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1 Comment

  • CHERYL ORTEGA - 15 years ago

    As anyone with a brain knows the white people are still mad because OJ was found innocent for the murder of Nichole. They didnt bother ckecking of all the men she was screwing around with. When a family loses someone in death the last thing you think of is money. At least MY White family does. So to me that says something about her family and the guys. All they were interested in was OJ money and wasnt even interested in they kids. As far as this new case. Why dont we look at the polititions that go for the child photographics, those that like sex in the office, older white women that likes to hang in the hoods. And let me tell you when an older white woman with any kind of money they are not just drinking a 40, they are trying some of that dark chocolate. but then they are white.
    I just hope the people of this country will judge the president on what he is doing for this country and not stab him in the back. look at all off out young men that bush sent to Iraq to their death instead of going after Bin Ladin. He had to try to accomplish what his dad couldn't and you noticed I said tried.
    My view was if it was so important for our young men to be over there then way wasnt he over ther walking along with our soldiers and showing them how important irt was to be over there. But we know that he didnt have the guts to be over there. And as you noticed none of his family was over there ready to put their life on the line to die. So where was all these people worry about these things, but no lets waste our time on trying to take down the man that was innocent in a murder he did not do. Nichole wa known to be into drugs, liked her men and sometimes more than one. So people need to get a life and let OJ alone.

    And there are those pwoplw that wont ever be or do what OJ did in their lives and that is called being jealous so take the man down you can never be.

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