other, because of this lack of serious big Corp companies offering stiff competition, there r only a few Monopoly's out there to choose from for guys with these stature in the music industry, that the management groups havw always known breaking them up, by creating jealousy and small in fighting throughout their very immature lives, would make managment five times the money and it wasn't all too much of a risky plan...They said something about one being less loyal.. a way to play on the emotions of the only one left to sign, Liam, who only wants a to be loved/liked, so that statement was perfect way to manipulate the last one. He signed with the right company? No brilliance here. They all have tallebts and each is talented in one way more than other ways. I'd say the heart of a lion and courage to go with it goes to Harry...Also charisma. Zane's got sizzling sex appeal and he may lose a bit of his self, if he doesn't learn how they will use that and how he will need to find his strongest self to overcome that manipulation? As for the smart one, Niall, he'll always play it smart...Attempting to watch the hell out of his management groups, so they don't steal and rape them or himself, financially, ever again. Most of them knew that was going on long before they broke up! We heard the boys grumbling a bit, in the third year ???? I mean who r in reality can spend 24 million on one clothes spending a spree together ..In one day? Not happening! They knew it and fulfilled the contract long enough to finalize their start up carriers, then stated they were taking a hiatus. Btw...It was first stated they were done, but they knew in order to stay relevant, they had to say they were done, but would be back together as a group soon. Bottom line...They always had a plan to have their own career plans, but they had to go slow and learn how to be single artists, over time. Then once free from the leash, likely each learned never to work for pennies or like slaves, seven days a week, no holiday's, no family time, etc...Im sure their fast earned money is getting thin, as is their popularity losing its power..Over the past two years, so they know they eacg, like the Eagles, must do something, like right now. It's time and time is running out as well. Bottom line..Your q

  • amara - 7 years ago

    louis. i just feel like his song is so versatile and you dont need one emotion to get the feel of it.
    harry. i do like certain aspects of the song but its a tad repetitive and long.
    zayn. abit meaningless lyrics but great vocals.
    niall. took a while but cute song.
    so they all are great depending on different individuals.

  • A - 7 years ago


    Not a lot of these one direction fans want to admit the fact that zayn's first single was the most successful and without promo too

  • Zane - 7 years ago

    Zayn without doubt! Bless his soul!

  • Abreah - 7 years ago


  • Syd - 7 years ago

    Why are they being compared to one another? They are all doing their own thing now. Time to let 1D go.

  • Austin - 7 years ago

    Zayn for the win.

  • Mazy - 7 years ago

    Harry's song is popular because of 1D followers, but the song is not very good. I couldn't listen to the whole thing and doubt I will listen to it again. Hopefully he'll continue to grow as an artist.

    IMO, Zayn seems to be the most talented. He definitely has the best vocals.

    Regardless, they have all done well.

  • Fi - 7 years ago

    One direction is a grup, they are grow together. When Zayn left the band, it doesn't mean after that, Liam,Louis,Niall, dan Harry hate him, or directioners must hate him,but there is zayn's choice, and we must support him. Please don't judge him.

  • ainun - 7 years ago

    Honestly, i hate it. seriously. I choose zayn because zayn already out from ONE DIRECTION (but i still love zayn) and i still waiting ONE DIRECTION (niall, harry, louis, liam) to come back on backstage. I can't let them lost.
    I hope this is the first and last time to choose a one of them

  • Parihaa - 7 years ago

    I know harry will win inshaallah

  • Puput - 7 years ago

    Zayn is always my fav
    But I love Harry's voices so much
    and Niall's song and his guitar are my weakness.
    Ofc I can't let Louis lost.


  • 5/4 - 7 years ago

    Honestly, I hate it, seriously. But I love zayn, forever will. And I love Harry, Louis, Niall, also Liam too. I LOVE THEM ALL. can I choose "ONE DIRECTION 5/4" ?

  • laura - 7 years ago


  • Gizzelle - 7 years ago

    I honestly feel like the only reason Harry's song went to the top of the charts was because it is harry he was always the "golden boy" of one direction. Don't get me wrong I love him and his voice and this song but if I wasn't harry singing it it would never be known. ZAYN on the other hand made it to #1 with basically no promo and so much hate. 1D fans hated on him and still do but he still got that #1 even when everybody wanted him to fail. Pillowtalk is so iconic and he's NEVER performed it live and it did so well. ZAYN is also underrated and it sucks because he's so good and unique and an a list vocalist. Harry has a bigger fan base than ZAYN because everyone hated him when he left one d so it's no surprise Harry's song was so successful. But ZAYN did it without the popularity. He rose so high even when half the world hated him that makes me so proud so ZAYN obviously wins it for me.

  • Josh - 7 years ago

    Zayn. No contest.

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    Niall had the best debut single! Harry's is horrible (Harry is also my favorite member of 1D) and Zayn's was just horrible. I also like Louis's but Niall was easily the best

  • Bowie Impersonator - 7 years ago

    Truth in Bullet Points:
    1) Sign of the times had better lyrics than cheesy ones from pillowtalk
    2) Ryan's vocal prowess is far far superior to Harry. I mean his vocal ability is the summation of cumulative vocal ability of rest of the boys put together. After listening to Harry belt falsetto in sign of the times, some Harry stans even insinuated that Harry should have been assigned high pitch parts in 1D songs. It's like saying I can run, Cheetah can run; ergo I can outrun cheetah.
    3) Harry has better personality than zayn. More vast fan base than zayn.
    4) Some are suggesting since it sign of the times isn't mainstream; it is great. Just cutting yourself from mainstream doesn't make you great, it must makes you different. Though his song is good,not great but good.
    5) Talking about zayn's songs like "It's you" and "golden", they are different but also great at the same time.

  • Yuv - 7 years ago

    ZAYN has showed versatality so far , no matter what pillowtalk is huge and different from any ones songs, def the best!! Zayn is underrated and thats the sad part he deserves to reigh all the charts but talent trumps all.. Always proud of him.. Ain't easy to leave the biggest boyband, being excluded and getting hate from the 1D fandom yet rose so high!! Looking forward to more Zayn solo stuffs.. 1D better get together instead of playing w/ fans after they promised, lol!! Obviously no matter what they'l do good bc they already have a huge fanbase, while Zayn is still building his! But hats off to Zayn.. His debut was def epic and as an artist he is growing but want to see him rising as well by getting the recognition he truly deserves! People should stop sleeping on him, and Zayn all the way ❤

  • Xina - 7 years ago

    Zayn is the best vocalist. His range far exceeds the others and he takes the most risks. You can tell that he really likes to create good, artistic music and will continue to do so.

    Harry's first solo, can't say I like it. Rather long and boring and I didn't feel it had any soul to it. More like it was manufactured from copying sounds from old artists.. I doubt I'll listen to it a second time. Doesn't mean I don't like Harry, as I do think he is a decent singer and I hope he continues to explore what he can do as well.

    Would like to hear Liam put something out, as I also thought he had a decent voice.

    Unfortunately the other two sing better than I can, but are not exceptionally talented.

    All are very cute though :)

  • May - 7 years ago


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