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What is the biggest problem facing America


  • JanieGee - 7 years ago

    OMG Shelly my hair grew an inch while reading your comment. No didn't read it.

  • JanieGee - 7 years ago

    Lol. Little votes for climate change.

  • Arizona Kalde - 7 years ago

    Economy/jobs, immigration, terrorism, bias media with no journalistic integrity.

  • D. Gamlin - 7 years ago

    It was difficult to choose just one major issue as priority from. Every one of these choices effects the other in some fashion or other. It all must work like clockwork together. However, if Congress cannot be counted on to support our president who is trying, against all odds to go to bat for the USA, if Congress cannot be counted on to make responsible, adult decisions on the toughest, sometimes downright frightening issues clouding our personal and national liberties and security and all aspects that benefit our country and our citizens to the fullest measure, based on Constitutional law and their oath of office, rather than by their hatred for our sitting president, their bias mentality and feathering their nests handsomely, then how will any of the issues ever get resolved? They won't. The wheels on the bus keep turning, but the bus never advances. Because the bus cannot move until all are aboard.

  • LaDonna Hood - 7 years ago

    I chose welfare dependancy, which goes hand in hand with immigration and how mostly illegalst lie and unfairly get on welfare, getting away with this for 20- 30 years!!!

  • 2hrzes1dg - 7 years ago

    I chose Congress. If Congress would do their job, all of these issues would start to be resolved.

  • Tonita Samuels - 7 years ago

    I think immigration and terrorism should go together in the survey as both are tied together!????????????????????????????????????????

  • Shelley - 7 years ago

    The Deep State is undermining our government and has for decades. It's been involved in destroying and rebuilding nations. Now, it's doing that to our own. There are so many things wrong with The US. Immigration which ties into terroism. Congress is in part associated with the deep state. They never do anything. Biased media is more evident and obvious now than 15-20 yrs ago. They also transfer and enhance the bad racial tensions that are all over the US. They practically endorse the actions of the BLM and Antifa. Causing a national run on Liberal and communistic ideology to run rampant among the youth and colleges aid in that too Our education has changed so much that it doesn't teach US history. They teach Islamic doctrine and hate. Our government has taken control to create government decency of many people. Welfare was meant for the needy. Now, it's a crutch and a life dependency that many come to accept as a way of life. Government national debt has to be changed today. We have to treat our government purse strings like we do at home. Stay within a strict budget until we have gotten out of debt. We have too. We are sinking into a never ending bottomless pit if we don't succeed. This creates economic detrimental damage and lack of jobs. The government issuing demands on business ruined those companies. Government gave them incentives to go outside the US which gave jobs to other countries. Wrong. Lastly healthcare. The government should never get involved with that. Causing medical costs going up. The pharmaceutical companies are involved too. Medicare is big business for them to reap the profits. Reason those pharm companies are part of big PACs. Our country is in trouble. Trump to the rescue with sound ideas. But, he meets against a heavy army of the deep state. He can't get very much done. Now, they are trying to depose him

  • Dianna Doltar - 7 years ago

    Controlling the federal over reach going on in this country and dust off that constitution would fix all those issues! Plain and simple!

  • Nancy somers - 7 years ago

    The lack of working together in the Republican Party is also a big problem!

  • Joyce - 7 years ago

    All the above but Imigration is part of the cause. Oh and the Democrates and Hollyweired

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    Immigration because most ALL other issues are BECAUSE of immigration. ..

  • Alyce Larson - 7 years ago

    I chose Terrorism, but that's tied to immigration, which is tied to several others. Another, not on the list, is Globalism.

  • Karen - 7 years ago

    I choose immigration. Once we get this under control many things will fall in line, welfare, jobs, economy, healthcare. Gotta get these people off our backs. Then, we go after congress.

  • Kenneth Lanford - 7 years ago

    I chose other. Liberals/NWO cockblocking my President!
    If they would let him do his job most of this would go away!

  • FH - 7 years ago

    Too many go hand in Immigration and terrorism, immigration and health care, immigration and welfare. Heck! Lump 'em all together...makes for a big 'ol mess.

  • Terry Gupton - 7 years ago

    That's a great list of issues affecting the US but I think the Democrats are the biggest issue if it wasn't . for them some of this other stuff wouldn't be issues

  • gg - 7 years ago

    many of those choices apply and are caused by political correctness

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    Agree with some other comments.Controlling immigration would help with other issues listed. Maybe not so much the MSM, but they do need lots of help!

  • Carol Hart - 7 years ago

    I wanted to pick more than one. I also picked immigration and terrorist should be included. Climate change should not be on the list. It is rediculous to be considered a big problem. I believe there is climate change but it is part of the evolution of the world.

  • L. Smith - 7 years ago

    Immigration without a doubt!

  • P Jensk - 7 years ago

    I wish we could pick top 2 or top 3. Bias in media would be a strong #2

  • Sid Fox - 7 years ago

    I did vote for immigration because I feel once we stop it or get it under control terrorism will be under control there was no reason to allow people from these terrorist countries into our country to begin with thank you Obama who opened the doors of hell on a country he hated and was elected to lead not ruin

  • Sarajane Weilmuenster - 7 years ago

    Immigration and terrorism should be listed together as one issue as bias media I rate #2 because it's only helping the enemy instead of stomping them out!

  • M Dee - 7 years ago

    I'd like to be able to choose more than one!

  • M Dee - 7 years ago

    I'd like to be able to choose more than one!

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