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Should elephants perform in the circus?


  • Fggarcia - 7 years ago

    The animals that are professional in the families of professionals are exactly like the animals that serve the community not only here but abroad when the military, working animals that love their job they love their family hey love doing what they do...

    Everybody that has worked with such animals like flushing dog a cutting horse ipac animal llama mule canines sniff out bombs,...
    The Exotics and other performing animals working, I offer it's been this way for many many many generations Generations...

  • Angie Brown - 7 years ago

    #shrinecircus Shame on you! Free your elephants so they can live the rest of their lives as an elephant, not as entertainment. You pamper them now. You know as babies they were abused to get to the point where you could control them.

  • Batya Bauman - 7 years ago

    Forcing animals to perform for the amusement of stupid, uninformed people is obscene and cruel. Elephants are sensitive, intelligent beings and it is degrading to them to make them do what is unnatural and no less degrading for the humans who do the enforcing (called "training). It is time that homo sapiens evolves beyond this degradation.

  • Evelyn Kimber - 7 years ago

    Elephants used in circuses:
    - endure lives of confinement
    - are subject to constant transport in boxcars around the country
    - are subject to training by harsh methods
    - are made to perform foolish tricks that are against their nature and hard on their bodies
    - have their spirits broken to render them submissive to human domination
    - are deprived of the expression of their natural instincts and behaviors.

    This is a lot of misery to cause another living being, just for one's passing amusement.

    When you think about it, how is it enjoyable to see elephants, robbed of their natural majesty, reduced to spiritless automatons, making their way through another performance.

    Arrange release for these elephants to accredited sanctuaries to restore their spirits and live out their lives in as natural a setting as possible.

  • betty murphy - 7 years ago

    a "ranch" is not a SANCTUARY for elephants......they need to be with their OWN KIND with many miles to roam for new fresh browse.......fresh water to play in....and warm places to rest........

  • Jo Oppenheimer - 7 years ago

    No elephant should be forced to perform for humans. They do not exist for our entertainment. Elephants that have been forced to perform need to be freed and sent to elephant sanctuaries.

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