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Do you believe in the death penalty?


  • johnb - 7 years ago

    So do murderers!

  • Angela - 7 years ago

    I live by the words of the Bible. It is so difficult will you see unspeakable harm, evil, and vileness..especially toward children. But..we must, as Christians respect the word and will of God.
    “Thou shalt not kill.”

  • gramma - 7 years ago

    In the instance of the murder of a child or an elderly person where the court has decided or concluded either by jury or evidence that a person or persons committed or were complicit in action leading to the death of a person. Absolutely NO reason to keep these individuals alive, in a prison system for ANY length of time! NO EXCUSES! You murder or cause the DEATH of someone? EXECUTION within a year of decision, and I only say a year because there has to be time to obtain the right "ammunition" for cause of death for these individuals. ALSO in the case of MUDER of a child I believe it should be a CAPITAL Offense, making it FEDERAL law and Federal funds and determination of time, and execution. No more iffy laws depending upon the state. CHILDREN are our countries greatest resource and we have a responsibility to ensure their safety.

  • Karen Prewitt - 7 years ago

    Yes, it shouldn't take 24 yrs.

  • Richard Carlson - 7 years ago

    The death penalty gives far too much noterity to the criminal ! I believe that once all appeals are exhausted they should be completely shut off from the outside world, never to be seen or heard from again! It would bea living hell!

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    On this poll I said yes, if you take a life (murder) your life should be taken too. BUT, it should happen no later than 5 years after the murder. And it piss me off when people are worried about the pain this murder might feel when he is put to death. REALLY, what about the pain the person or persons he killed, the murder should feel pain.

  • Tracey Pate - 7 years ago

    Technically I believe in the death penalty but I learned in criminology that the cost of the appeals is so outrageous that it changed my mind. Plus if you put them to death they are not being punished. I want them to suffer like their victims.

  • Carol - 7 years ago

    People who commit heinous crimes against children, are involved in torture to anyone or can never be returned into society should not be allowed all the amenities they get in prison on our tax dollars. If they are such a menace to society, unable to be rehabilitated there needs to be a plan in place nation wide, to deal with it. Our jails and prisons are overloaded with lifetime criminals. Don't misunderstand me, I know prison is a terrible terrible place. I know that a small percentage are proven not guilty years later but once all avenues have been considered.....

  • Roseann - 7 years ago

    Only if they're 100% positive guilty. Need to stop allowing appeals. Get it done within a yr of sentence and they should be able to choose what method to use to die.

  • Orin - 7 years ago

    As long as the proof is not circumstantial but beyond any doubt. Prisons can be breeding grounds for criminal activity for really bad people. They infect others who then get out and do additional damage. Gangs can effectively operate from prison and actually strengthen by the prison experience.

  • Carlos Martins - 7 years ago

    I believe the penalty should be up to the victims/ relatives.

  • David - 7 years ago

    eye for an eye

  • Terry S. - 7 years ago

    I believe criminals should be allowed to choose their own method of execution.

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