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Should NBC have aired Megyn Kelly's interview with Alex Jones?


  • Jeff for Freedom - 7 years ago

    NBC Should of broadcast this interview.AlthoughSandy Hook was a terrible tragedy and certainly an evil event as a Citizen in Connecticut,I clearly remember the initial coverage and there are some questions that were never investigated or covered once the main stream media took over the reporting and quite a bit never included in the official story. I understand the public's concern regarding the contents but,when WVIT refused to broadcast it,it was as if CENSORSHIP was imposed on this who wanted to see it.I will say that Alex Jones is controversial but his take on 9-11 is in my opinion correct and it is sad that No one has been held accountable. Bin Laden was a convenient Patsy when the Americans involved along with the Saudis, Israeli,are ALIVE and Rich due to the CRIMINALS​ who orchestrated this Horrible event that was used to create the WAR ON TERROR which has resulted in a perpetual war against ALL of humanity with the Arab world taking the brunt of the death it reaps. Something's are just a conspiracy theory but 9-11 has cost millions of deaths including OUR Fellow American military troops who continued to DIE the God Forsaken Afghanistan and the Middle East. Never Ever Forget the firstly responders,the NYFD and NYPD and all the Americans and world Nationals who gave theirs lives trying to save the Innocents who died that day.Please understand that Alex is correct in saying that MILLIONS have died brutally since the event that now has been almost forgotten and definitely barely covered since then that the MSM is complicit.Also, Remember the trillions that evaporated in the missile strike on the Pentagon because the price the suburban and urban youth population in this country is in my opinion,due to our presence in Afghanistan which has flooded our AMERICA in HEROIN and FENTANYL and the scourge of death.Remember WE CONTROL the free market and criminal black market.It is no coincidence that,that is all we really control in Afghanistan. May God forgive the dumbed down People of this Great Country for we truly do not know all the EVIL some of the Rich and Powerful shed upon our unwilling to think populace.God Bless America as I and many of my fellow Americans see the 9-11 TRUTH that ALL will know and that some of our revered public officials become held accountable if this life as well as the next. Bottom line is we need men like Alex Jones shining a light even if it is very dim due to CENSORSHIP.

  • Bill Minor - 7 years ago

    Yes - the reason he exists in the first place is because the average educated real Americans can plainly see that the mainstream news media is so left that there is a desire to fill the void. I personally think the Sandy Hook stance is deplorable, I think he is irresponsible with the true conservative message. The fact is NBC wasn't interested in him - it's obvious they're interested in using his crazy comments to link him to the President! It's just another shot at Donald Trump and you know it. All in a concerted effort to discredit a good man who could possibly be our last hope to turn this country around!
    I recently watched a program featuring Ben Stein as he guided viewers through the Nixon Library. With tears in his eyes he proclaimed "He did so much for the human race, and look How they treated him." I couldn't have agreed more. The press has chosen to destroy this President, plain and simple! They have joined forces with the Democratic party in trying to accomplish this goal. In my mind this ok s the real crime. To give Barrack Obama a pass for where he took this country - we are 19 Trillion Dollars in debt - we are weak - divided - a GDP that's embarrassing and if you follow the projections from the WMF by 2021 China will take over the #1 spot as the Worlds largest economy - a position we have held since 1849!
    All that said - all the press and the left is focused on is Trumps collusion with Russia - not a shred of evidence - it's laughable!! Or would be if it weren't so tragic! What happens when the reserve currency becomes the Juan instead of the all mighty Dollar??? The end of the U.S. - it won't matter what kind of health care we have - there won't be any! We will fall just like the Soviet Union! It's coming unless we wake up and let Donald Trump do what he was elected to do! The media needs to get on his side and start working with him - or else he'll be destroyed just the way Richard Nixon was destroyed. Ben Stein said "He was one of the greatest peacemakers in history - but the media turned on him and destroyed him" and I believe that. The big difference is that the man in office today has done absolutely nothing wrong and is being unjustly and falsely discredited all in attempt by the left to resist! Where does that leave America? Nowhere! We the people are sick and tired of it - investigate where the real crimes have occurred - Hillary Clinton's emails would be a good start - the Clinton Foundation would be another - but the MSM seems much more interested in promoting a story with no evidence vs. two stories that are slam dunk cases. That tells me all I need to know!
    Thanks for letting me speak

  • Cynthia - 7 years ago

    It was good that she interviewed Alex. This is the first time I ever saw the man. I know people that watch his channel . I think it is entertaining for them. Megan's ratings will rise now.

  • Jim Dandy - 7 years ago

    I am watching the hit piece on Alex Jones. Unbelievable. Megan Kelly is beneath contempt. Even I can tell she edited the footage. This is THE most dishonest piece I have ever seen. I switched back to CBS 60 Minutes after induring that BS. She is a cougar and a predator. Objective is beyond her comprehension. Good luck. I will never watch NBC again. NBC I hope you are happy. She is a dangerous mouthpiece for your propaganda machine narrative. I hope you die a long painful death on your way. Socialpathic does not even description it. Evil is more like it.
    Invest away. I will look forward to your spectacular failure.

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