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Do you agree with Trump's decision to withdraw from climate agreement?

Total Votes: 7,175

  • asdf - 7 years ago

    the NO option is not working on the mobile site!

  • Liberal Scum - 7 years ago

    What really gets me is the narcissism behind the idea that the Paris agreement, and movement towards clean energy in general, is solely meant to sell out American laborers.
    As if the entire world, decades of research and scientific study, investment in innovation, and yes, the creation of millions of new jobs globally, was all for the point of making a few terrified conservatives in ruraltown U.S.A poor.

    The notion that an international league of climate scientists and investors, the U.N., and 190 independent countries are rubbing their hands together plotting the downfall of the American laborer is just absurd. Get over yourself already. That the President believes it, doesn't make it any less conceited or delusional.

    Trump supporters will pat each other on the back as their lifestyle continues to crumble around them and forward-thinking individuals stop caring. By the time they can regret handing off the world's fastest-growing industry to China, someone with common sense will have already fixed everything. And then they'll either try to take credit for it, or find something else to scapegoat their own ignorance. Because when you're capable of inventing any conspiracy theory to validate your worldview, why not?

  • Betty Vaudt - 7 years ago

    Syria and Nicaragua are the only two nations not to join the Paris Agreement. Now US. We are devolving.

  • NoMoreScams - 7 years ago

    Debra - 10 hours ago

    Stop thinking so high of your selves
    I have a degree in this field and you do not It
    You do not have the control you think

    Thank you for proving my point. Typical college graduate that has no command of the English language whereby three syllable words are beyond their intellect as are cohesive sentence structure.

    These are the type of hacks trying to tell every body else how to live their lives instead of minding their own business. Typical snowflake.

  • NoMoreScams - 7 years ago

    Global welfare bunnies in melt down as the $3 trillion till from U.S. taxpayers is slammed shut. It is not billions, but trillions of dollars.

    The green scam is over of failed solar companies, wind turbines killing the birds Fukushima has missed, massive dump sites for batteries, fake scientists with faked data as the elite cause more pollution than a cow farting in a field just so they can enrich themselves unjustly and enact oppressive rules right down to the design of a gas cap, which leaks. You sprayed our skies with poison causing damage to our health and homes. Building stack and pack cities of crime, congestion so people can live like rats in a maze is not progress, it is enslavement.

    No longer can you make evil look good and good evil using un-elected and unqualified hacks to shift wealth. The jig is up as your greed left decimation in its tracks either through total ignorance, lack of empathy, faulty science and education or war. Those you have stolen from are rising up in stealth mode, so ignore at your own peril.

  • i'm right - 7 years ago

    All you folks who think the Paris Agreement is going to hurt us economically are ignorant.

    The President cited a flawed study that didn't take into account ANY positive effects of the Paris Agreement.

    It only looked at the negative effects.

    The positive effects would be tens of billions of dollars of investment into American infrastructure and create millions of new jobs. A small price to pay for a small investment in reducing global emissions.

    Why can the President only cite one study that looks at only one side of the coin to support his position?

    By abandoning the agreement we are ceding global leadership in renewable technology and jobs to China, Europe and India and ultimately weakening America in the long term for short term profits that only benefit a few people.

  • Disgusted to be American - 7 years ago

    The U.S. is the largest polluter, obviously we would have the greatest responsibility, but for those of you that still don't get it... watch the market kiddos.

    The biggest irony is that as solar and other renewables get even more efficient (ie more cost effective) than fossil fuels, everyone who voted for Trump out of fear that their children would have to learn Spanish, will now have to watch them learn Chinese.

  • My President - 7 years ago

    Thank President Trump for saving American taxper's money.

  • Norman - 7 years ago

    Sounds like Nashville's mayor (Miss Snowflake) is going ahead with the accord requirements without us sending $3 Billion annually to "fund" this hoax. If she, along with the other 50 or so snowflake mayors are successful, then why in the hell do they need the $3 Billion. This is just another way to get money out of the pockets of Americans. Oh wait, that's the definition of socialism isn't it.

  • James - 7 years ago

    Where was the "Hell yeah" option?

    Thank you, President Trump!

  • Jeremiah - 7 years ago

    I'm curious to know how many have voted here and haven't actually read the agreement. Or how many of them know the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and which is plays what role in the agreement. It's not rocket science people. Just pay attention, own the issue, and think for yourselves.

  • Robert Denis - 7 years ago

    Irritated all the right watermelons, thank you President Trump

  • Yall dumb - 7 years ago

    Yes voters think recycling is a bad idea too.

  • Natalie Heflin - 7 years ago

    My family and I agree 100% that America should withdraw. If you read this agreement IT has the United States doing all the upfront heavy lifting while other nation can increase there coal production and do not have to do anything to curb emissions, mainly China until 2030, So what little change America would make the other countries would destroy with their higher emission. Then there is the 1 Billion Dollars that we have to pay to the Green fund that no one knows what the money is for. And America then will be subject to global rules .This agreement does more to curb Americas growth, destroys jobs and takes companies out of our country than it does for Climate change. We already are reducing emissions. Seems like Obama was pushing America toward a Global One World Government and this had nothing to do with Climate they just used that in the title. And The Sun is a Star as it ages it gets hotter, and will eventually get so hot that the earth will not be able to sustain life before it burns out.. Since the Ice Age the Ice has been melting all over the globe long before man made a global foot print .

  • Doug - 7 years ago

    Let's stop putting working Americans "Last"! What a rediculus deal Obama made. Thank you "President Trump" for thinking of hard working Americans first!

  • Covfefe - 7 years ago

    Ha! Look who sounds 'high of themselves' Miss Debbie Degree!

    Looks like President Trump has kept another campaign promise and stopped this scam against the American taxpayer.

    That's a great definition of 'control'.

  • Debra - 7 years ago

    Stop thinking so high of your selves
    I have a degree in this field and you do not It
    You do not have the control you think

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