Which Model 3 release candidate color do you prefer?


  • hinu - 8 years ago

    It seems these polls are dependant on what the article is about. The "favorite colour" always changes, to what the article is featuring.

  • Rob Barros - 8 years ago

    Feeling like a broken record... Tesla (and most car companies these days) needs to hire a colorist!

    (In the northern half of this country) White is camouflage for half the year.

    Black looks dirty most of the time.

    Blue makes me think of Ford. Focus or Taurus, take your pick!

    Red on the alpha-prototype was far more interesting than on the release candidate. If it was the same red, then there was a hell-of-a-lot of PhotoShop done on the promo pictures.

    Silver is the only vaguely interesting color seen of Model 3 thus far. Just hope it's metallic.

    Unless Tesla does something interesting with color between now and configuration: Who wants my pre-reveal reservation? (Don't troll me, I realize they cannot be transferred).

    Seriously, most of Tesla's colors photograph as black. Even green... looks black. Boring!!!!!

    Metallic Titanium and Sig Red are the only other interesting colors Tesla has released on S or X.

    Not trying to be a downer, but car colors these days and just... bleh.

  • Kyle McLeod - 8 years ago

    Im still holding out hope for midnight silver metallic. If its available.. THAT will be my final choice. Right now.. i think Blue still wins

  • Jim.Wilson - 8 years ago

    I'm struggling between SILVER, RED, and WHITE. Presently the bright SILVER wins.

  • Sylvain April - 8 years ago

    Why OH Why there is no green color, why is there no dark forest green in Tesla line up. They are green car are they?
    The life is not black ,white and grey, Red ,Blue are fine why not dark green.
    Ask if peoples would like it in your pool.

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