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SHY PONY SHY OFF - Which Quiet Pony is the best?!

Total Votes: 6,436

  • ShTHfan1 - 7 years ago

    This is really between Fluttershy and Marble Pie. Coco and Vapor aren't shy. Coco's just adorable and Vapor's just quiet. Neither fit the definition of shy.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago

    @Zune The only ugly I see is your attitude.

  • muffinz - 7 years ago

    I think this is because fluttershy just has more character development...

  • Greenboy135 - 7 years ago

    Fluttershy OG

  • Zune - 7 years ago

    pick one

    Marble is fucking fugly and has no personality

  • sam - 7 years ago

    Fluttershy has been boring and predictable. everything about her character is forced and cliched.

    Marble has the hotness and the cuteness! she should win.

  • don - 7 years ago

    This is like "Who's your favorite dragon in Ponyville".

    "But I'm the only dragon".

    "Just continue holding my basket precious scales".

    "Just don't ask me what's her basket is..."

  • Moriens - 7 years ago

    Fluttershy is the obvious pick. I really like Marble Pie as a second, then probably Coco after that. I seem to agree with the current poll results.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Oh yea also missing Tender Taps. Not very interesting but still a shy pony

  • triq267 - 7 years ago

    4/10 No Mrs. Shy

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Yea Coco Pommel and Vapor Trail are not even shy.
    Seriously just because they're not outspoken about everything doesn't mean they're automatically shy. Vapor kept something from her friend and Coco was afraid to stand up to her boss but interacted with everypony else perfectly fine. Nothing shy about them.
    If anything Big Mac should be on here, but just because they called him sy. I also would not classify him as shy simply not outspoken.
    So really could only vote between Marble and Fluttershy and Fluttersy obviously takes the cake.

  • Stone Prophet - 7 years ago

    Shy pony Shyoff? Does that mean the loser is the winner!? Maybe after the next episode we'll know more about Marble.

  • Ker - 7 years ago

    None. They're all boring.

  • hifibrony - 7 years ago

    Yes, Fluttershy. By the thinnest of margins over Coco. Fluttershy has been adorable longer than Coco, and that's the tie-breaker for me.

  • Vathý Skotádi - 7 years ago

    Isn't this kinda unfair? I mean, yeah, Fluttershy fits the description but she was kind of obviously going to win u know?

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