No, Don is right. Raymond sounds completely disinterested in calling the games. Very few times has he had true passion in his voice, and the few times that he does it sounds forced. Raymond couldn't cut it in Houston, which I think is funny because he constantly mistakes them for the Rangers during broadcasts.
Nitkowski doesn't know when to let topics go, and is in love with his own voice. If he could take what he is saying, cut it in half, then cut that in half, he might get to the point quicker. The problem is that he drones in monotone and talks about small things for way to long.
The production value is also bad. Last week there was an exciting play in left where Gallo took an extra base. Fox never showed the play in the outfield. All they showed live were the baserunners and shots of the play at third on the replay. They're pushing the games to start at 7:10pm (I guess to shove in more commercials), and the new producer acts as if their learning on the job.
I've come to the point to where if I want to watch the game, I delay the TV and listen to Eric Nadle, Matt Hicks, and Jared Sandler. Now that Sully is gone, Nadle is the best voice in the game, and Hicks and Sandler are very good voices. I'd like to see either one of those two move over to the TV booth and kick Raymond out for sure (getting rid of Nitkowski would be good to if he can't fix his droning voice). Buy right now, the Rangers biggest problem is their TV booth.
Frank - 8 years ago
Don, you're an idiot. Raymond and Nitkowsku are great! Grieve is the one that sucks. Pull your head out of your ass!
Don - 8 years ago
Can't hardly watch this mess. Tom Grieve is awesome, but the rest are aweful. Been watching for years and have not seen this subpar announcers. They are just horrible, especially compared to the past several years.
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No, Don is right. Raymond sounds completely disinterested in calling the games. Very few times has he had true passion in his voice, and the few times that he does it sounds forced. Raymond couldn't cut it in Houston, which I think is funny because he constantly mistakes them for the Rangers during broadcasts.
Nitkowski doesn't know when to let topics go, and is in love with his own voice. If he could take what he is saying, cut it in half, then cut that in half, he might get to the point quicker. The problem is that he drones in monotone and talks about small things for way to long.
The production value is also bad. Last week there was an exciting play in left where Gallo took an extra base. Fox never showed the play in the outfield. All they showed live were the baserunners and shots of the play at third on the replay. They're pushing the games to start at 7:10pm (I guess to shove in more commercials), and the new producer acts as if their learning on the job.
I've come to the point to where if I want to watch the game, I delay the TV and listen to Eric Nadle, Matt Hicks, and Jared Sandler. Now that Sully is gone, Nadle is the best voice in the game, and Hicks and Sandler are very good voices. I'd like to see either one of those two move over to the TV booth and kick Raymond out for sure (getting rid of Nitkowski would be good to if he can't fix his droning voice). Buy right now, the Rangers biggest problem is their TV booth.
Don, you're an idiot. Raymond and Nitkowsku are great! Grieve is the one that sucks. Pull your head out of your ass!
Can't hardly watch this mess. Tom Grieve is awesome, but the rest are aweful. Been watching for years and have not seen this subpar announcers. They are just horrible, especially compared to the past several years.