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Should we define autism as a condition or a disorder?

1 Comment

  • Suzy Eckford - 7 years ago

    Autism is not a condition or a disorder. Autistic people just think differently to non autistic people. With more understanding and acceptance autistic people would fit beautifully into workplaces, schools and everyday general life. People used to not understand gay people in the dark ages, but raising awareness and understanding helped enormously, the same with different ethnic groups being far more intergrated due to raised awareness and understanding of each others differences. Autistic people are brilliant, they have some of the finest minds on the planet, calling autism a condition or disorder alienates autistic people and makes non autistic people look upon autism as a bad thing, when it is absolutely not.
    Autistic people are just different, we are all different, they are just another group of people who need their profile raising, same as other groups have.
    I seriously think condition or disorder is damaging the lives of autistic people, I speak from experience having 4 autistic people in my immediate family, those words just conjure up a negative image.

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