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Rate the Debate: Who won the second presidential debate?


  • Dave - 16 years ago

    Mike said: How people cannot see through Obama's spin is absolutely mind boggling to me. The guy promises the world but has absolutely no record of doing anything! Do people really believe he is going to spend 15 billion a year on energy, provide health care for all, increase entitlement programs, revamp medicare and social security, all while cutting taxes. Wake up people!!!

    and whats McCain offering to do different then whats going on now? The reason obama would be blindly supported is his supporters realize that they need a change in government and john mccain is not enough of one. also just because he "hasnt done anything" for some reason makes you think he is incapable?

  • McCain's Insane - 16 years ago

    McCain was the loser without a doubt.

    He said the same thing to every question whether or not it answered the question.

    Does he really think Americans want to do a double bail out? If he thinks I want him to bail out individual mortgage holders, he's got another thing coming.

    He was also condescending once again. He referred to Obama as "This one". He also surmised that "I bet you never heard of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac before this financial crisis" when speaking to the young black guy who asked him a question.

    BTW does McCain have false teeth? What is the deal with his tongue against his teeth after every sentence?

    No way this guy McCain is what America is looking for.

  • Nobama2008 - 16 years ago

    McCain had Obama on the defensive. Tom had to tell Obama to sit a few times because he wanted a follow up to McCains follow up. Obama did not have to do anything tonight and if he becomes president, I'm sure it's what will be seeing more of.

  • I can't believe the blind support for Obama - 16 years ago

    While I can certainly appreciate the fact that Barack Obama is an intelligent, articulate politician, what I can not understand is the almost blind passion liberals have for him. Why is it so difficult for voters to connect the dots, Obama has been catagorically linked to several unscrupulous underhanded characters, like Rezco, Ayers, and Rvrnd Wright. How can any politican who has displayed this amount of bad judgement even be considered for the presidency. I am sure that McCain has had some bad dealings as well (most politicians have), but we are electing the next person to lead America out of the ruin we are currently in. If I can not realy on someones character than I can not believe he is the person for the job. Please people open your eyes and do not allow yourself to be blinded and swayed by the chesire cat grin and swagger of Senator Obama.

  • Mike - 16 years ago

    How people cannot see through Obama's spin is absolutely mind boggling to me. The guy promises the world but has absolutely no record of doing anything! Do people really believe he is going to spend 15 billion a year on energy, provide health care for all, increase entitlement programs, revamp medicare and social security, all while cutting taxes. Wake up people!!!

  • Bedford - 16 years ago

    Obama won, fair and square. If Americans want a presidential to clean up the mess created by the past leadership of Bush, Obama is the guy to do it. McCain is too close to Bush -- We need Real Change....PERIOD!

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