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Are You Watching the Episodes Early? Or Waiting for USA Release

Total Votes: 7,744

  • richfiles - 7 years ago

    I should also add... Canada isn't early. They are airing episodes that they have listened rights to air on the dates they are airing.

    The US is just late, thanks to keeping the traditional schedule. :P

  • richfiles - 7 years ago

    Where's out option of "whenever we get around to them", for those of us who are totally fine watching early, but maybe are too busy to catch all these early releases live?

  • dogman15 - 7 years ago

    I'm glad to see the majority of people have come to their senses and are not depriving themselves of the episodes as soon as they become available. And for those of you complaining of quality, the Canadian broadcast on Treehouse TV is just as high-quality and HD as Discovery Family. What changes is who is able to upload to YouTube or Dailymotion without dropping that quality. And I've seen some very high-quality HD uploads of the Canadian episodes, so if you can't find those, you're not searching correctly or hard enough.

  • Memebyerin - 7 years ago

    I was originally gonna watch them all on the early canadian times, but they all appear to be REALLY bad quality uploads. It'll be a lot better if i just wait that little bit longer for better quality.

  • rainbowderpy - 7 years ago

    waiting for iTunes HQ releases. Re-encoded recordings of Canadian TV showing should not be considered high quality ponies. Also, I wanna enjoy pony as much as possible. Thus a maximum of one new episode per week. Works quite good, but I had to silence / unfollow a few people on twitter because of them posting screenshots of canadian "spoiler" ponies.

  • NowhereMan - 7 years ago

    O Canada!
    Our home and native land!
    True patriot love in all thy sons command.

    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
    The True North strong and free!

    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  • Gwendevoir - 7 years ago

    Watching the early release is easier than trying to avoid spoilers on my own

  • Thelonebrony - 7 years ago

    It's hard enough to see it in Australia so when it comes out US or Canada, we have to snatch it as fast as we can

  • HalflingPony - 7 years ago

    Neither. I don't have cable, so I wait until it's available on iTunes. "Rock Solid Friendship" just came out yesterday.

  • Rex - 7 years ago

    I'm with the folks who will probably avoid the website if they decide to follow the Canadian broadcast dates. I already dodge topics about upcoming episodes, and having to juke around more articles (even if properly marked for spoilers) will make visiting the website a rather turbulent affair.

  • skye - 7 years ago

    Some people like myself (deaf and/or hard of hearing) have to wait until USA release because streaming services don't have subtitles. If I could understand what was being said without closed captioning I would watch them early but I don't really have a choice. Plus by keeping with the USA schedule there won't be a huge break when the season is over to wait for more content. I would appreciate a spoiler tag immensely.

  • Pure - 7 years ago

    I think the cons of posting in line with the Canadian releases outweigh the pros. People keeping up with Canada have to wait a little bit for stuff, but a lot of people keeping up with the US would probably just avoid EQD altogether. It's too much too soon, and dodging spoilery stuff is stressful.

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    Both. Since I'm not working this Saturday I plan on watching a livestream. There is the added fun of being able to read the blow by blow commentary and conversation during the stream and not being bothered by my connection lagging. 8^)

    Seth, keep posting the previews, it's interesting to see what clips Discovery Family chooses to tease interest in an upcoming episode. Like when they took Twilight's daydream out of context so we thought Starlight and Sunburst were going to get sucked into the past.

  • Havoka - 7 years ago

    I agree with Matt's comment - I'm waiting for USA releases because I don't like to binge things, then it gives me less to look forward to and a bigger offseason. I will only be watching them as they air on the hub and thus largely avoiding this site for everything but basic news posts I guess :/

  • Matt - 7 years ago

    Double pony sounds nice in theory, until suddenly the season is over twice as early and you're stuck with a really long hiatus with nothing to look forward too. I prefer one episode a week, that way I have the whole week to digest the new episode and twice as long of a season to look forward to.

  • don - 7 years ago

    I like it. It's like a double dose of pony. But a EQD spoiler tag for those who want to avoid spoilage - I don't think these guys do to well in the freezer.

  • Tugst - 7 years ago

    I will leave this site if the spoilers become a problem

  • Joshua Moudy - 7 years ago

    If it's a bad episode, then early airings in Canada will be like ripping off a band-aid.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    I'm waiting for U.S. release so please keep everything as season 7 spoiler tagged when about episodes that air early.

  • lisa - 7 years ago

    Neither. I don't watch the show anymore, it's just too unfair. I'm only interested in the movie at the moment.

  • Safira - 7 years ago

    I would be watching them through the USA schedule but the risk of spoilers is too much, especially considering the faulty tagging on this site and the lack of care put into drawfriends when it comes to spoilers (they never spoiler tagged anything for the movie which ruined a lot of surprises for many people)

  • sam - 7 years ago


    ain't nobody got time for that!!!

    I want my Rainbow Dash as soon as possible. Rainbow Dash is the most amazing and beautiful part of this series and I want to get my Rainbow Dash right when she is released! :)

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