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Should there be rules about when your neighbors can set off fireworks? Poll

Total Votes: 1,264

  • Roy Moss - 7 years ago

    Same problem in Clarksville. Illegal but still used.

  • Matt Woodard - 7 years ago

    Of course Fireworks are fine...this is America and they are to celebrate our FREEDOM! Oh the irony...glad I'll be dead in the next 20 years or so. I feel sorry for those of you who want to be controlled more. Lemmings, the cliff is to your right!

  • dmac4445 - 7 years ago

    what is disturbing is the fire hazard from roofs to landscaping material. the violation of several laws in Davidson County including noise and nuisance etc. The elderly and disabled may not be able to act fast enough to an emergency. When it use to be sparlers small rockets and firecrackers it was never as dangerous, from pro football players lives changing to death of teens in Nashville a couple of years ago. Our vets suffer as well. Now the so-called fireworks are commercial to military strength explosives. They are just not weaponized!! could easily be armed with shrapnel for max casualties. If we want our kids to respect and obey the LAW then we need to serious about our laws!!!

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    The 4th of July is ok. However way before, and way after can be an irritant. Its too much, and destroys the novelty of the holiday. And they shoeld be very aware of where they are setting the fireworks off. Make sure you will not be burning down someone's home.

  • James - 7 years ago

    The thing is it is illegal in Davidson County and for good reason. If you have seen some of the houses that have recently burned you would understand why. It is a nuisance and a concern when the firework that goes up does sometimes come down on your roof and sometimes those spent fireworks come down still hot and burning. That can lead to catching the roof of a house on fire. It is plain common sense, unfortunately I don't see a lot of that being used around here lately. I don't mind calling the police on my neighbors for shooting fireworks in Davidson County. I do what's right and so should they. It is after all illegal here.

  • Troy - 7 years ago

    It is the 4th of July,, as long as it is a day or two before and after. Anything else would be a nuisance

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