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Did Gloria Switch DNA Paternity Tests?


  • Victoria Brown - 7 years ago

    I wouldn't say Gloria is ever innocent, but I do think Kevin is the father

  • mary sjoerdsma - 7 years ago

    I want Kevin to be the dad, for he has never been so there can be mistake he makes to make it interesting

  • Paula Blakeley - 7 years ago

    Geeze the horse is dead stop beating it. You have used the DNA test swap way too many time to be interesting . Every time someone gets pregnant or has a child the story line become so predictable and then stretched out for an inordinate amount of time. Writers stop being so lazy and come up with something new.

  • Lsmith - 7 years ago

    Gloria wasn't even at the police station when they didn't the test

  • M - 7 years ago

    Please dont do that sick of that kind of story line

  • M - 7 years ago

    Please dont do that sick of that kind of story line

  • Lonely blond64 - 7 years ago

    Every one knows its billys.youll see.

  • Gail Shaw - 7 years ago

    I hope she didn't ! ????

  • Cathy - 7 years ago

    I am sick and tired of DNA being manipulated on this show. Drop that story line and let it be!

  • daniellen27 - 7 years ago

    God forbid! Perish the thought! Leave it be! Let Kevin have some happiness for a change!

  • Minnie Webster - 7 years ago

    Reply: Leslie, although they were taken at the precinct, they had to go out to the lab and Gloria could have easily switched it.

  • Minnie Webster - 7 years ago

    So how long will this secret stay hidden? I hate Gloria came back. But here's a poll... Do you think Kane slept with his new coworker? I don't believe he did, because she first told him nothing happened. Then, when she got word that Victoria wasn't going to hire her, she said they did. So I think she's being manipulative and bamboozling Kane to keep her job, by leading him to think that they had sex. She used him to fight for her to get that job. However, my gut tells me she's falling for him also. As for Ms. Lily, she'd better stay in her lane and stop trying to be a match maker because her marriage is on the line yet again.

  • Leslie - 7 years ago

    These results should be correct since they were done at the police station. Time to just drop this. Let it be.

  • Lori - 7 years ago

    Let it rest already.
    Let Bella have a daddy, her CrAzY mommy is gone. She doesn't need to go through any more trama.
    Let Gloria be a good person for a change.....

  • Theresa Speck - 7 years ago

    Just leave Kevin alone and let him be Bella's biological father. I'm tired he has to fight for every thing Just let this alone

  • Marynelle Vickers - 7 years ago

    I hope she did. Really no interesting s/l for Kevin being a single dad. More drama with Billy

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