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Who Has The Best Unforgettable Moment?

Total Votes: 1,616

  • Angela - 7 years ago

    Felicia is one of the sweetest, considerate persons I know. She puts others before herself & would give you the shirt off her back if she thought it would help you. She was instrumental in getting my son into college and encouraged him to not give up. She is a true soldier on the battlefield for the Lord'. If anyone deserves a prize like this, she does.

  • Alexander Simmons - 7 years ago

    It's kind of funny how that saying goes "you'll look back at this and laugh one day" lol. Mommy, I just want to say THANK YOU for never letting your foot off my neck, and always having my back through the good and the bad. You are the true definition of a Mountain... You have always been SOLID. You always keep it real, and true. You ain't never switched up on me. Momma I love you with all my heart. I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for you. Momma I can't thank you enough... getting teary eyed... I love you mom dukes

  • Sharon - 7 years ago

    Felicia, thank you for raising such beautiful children. Your hard work & dedication to not only your biological children but many others in the community is a true testimony of God's work through you!

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