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Would you support the creation of "safe injection sites," or sanctioned spaces for intravenous drug users?


  • Bill - 7 years ago

    If the gov. wants to help people lets start with our veterans, the people who our gov. sent out to be shot at, killed, wounded. Those soldiers who come back with problems caused by what they did, what they saw.
    If the gov. wants to help folks who really need help. make treatment for cancer affordable instead of giving junkies free drugs, needles free care.

  • Chris - 7 years ago

    This is fine as long as it's not being funded with my tax money. Let money from this be raised by donations or whatever and let it not be "illegal" but I rather my taxes be lower than put a single dollar to this. Put the tax money back into education or fix the potholes on riverdale rd!

  • Billy b. - 7 years ago

    yes, yes, yes. this would give them a space to make sure they don't kill them self / overdose & use clean needles to stop the spread of virus. also would give them comfort in getting help they needed if they were looking for it. i don't think this would promote it, this method has been seen to work in other countries

  • Terry Reynolds - 7 years ago

    No, absolutely not. You would be condoning their addiction and substance abuse. This is not helping them. Instead, it's making things worse. We are trying to rehabilitate drug/opiate users. not push them farther down the path of self-destruction. THINK! Use your brain...all we do is promote negative things. We are not here to help anyone, we are here to complete the job of killing themselves..

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