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Who's Better For Eric - Evil Sheila or Cheating Quinn?


  • Boom1 - 7 years ago

    Eric and Pam there both old bottom line. End of story!

  • Deborah Martinez - 7 years ago

    Even Quinn cheated. I think that she will be great for Eric. Regardless what she did. A ???? was wrong. Son need to go to be with Katie. Great match.

  • Phyllis - 7 years ago

    Katie is too young and boring for Eric.....leave Quinn and Eric alone for a while.... she's been good for him but for goodness sake let her get Ridge out of her head!!! This storyline is over!! Please!! Find Katie a man her age and let's see Bill get jealous for a change, it's about time! And who cares if Brooke doesn't like it? Let Ridge find an older woman, let him follow her around like a little ???? for a while .

  • daniellen27 - 7 years ago

    Neither! Give him Katie. She's reliable, faithful, loyal to a fault sometimes at her own detriment (hiring a lonesome Brooke at Spencer was kindhearted but self destructive). Both Quinn have tried and succeeded at murder. Eric might not have all the rejuvenating excitement he got with Quinn and Sheila but, in the long run Katie is better for his tired and ailing ticker.

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