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Who will you vote for in the presidential election?

Total Votes: 10,155

  • Atlee Yarrow - 16 years ago

    We live in a brave new world with many unknowns. It is always interesting to read what is out there and what is further out, even further than before that is. Most voters I talk to are looking more at the VP candidates this time around since their fears run deeper than ever before.

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    I revise my statement. Nader and Jay are duking it out for first in this poll. Are there any style points for having the most enthusiastic poll watchers?

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    Who is spamming the poll? Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Charles Jay seem to have the most votes. If you won't explain how the poll can be spammed, why should we believe it? On the other hand, if you show how, then everyone could do it, which might be fun. And at least equitable, if not fair. If everyone can spam the poll, then the candidate supported by the people with the least to do with their lives would win, I suppose.

    Is there a free polling site you would recommend for spam resistant polls? Maybe could fix things with their site if you explained to them this mysterious "spamming but I won't say how" thing.

  • asdf - 16 years ago

    They're spamming the poll. It's easy, but I won't explain how. Pretty sad, actually.

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    There are likely some people who are Jay supporters and not members of our party. Remember he was previously nominated by the Personal Choice Party in Utah, in 2004, and received some 946 votes for that candidacy. There are also members of some of our state Facebook groups, such as North Carolina, who are not members of our national FB group, and arguably not members of this site. Plus, random visitors to the poll might like his name (it is a short last name, which is very helpful to candidates) or the party's name (it is a clever name).

  • Shell - 16 years ago

    The thought The Boston Tea Party only had 500 members so how can they have a thousand votes?

  • Shelle Rowe - 16 years ago

    In refernece to those who wont vote, insurance and living wage and such matters are matters of importance to millions upon millions. People who make minimum wage have a right to make a living wage and to recieve adaqiute health care. Also, how about the rights of those who are boing killed in Iraq. Mr NAder is one not is not corupt. We need to peacefully fight for equality for election equality. It is great that you are in a situation in which one doesnt have to worry about such issues personlly. But there is a larger picture. I as well as millions of others do not want the middle East War to continue and for that we must vote for someone who will deal with that issue effectively.

  • Shell Rowe - 16 years ago

    Chris Hedges has given his endorsement to Mr NAder.
    It is not to late to protest his noninclusion. in the debates. Lets do it today!

  • John Amendall - 16 years ago

    Mark, I thought John McCain was a shape shifting reptile. Not so?

  • duncan - 16 years ago

    Well, I see that the jokers at Keyes site could not muster many votes. Seems that way every time he runs for office.
    He JUST doesn't get it.
    he's a liar and a cheat and it is well reported that he takes money from his campaign to, essentially, preach to a few anti-abortionists.
    He's the biggest joke in politics, next to his few supporters.

  • ben j - 16 years ago

    My Respectful Chris Hedges,
    Why is it so hard to see which one of the candidates will set America's course straight by:
    cutting off money from corporate greedbags to buy off pols,
    giving health care to everyone with money saved from insurance wastes, and
    repairing the law and constitution mangled by the Bush cabal and Dem collaborators like Pelosi, et al?
    Is it because of our high functional illiteracy rate, estimated over 70%?
    I could kneel down and cry to the election day, if that helps.

  • Michelle - 16 years ago

    Here are policy views of Obama, Barr, MAcain and NAder concerning "women’s civil rights, especially protection from discrimination in the workplace and the right to equal pay":

  • Shell Rowe - 16 years ago

    Here is a vitally important petition to enable viable third party candidates to be allowed to debate in the satndard debates with the last one of this election year to be in a couple of days. So please sign petition soon.

    Here is some more contact info.

    If we speak out in droves the powers that be will have to respond. The problem is some people feel that their voice wont make a difference but that type of thinking is counterproductive. Think of all of the important issues that were solved/improved by peacefully protesting civil rights for example.

  • Bo - 16 years ago

    Ayers was protesting the illegal and immoral invasion of Vietnam. Yes, he went overboard, but he was on the right side of history in that debate. Frankly, we've been in need of a modern-day Bill Ayers to take the lead against the Iraq invasion. But Americans don't care that a million innocent civilians have been murdered in their name. They only care about the economy. The media is partly to blame for this, since it is controlled by the government and therefore downplays the war and pushes the economy as the main issue. Someone should hijack the airwaves and broadcast pictures of disemboweled Iraqi children and US soldiers laughing and cheering as they intentionally target civilians. This stuff is out there, but you have to look for it. The government propaganda organs aren't going to show it to you.

    Besides, slurring Ayers as a "domestic terrorist" is largely moot, since anyone who staunchly upholds and defends the Constitution is now a domestic terrorist according to the FBI.

  • Nobel Eagle - 16 years ago

    I've heard from so many people about how angry and scared they are. They fear that Barack Obama is about to be elected President, that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will gain greater strength for their agenda in Congress, and that America will be more vulnerable to threats from foreign foes who wish our nation harm. And all of this is legitimate cause for concern.

    The media want Obama to win and they want us to believe this is an inevitable outcome so that we give up and accept their decree that Barack Obama should be President.

    Are we to elect Obama, a man who has accomplished almost nothing in his tenure in the Illinois State Senate and the U.S. Senate alike, but who has been more than willing to mingle and plot with far-left radicals and anti-American foreigners who wish only harm for our nation?

    Ask yourself just what President in our nation's history was more of a radical liberal than Barack Obama would be?

    Will domestic terrorist Bill Ayers be the proto-type of person we can expect to see as Secretary of Education? Would someone like Marxist Obama fundraiser Jodie Evans of Code Pink be Secretary of State or Defense? What post would someone like Revered Jeremiah Wright get? Secretary of State? Who will Obama put on the Supreme Court? You know it's going to be someone who is a radical who will legislate from the bench and overturn the will of the people at a whim and opponse 2nd Amendment rights.

    Can you imagine the type of person Obama would appoint as ambassador to the United Nations? Undoubtedly, it would be a Blame America First apologist who would be only too happy to accept UN edicts scolding America and telling us how how we are to behave on the world stage. Are we to allow Barack Obama to appoint someone from ACORN to run the Federal Elections Commission or a few of his Chicago and Capitol Hill cronies to oversee our financial markets?

    I love these United States of America to much to sit back and do nothing and to allow a man like this to become President and Commander in Chief.

    I will vote on Election Day. I have not decided for whom. BUT I KNOW THAT BARACK OBAMA IS A NIGHTMARE IN WAITING FOR ALL OF US. I will not buy the media hype and vote for Obama.

  • Mark McCoy - 16 years ago

    Vote for what?! To be governed? I can govern myself!
    Vote for what?! For benefits and privileges? I'll keep my natural rights, thank you.
    Vote for what?! For someone to do what I can't do myself? I can't fly, disappear, or shape-shift. Can they?
    Vote for what?! For a government that does not conform to its enumerated powers, engages in abuse, fraud, deceit, and imperialism? One man can stop all of that? Then Let that man do it without a vote. If one man has that power let them exercise it capriciously for the betterment of mankind. Otherwise, I'll abstain from voting and enjoy my own power.
    Why do people keep deluding themselves into playing this game where the rules are rigged and the outcome predetermined? When will people abandon artifices and constructs and embrace what nature has already provided?
    No thank you.

  • Steve Trinward - 16 years ago

    I'd add to Jim's note that we libertarians (and BTPers) are perhaps even MORE against CORPORATE welfare than the giveaways to "poor folks" (although the way the latter enables irresponsibility and dependence is by no means a good thing). The rule of thumb would be, if an issue involves using force to bring about a change -- whether of public policy or a simple neighbor-spat ...

    we's AGIN' it!

    We have this craxy idea that a society based on convincing folks to agree (or agreeing to disagree and just not having to then participate, anyway) and building consensus is a much nicer place to live, not to mention about 99% in line with what "America" was supposed to be about!

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    Uh, Kendra? Send information where and on which party? Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party has a site at (that's zero eight as in the year). Our party has a site at but we can't really send you info, because e-mail addresses are not published.

    What did you want to know about welfare or abortion? There are varying opinions of these issues, but most libertarians regard government mandated welfare as wrong, a redistribution of wealth, and overly costly to administer, while also believing in private charity. Many libertarians come down on each side of the abortion issue.

    My own view is that a woman has the right to use up to deadly force to defend her life, liberty, and property, from anyone, at any time, as she sees fit.

  • chet Kendra - 16 years ago

    Please send me some information on your party and your stand on certain points, like welfare, abortion etc. Thanks

  • yippeee7 - 16 years ago

    The few voters for Keyes were from ALL of his supporters banding together from his heavily censured site.

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