This has got to be one of the easiest questions ever asked and the answer is simple: Ginobli hands down......he's won an Olympic Gold medal and 4 NBA titles. He's a sure Hall of Fame candidate and he made his team BETTER. He was the ultimate teammate and competitor and could play defense as well as he played offense. Melo is a ball hog......and he is not a team player. Melo's legacy is nothing compared to the one Manu will leave behind.
Nomaan Ali - 8 years ago
Melo easily. Superstar or Role player? I'd rather be a Superstar. Melo can always join a Super Team like Lebron, KD, and Lebron did and win a few rings. Manu was alright, but just benefited from a great team.
Nick - 8 years ago
Is this a real question? Hahah Carmelo Anthony or Manu? Outside of Syracuse Carmelos only highlight in the NBA IS sucker punching that dude in the nuggets-knicks game.... yeah Carmelo can score points great, but how many points did the other team put up on Carmelos team.... Carmelo is a trash team player, start an iso league with iso Joe and maybe he will make the hall of fame there.
Sorry dannetes but that was a terrible poll question, why not many ginobli or Robert Horry, would of been better
Suzanne Hale - 8 years ago
It's obviously a values question. And, having read P. Pabst's responses about it not being a dumb question and being happy about not being French, I see the uphill battle DP has in keeping the show of good quality. Gosh, Paul...such shallow answers...are both your brain and your heart made of stone? Then, there's your pride in trying to mix things up. fyi, a little of this in any of the areas goes a loooong way, Mr. Producer.
Jason Peak - 8 years ago
Manu did it the right way. He was dedicated to one team, accomplished winning 4 championship rings and 1 gold medal. He was more about what he can do to help better his team and teammates. While he never needed his name in the limelight, everyone knows who he is and respects his game.
Marcelo Rabach - 8 years ago
It's a Team sport, so by far I prefer the kind of career Manu has had, making his part to build great teams along his entire career. 4 NBA titles, Olympic Gold Medal, just to mention his main accomplishments. On the other side, Melo is a great player, but didn't had the positive impact in his teammates that Manu had
This has got to be one of the easiest questions ever asked and the answer is simple: Ginobli hands down......he's won an Olympic Gold medal and 4 NBA titles. He's a sure Hall of Fame candidate and he made his team BETTER. He was the ultimate teammate and competitor and could play defense as well as he played offense. Melo is a ball hog......and he is not a team player. Melo's legacy is nothing compared to the one Manu will leave behind.
Melo easily. Superstar or Role player? I'd rather be a Superstar. Melo can always join a Super Team like Lebron, KD, and Lebron did and win a few rings. Manu was alright, but just benefited from a great team.
Is this a real question? Hahah Carmelo Anthony or Manu? Outside of Syracuse Carmelos only highlight in the NBA IS sucker punching that dude in the nuggets-knicks game.... yeah Carmelo can score points great, but how many points did the other team put up on Carmelos team.... Carmelo is a trash team player, start an iso league with iso Joe and maybe he will make the hall of fame there.
Sorry dannetes but that was a terrible poll question, why not many ginobli or Robert Horry, would of been better
It's obviously a values question. And, having read P. Pabst's responses about it not being a dumb question and being happy about not being French, I see the uphill battle DP has in keeping the show of good quality. Gosh, Paul...such shallow answers...are both your brain and your heart made of stone? Then, there's your pride in trying to mix things up. fyi, a little of this in any of the areas goes a loooong way, Mr. Producer.
Manu did it the right way. He was dedicated to one team, accomplished winning 4 championship rings and 1 gold medal. He was more about what he can do to help better his team and teammates. While he never needed his name in the limelight, everyone knows who he is and respects his game.
It's a Team sport, so by far I prefer the kind of career Manu has had, making his part to build great teams along his entire career. 4 NBA titles, Olympic Gold Medal, just to mention his main accomplishments. On the other side, Melo is a great player, but didn't had the positive impact in his teammates that Manu had