Arby's is edible just like Play Doh: It's edible so the company doesn't get sued.
Stephen Miller - 8 years ago
There were no Arby's in my neighborhood. One did open for a few weeks.. Of course, my neighborhood has been gentrified. They did open a shake shack and a five guys. Overpriced and unimpressive. Dammit, just when I got McDonald's money.
Monica - 8 years ago
My whole life there was only 1 Arby's I knew of near the bus station in Times Square. Can't remember eating there but it looked shady. Recently they opened up like a block away, a really nice new space and I went with a friend and had a really great turkey sandwich! Great service and everything.
Maybe I opened a dimensional portal. *shrug * I'll go back to see if it's good again. Need to try potato cakes. I guess.
Jeremey (Blike_Dante) - 8 years ago
Arby's is like the Tyrese of fast food
ROCC STAR - 8 years ago
What's wrong with you? What's wrong with ya'll? You niggas are crazy for eating Arbys. You know your stomach is going to be in a world of pain, when you order 5 Arbys roast beef sandwiches for $5. Anyone who can stomach their food, is truly special and has a stomach made of cast iron.
Arby's is edible just like Play Doh: It's edible so the company doesn't get sued.
There were no Arby's in my neighborhood. One did open for a few weeks.. Of course, my neighborhood has been gentrified. They did open a shake shack and a five guys. Overpriced and unimpressive. Dammit, just when I got McDonald's money.
My whole life there was only 1 Arby's I knew of near the bus station in Times Square. Can't remember eating there but it looked shady. Recently they opened up like a block away, a really nice new space and I went with a friend and had a really great turkey sandwich! Great service and everything.
Maybe I opened a dimensional portal. *shrug * I'll go back to see if it's good again. Need to try potato cakes. I guess.
Arby's is like the Tyrese of fast food
What's wrong with you? What's wrong with ya'll? You niggas are crazy for eating Arbys. You know your stomach is going to be in a world of pain, when you order 5 Arbys roast beef sandwiches for $5. Anyone who can stomach their food, is truly special and has a stomach made of cast iron.