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Poll: Should patients in Florida be allowed to smoke medical marijuana?

Total Votes: 827

  • Doug - 7 years ago

    Why argue about the delivery agent!

  • Mesquee - 7 years ago

    Ask the people what they want. I'll bet it's not just edible oils. Bet you could get rid ofthe pill mills this way too. I can't see a negative. Better than meth and Percocet at least.

  • Becky - 7 years ago

    Medical marijuana is now legal in the state of Florida, it should be in whatever form helps the patient most. The Legislature needs to get out of the way of the will of the People and their vote, or their vote may be used against them at the ballot box.

  • A.C. - 7 years ago

    The people voted. We can't sit here and debate the laurels of if pot is right for our state or not, for those who wish to do so, I apologize but the time has passed.

    I'm a little shocked that our government and communities have grown so subversive to a clear majority referendum, as though now is the time to decide. The people have decided, now is the time to deliver. A failure would be a failure of the greatest democracy ever established, not because it would be a failure of medics marijuana legalization, but a failure of our very constitution.

  • George W Iliff - 7 years ago

    Smoking pot is much much cheaper than using pills, etc.

    Smoking pot brings immediate relief which is not obtained with the pill or other forms where you have to wait an hour of so for it to kick in. This is especially important when you want relief from nausea or pain.

    Smoking pot gives a predictable two or three hour response; whereas, pill form sometimes gives unpredictable, unpleasant and lengthy responses.

    Bona fide studies conducted over ten years ago have shown that smoking pot does not cause cancer and this has been acknowledged by the Government's web site . Strangely, the study results suggest that pot actually helps smokers avoid getting cancer. This begs for further research if the Government would get over its "Reefer Madness" approach to marijuana.

    In short, smoking is the best choice for using pot.

  • Jen - 7 years ago

    If marijuana helps patients manage their pain, there's no problem

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