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Did you watch Sunday Night with Megan Kelly?

Total Votes: 744

  • joann - 7 years ago

    what did CBS mean when it reported only Megan can ask that question. I think she gave Putin air time to mock the US. I'm satisfied with our presidents anaswe to that question, and don't need that undermined by a biased reporter. I don't like Megan's motives.

  • Delia Colangelo - 7 years ago

    For what I read, what could you expect with Putin, same BS just in Russian

  • marcia lewis - 7 years ago

    Very disappointed in Putin interview , could have predicted both questions and answers. No originality or content. At least Cynthia McFadden's piece was informative and well presented. The children's corner was neither endearing nor amusing, so please don't use children to make political statements. Probably won't watch next week with current anchor.

  • marcia lewis - 7 years ago

    Very disappointed in Putin interview , could have predicted both questions and answers. No originality or content. At least Cynthia McFadden's piece was informative and well presented. The children's corner was neither endearing nor amusing, so please don't use children to make political statements. Probably won't watch next week with current anchor.

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