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Who Do You Want Chad To Be With?


  • Cindy T - 7 years ago

    I hate Chad and Gabi together. It feels so forced and the whole storyline is weak. Makes each of their characters appear weak and without any substance at all. Gabi standing in the DiMera house is just wrong. She and JJ belong together, or Eli...Either of them made a good pair. But Chad and Gabi are a joke together. Weird and gross when he's supposed to be such an upstanding family man....who makes 1 effort to convince his wife he wants to work on their marriage and then quits. Weak and pitiful. Chad needs to stand up, be honorable again. Abigail brought the good out in him. Gabi does not.

  • RR - 7 years ago

    Chad and Gabi belong together, they have a deep friendship with passion. They can count on each other no matter what happens. Gabi does not constantly judge Chad for everything he does, and not once has she left him. I think they would be a couple to watch together. POWER COUPLE.
    Chad and Abby were good together but not anymore, they dont have the love they once had. Abby was gone to long this time, Chad moved on

  • nancy - 7 years ago

    Please give Chad and Abby a happy ending. We all know it can't last because it's a soap but give us all a chance to catch our breath

  • anonymous - 7 years ago

    It really makes me sick to see people say things like "so and so belong together," or "those two are meant for each other," or even "she should have stayed dead." IT'S UP TO THE WRITERS TO DECIDE! NOT THE FANS! I mean, yeah, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but COME ON. Be respectful to the new actress, the writers, and all the people who like the opposite couple pairing.

  • tanya - 7 years ago

    I have been watching days of our lives for years now and I like that Gabi and Chad are together. She loved him for years even resulting to kidnapping to get him. This new Abby I don't like her if it was the old one then I would see things differently. it's like this Abby and Chad chemistry is forced and his and Gabi is natural. Also why should Chad want her she slept with his brother. The old Abby now that was some good acting. Gabi and Chad spice things up. You can see that they were made for each other. Even while she was with jj Chad knew that he was in love with her. The new Abby just disrupted what Chad and gabi had but she could never stop his love for Gabi. She should have stayed dead that way she wouldn't be getting hurt by seeing Chad and gabi together. She has more chemistry with Dario than her own husband. They need to bring back the old Abby cause her love for Chad was so powerful that it knocked him back to reality when Andre brainwashed him. But now this weak link they got now is a turn off so I'm rooting for Chad and gabi to get together and for them to get married and raise Thomas and arianna together also I hope Gabi gets pregnant and she has the baby. NOw that would be payback for Abby for leaving Chad seeing him living happily with Gabi

  • Janet Roche - 7 years ago

    I absolutely hate the Chad and Gabby pairing. I have been watching Days forever and this is the absolute worst storyline. Why did they recast Abigail if they were going to end up putting Chad & Gabby together? Bad idea! I also hate Dario and any possibility of a romance between he & Abby, yuk! I actually thought Chad and the new Abigail had a pretty good connection after the recast which I thought would be disasterous, his connection with Gabby is not at all appealing. Gabby was much better with JJ, his relationship with Lani sucks! I was really bummed when they announced the possibility of cancelling Days, these storylines and match ups are really beginning to make me wonder!

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    I absolutely hate Chad abd Gabi together. New Abby is annoying because they have written her as a completely different character. Very whinny and needy. Gabi needs to find a man who isn't attached already. Chad and Gabi made love and somewhere I missed that. But I have watched every eos

  • Debra - 7 years ago

    So tired of the Chad, Abby, Gabby thing. I know the writer's can do better.And the Island part come on. Boring I think the old Abby would have kicked Gabbys butt.The new one is way to weak.

  • sue - 7 years ago

    Get rid of gabby she is rediculous. Abby and Chad belong together.

  • SheilaC - 7 years ago

    You have to put abigail and Chad back together, they belong together they love each other and the show needs family values at least with one couple. Abigail has always been a strong women bring that Abigail back, and back with the man she loves. Chad is a better person with Abigail.

  • Thelma - 7 years ago

    I do not like the Chad, Abby Gabi triangle. Why did they bring back Abby if you were not going to let her and Chad be together. Abby is too weak and needy, she was not like that before. I have never liked Dario, would love to see him leave the show and take Gaby with him.

  • sharon - 7 years ago

    I really think that Abby and Chad should be together .because he will all way love Abby .As for Gabi she is not a real friend to Abby to walk in to Chad and Abby married that is not what friend do . So I think that you should get Gabi out of the picture .And let her find Love with some one but not Chad , Chad And Abby belong together and they will all way Love one another

  • Lala - 7 years ago

    At this point, I don't really care who Chad ends up with. Some things that get on my nerves -
    A) Why did they re-write Abby to be so weak? She never used to be such a damsel in distress!
    B) Why did they re-write Chad and Gabi's history? They hated each other - Gabi kidnapped Mel!
    C) Why does Chad still have the amulet??? Is he waiting for someone to die first before tossing it?
    D) I liked the dynamic between Abby and Gabi, but their friendship was all ruined because of a guy!
    E) Abby divorces Chad, Eli leaves Gabi . . . and then five seconds later Chad and Gabi are hooking up!
    F) If Chad seriously can't make up his mind by the end of this island adventure, then he needs to visit a relationship therapist. (Jade too. She should take Steve's advice and go to counselling before she turns into Ava 2.0. In fact, I think everyone in Salem should just go visit Doctor Marlena, and get some common sense knocked into their heads.)
    G) Completely irrelevant to the Chad/Abby/Gabi triangle, but . . . CHLOE IS A PSYCHO.

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