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Do you want to see President Trump's tax returns?


  • Robert Wilson - 7 years ago

    No But I would really like to see some Clinton emails though :)

  • Maria Raysses-Whipple - 7 years ago

    How utterly delusional sheeple this proves all the trumpers and trumpettes are.

    What are you people/sheeple afraid of in showing a historical precedent that goes back to the 1970's when Nixon was shamed into giving over his returns????? A CLEAN person with CLEAN HOLDINGS/OPERATIONS/PRACTICES HAS NOTHING TO FEAR. Didn't your Mother and Father teach you all the truism??????

    Your denial/distortion/refusal/obfuscation/obstructionism ONLY PROVES THE OPPOSITE. Simple logic, common/uncommon sense.

  • Kathy Mann - 7 years ago

    No, it is not necessary. I wish the leftist smucks would the man do his job and quit nit-picking! They are just trying to distract from the good he has done.

  • Heidi - 7 years ago

    They ignore true crimes committed by the Clintons & Obama's manipulations of the Constitution, no Benghazi accountability, Fast & Furious, etc that affects ALL Americans, but they are forming a lynching committee against Pres. Trump about showing his tax returns which affects NO Americans!!!
    And let's march and protest over NON-issues rather than pay attention to the very scary world matters we're facing currently!

  • Rena Schruck - 7 years ago

    Yes, it has been the norm of all past Presidents and candidates, but ALL of them were tied to holding office in some way or fashion. They received payments from OUR taxes. A private citizen taxes are their business, not mine! Now next year different story.

  • Gerry C. Cruz - 7 years ago

    Firstly, I wouldn't want to waste energy looking over someone's tax returns. What a terrible thing to indulge in and I'd rather move on and help our leader uplift our whole nation.

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    Who cares? What the hell is a tax return going to do except to brag about how much you earned?

  • pgwveteran - 7 years ago

    WHO CARES about his damn tax returns!!! Only idiots like Schumer want to spread FAKE angst..the little tantrum throwers need to GET OVER IT!!!

  • Dolly - 7 years ago

    When the DNC releases their servers to the FBI, when "33,000" of Hillarys "personal" emails appear, when all of the Clinton Foundation donor lists are made public...and "bleachbit" is Mae illegal.

  • Pamela - 7 years ago

    I don't think it's anyone's business!!!

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    Why is it anyone's business what is in Trumps tax returns? Nothing in his taxes is going to show that he colluded with Russia. And if his returns were illegal...the governments IRS Nazi's would have gassed him already.

  • Sherri in FL - 7 years ago

    I would be more interested in a poll that shows past presidental candidates who have given tax returns and compare how they created jobs and brought back jobs to america, slowed down illegal immigration, gave the power back to the military to do their jobs, deputized the police to stop illegal immigation in AZ, and showed so much strength in the first 100 days, and even prior to swearing in more than ANY other president who has handed over his tax returns!

  • Dawn Martin - 7 years ago

    I could care less and I believe we have already proved that when we voted him in!!!

  • Jon Hylton - 7 years ago

    Why does anybody need to see any presidents taxes, it their personal information I'm sure nobody else would be willing to share their return information!!!

  • Andrea Headrick - 7 years ago

    We already seen one of his 10-40s and then only reason the left is trying to see them is because they are trying to get some dirt on Trump; no matter what they do Trump is president an he will remain president for the next 8 years!!! Praise God we have Donald J. Trump in the White House!!

  • Kimberly Weiler - 7 years ago

    Mr. Trump said he wouldn't release his taxes while under audit because it could create more negative scrutiny. Which makes sense especially with this nasty political climate. When the audit is completed and he knows they are 100% correct then he would release them. I think it is a smart decision given all the BS he is put through every single day. Why release them now, just so some crazy demonut can find a mistake and have a field day. I think not.

  • James Kidwell - 7 years ago

    I don't care if he shows his taxes or not. It's just another thing that the butt hurt Liberals and Democrats is doing because they lost. And if he did show his taxes the snowflakes will bring up something else to bitch about. Get over it. Trump won and is President.

  • Ron Wojewski - 7 years ago

    Who cares !!!! I wanna see this country strong again. I don't give a crap what he made, makes or will make. Give my American people jobs, housing And equality!! Take care of the people in this country first

  • Bryan Bohn - 7 years ago

    Did anyone notice that the No and Yes numbers are reversed from the page that has the link to get to this page - Either someone is up to no good or someone is sloppy at their HTML.

    I want to see his tax returns and those of his businesses and his philanthropic organizations.

  • Jerrie - 7 years ago

    For all you demofucks wanting to see his returns, I suggest you contact Rachael Madcow at MSNBC!

  • Brenda johnson - 7 years ago

    You needed an I don't care response.

  • Rose Marie - 7 years ago

    There is no reason for us to see his previous tax returns. He was a private citizen and his return is HIS business. After he accepts taxpayer dollars than he should be expected to show his return. He was not a politician accepting our tax dollars which would have made his return our business. Enough already.

  • Frances McBride - 7 years ago

    Most of us would not be able to understand the tax return anyway. I don't really care.

  • Elizabeth O'Connell - 7 years ago

    Well, for those of you who said no you would not have cared if Clinton or Obama didn't release their tax returns, right? BTW, I wouldn't hold my breath, because you are all hypocritical and would be yelling for them. Grow up.

  • Liza Beloit - 7 years ago

    I want to see the Obama's financial reports - with all the spending - all the terrorist activity and support and their tax records - including the reports and witness of all the drugs he did before he was in office

  • Carol Rotolo - 7 years ago

    We the people do not care what his taxes say . It's just libs with their bullshit. Releasing his taxes does nothing for or against this country. So who cares ?

  • Richard Hahn - 7 years ago

    What DJT paid in income taxes is of no concern to me.

  • jwo - 7 years ago

    Doesn't matter where you are A Republican or Democrat.He should do what ever other President has done before him.

  • Opster - 7 years ago

    Are any of those who want to see his taxes so badly willing to post theirs so everyone can see ? Income taxes should be kept private, no matter who you are.

  • Aj - 7 years ago

    I just want him to show them so the left will shut up and make better use of their time.

  • Karolyn Fuller - 7 years ago

    You have to be really ignorant and brainwashed to say no.

  • Marsha west - 7 years ago

    Who gives a crap what's in his tax returns. He was hired for the job. Do you want to show your tax returns every time you get hired for a job. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. No I don't give a crap about his returns and yes I'm a registered republican

  • dan - 7 years ago

    no. i dont want to see his tax returns, and you can bet that if there was anything wrong in his returns, it would be leaked out by now..

  • Denise Williams - 7 years ago

    Thsa website and this poll is fake and not a trusted source created by the fake media to sway America into believing that people do not want to see his tax returns. Every sane person in the right minds would want to see them. Republicans want to see these returns

  • Concerned Citizen - 7 years ago

    Let's put this in a different context - do you want to know if Trump has ties to Russia and/or other foreign entities - which might make him subject to their influence? That is why we NEED to see those taxes. If he ISN'T hiding something, turning over his tax returns - as has become the presidential norm - should be NO BIG DEAL!

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    President Trump's taxes are really none of my business and, like others have said above, I wouldn't understand them if I saw them. I'm so very tired of the Dems/Libs wreaking havoc over anything they can find to cause dissent. Excuse my language, but GTF over it people!

  • Marie - 7 years ago

    Every other president provided their tax returns. Why shouldn't he provide his? He must have something to hide?

  • Kathie Laguna - 7 years ago

    I don't even want to look at MY taxes, all those pages and pages of questions and numbers, that's why I have a great accountant! I can't even imagine Trump's taxes, he's a multimillionaire maybe billionaire, the average Joe wouldn't be able to understand them. But this isn't really about HIS TAXES, it's a witch hunt to see if the left can find "something" in his taxes to discredit him! Give it up folks, mind your own tax business.

  • Susan - 7 years ago

    Bill Goody I think you are stupid! Everyone has a right to their own opinion without being condemned by someone way out in left field. End of story!

  • Bill Goody - 7 years ago

    All you people are stupid for saying no

  • Debbie Williams - 7 years ago

    We have more important things to worry about in this country besides President Trump's tax returns. And besides, when they make Sharpton, and other democrats show their returns and to pay up on their taxes then worry about someone else's tax returns.

  • Michelle - 7 years ago

    I'll take a look at them when everyone's taxes are PUBLIC record . Until then I could care less....
    from watching the videos of the marchers I seriously doubt any of them would understand his tax forms anyway ... they don't look smart enough

  • Sally Thompson - 7 years ago

    I could care less.

  • Tonja - 7 years ago

    I really don't care but I voted yes only because it will shut the libs up. I really don't think he's hiding anything but for that very reason he needs to just show his tax returns. It would be one less thing for them too cause Havoc over.

  • Mary Rowan - 7 years ago

    I don't care. If he discloses his taxes and they don't see anything, they're going to find something else to protest about.

  • Sheree Mowery - 7 years ago

    The American people voted,he's our President,get over it or your going to be unhappy for the next 8 years!

  • Pat Bruns - 7 years ago

    Don't people have something better to do than protest something sooo stupid. As long as he does the presidents job I'm good. Maybe they could now the lawn, trim the bushes, wash the car instead.

  • Frances mills - 7 years ago

    This is just more of the same old stuff....and, it is all the libs have left after the Russian allegations came to naught!! Keep up the good work DML!

  • Tim Masters - 7 years ago

    He has them professionally prepared. How about those who demand his returns actually reveal their actual incomes, graft included then we could judge!!

  • Malori - 7 years ago

    We have bigger fish (aka Kim, Assad, ISiS) to fry...

  • Sharon Caldwell - 7 years ago

    President Trump has always paid his taxes and I'm sure if the IRS could get more from him, they would....why not get Jesse Jackson + Al Sharpton to pay what they've owed for years!
    I could care less about President Trump's tax returns because he pays his taxes!

  • Anna Nagy - 7 years ago

    Obviously, most people don't care about his taxes. He got elected without showing them, didn't he?!!

  • sarah - 7 years ago

    I want to see Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts first.

  • Rose - 7 years ago

    So much in the world going on and all they can do is have riots and ask for his taxes..SMFH

  • Debra George - 7 years ago

    I could care less about his taxes. He's a smart man and I can't see him not using the LAWS to benefit his investments. He is working for the American people for FREE.....get over this shit already!!!!!!!

  • Patricia Wirth - 7 years ago

    It's truly laughable that people are STILL on the warpath about this. He isn't REQUIRED to show them, there's no law that says he HAS to. I'd say if Trump releases his then every member of Congress, the House and all those who were running for President MUST release theirs. It's past time for people to stop their BS.

  • Allyson Pityo - 7 years ago

    It'a a witch-hunt. Of course all his businesses are going to be on his returns, he didn't have to divest until elected. Some people just don't understand common sense! I personally don't care about his taxes. As long as he is creating jobs, deporting illegals, backing our military, and increasing border security, and taking care of our Vets without screwing the taxpayers, I say, quit being little whiny-ass distractions and let the man do his job!
    I'm a proud Deplorable and the daughter of a WWII Navy Veteran (deceased). Go Trump! 2018-Let's scrape out the Swamp Scum!

  • April Jackson - 7 years ago

    I could care less! After all the corruption I have seen with Hillary and Obama and they've walked scott free!! So this is petty!! I would rather our President focus on the real issues that we elected him to do!! He is doing a great job so far!! Would be better if the Dems would grow up and work for this country!

  • Kellie Peterson - 7 years ago

    No, I don't care to see his tax returns at all. The fact that he gave up his cushy life to try to straighten this country out is all I need to know. His bravery and selflessness amaze me and I will back him and support him all the way.

  • Nancy E, Zastawnik - 7 years ago

    Why give the vultures more info to twist and misrepresent? The less they have, the less we all have to hear about. Mr. Trump was a private citizen, his tax returns are no more the public's business than mine or yours.

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    I rather see Obama’s and Hillary's taxes for the last 4 years

  • RuthAnna - 7 years ago

    I could care less​. That's between him and the IRS and I think I trust him more than them. I want him to focus on doing the job I elected him to do. And I do not want him playing patty cake with Muslims, the Palistinians, Illegals or any enemies of this country.

  • John Breland - 7 years ago

    Why would I want to see his returns... If he filed and the IRS accepted them, then its okay by me.. If it's because of the democrats that this has become an issue, lets see some of their returns, which if you remember the fiasco with Donalds 2005 or 6 returns, he paid more taxes than the demo's demanding to see his taxes... It's just another ploy to get the attention away from what he is accomplishing during his early tenure .. Just like the Russian crap... If the demo's would spend more time helping the President to MAGA, and less playing these petty games, the country could benefit from the economic growth that would happen because of both parties working together. But we know that will not happen. Doesn't fit the demo AGENDA.

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    It is my understanding that President Trump submitted financial statements, and much more information is available through financials than a tax return. So, no...I do not need his returns released, nor do I think he needs to in order to pacify the democrats. Obama's birth certificate was more of an attention getter to aid as a foreign student but was American...something sounds illegal to me!!!

  • Taunja Travis - 7 years ago

    He should disclose his taxes so there is no more distractions in his presidency.

  • Mary Simpson - 7 years ago

    Waste of time

  • Roger Richter - 7 years ago

    What difference does it matter

  • Judy Copeman - 7 years ago

    Who gives a rip! Leave the guy alone and give him some privacy. Those jerks couldn't find their own buttocks with both hands!!!

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