If a provincial election was called today, what outcome would you predict?


  • Carleton Donalds - 8 years ago

    Good bye Alfie MacLeod, Eddie Orrell, and Alan MacMaster. Hello even stronger Liberal majority

  • margie summerell - 8 years ago

    They should run every Liberal from Cape Breton to Ottawa out period!!!

  • Brent - 8 years ago

    My prediction is one thing, what I want to see is different. It's not a party issue, but politicians in general. My pie in the sky, utopian desire is a change in their attitudes from what's in it for me and getting votes at all costs/promises to how do we as a legislative body improve the province without more massive debts to burden the future generations with. Work together on creating a solid economy that will keep our young from leaving for other provinces and improve the infrastructure needed to support and sustain the people living here.

  • Brent - 8 years ago

    My prediction is one thing, what I want to see is different. It's not a party issue, but politicians in general. My pie in the sky, utopian desire is a change in their attitudes from what's in it for me and getting votes at all costs/promises to how do we as a legislative body improve the province without more massive debts to burden the future generations with. Work together on creating a solid economy that will keep our young from leaving for other provinces and improve the infrastructure needed to support and sustain the people living here.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    With an election looming the teachers union has already started with their rhetoric. Crying hard done by. That's all the working class has to do especially, those working without any pension benefits just take a close look at the teachers pension bail outs by our provincial governments over the years, well over a BILLION dollars to prop up their pension fund (ref NEW START NOVA SCOTIA June 7th 2010. www.newstartns.ca) Did anyone ever see any thank you published in their newspapers ? Not likely eh, they'll tell you it's all about the students ! RIGHT, not likely if the government would've given them the pay raise they wanted we wouldn't have heard a whisper. Most teachers do care about their students and will do the extras for them. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease eh.

  • Albert Bona - 8 years ago

    One riding that will definitely be lost by the Liberals is Pam Eykings riding of Victoria The Lakes. She has proven that politics is not her cup of tea.

  • Jeff MacDonald - 8 years ago

    Liberals might win the election, but I don't think it's going to be as easy as they think it is.

  • John MacDonald - 8 years ago

    The Liberals wrote a check for 170 Million dollars for the construction of the new convention center in Halifax. They also announced 1100 new jobs for the City of Halifax with government subsidies. With NO investment in jobs outside of Halifax ; this will guarantee a Liberal Majority!

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