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Who Do You Want As a Couple - Team Villy or Team Philly?


  • Angie - 7 years ago

    I think this poll is showing exactly what the majority of viewers want, a real Villy reunion. Philly twitter fans like to suggest that they outnumber Villy fans. Not a chance. Many simply aren't on Twitter. Check out YR's Facebook pages and it's very apparent how hated Philly is. The fact is Phyllis was and will always be a rebound for Billy, someone he uses to get over losing Victoria. Phyllis knows it, everyone knows it. And this version of Villy need to be given a real chance, JT and AH are sizzling hot! But it looks like more Villy angst is on it's way. That's OK, it'll make their reunion even sweeter when it does happen. #TeamVilly

  • Charlie Bucket - 7 years ago

    Why are you cheating on this poll?? There is either a bot or this poll's rigged... RE-DO IT FAIRLY!

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for a human to be putting results in this quickly... with votes wither not moving, going backwards, or moving up by 0.01%, there is a hack installed... FIX IT CDL!
    You already had credibility issues before this...

  • Charlie Bucket - 7 years ago

    Why are you cheating on this poll?? There is either a bot or this poll's rigged... RE-DO IT FAIRLY!

  • Meg - 7 years ago

    This poll is fishy.. are there really over 10,000 votes? Otherwise the incredibly tiny incremental change makes no sense. Did you block pollbots CDL?
    Phyllis & Billy, ALL THE WAY! They deserve their moment in the sun & a real CHANCE (finally!) Villy have had 4+ chances. The current incarnation has zero Chem, while Philly sizzles with chemistry. We've been waiting 7-13 long months &!"All we are saying, is give Philly a chance!"

  • Sara - 7 years ago

    I totally want Philly. They are so good together and I dont think they were really given a good enough shot. I am soooo done with Victoria and think that this Billy and this Phyllis have much more chemistry than with Victoria. She needs someone else...

  • Lynn - 7 years ago

    She is too good for Billy. And what happen to option3 neither one. Billy is a pathetic retch.

  • Phyllis - 7 years ago

    I really don't want Billy and Phyllis together but if there is a mate for Billy I'd rather it be Phyllis than Victoria. Victoria thinks she's too good for anyone...., unless she wants to "flip her hair" and hop in the sack with someone a few times before she breaks up with "him"?

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