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What Do You Think of the Animation Style of the Movie Trailer?

Total Votes: 5,582

  • Raka Prasetyawan - 7 years ago

    Others : After See the Movie Closely, I Was Just Back to G3.5 History :)

  • FluffyXai - 7 years ago

    I love the movie's style but I will never stop adoring the show's style.
    I chose "Other" because I do love what they've done with the movie style and I Am looking forward to seeing it, but I don't want to see an end to the one we've had over these many years either. It would be nice for both to branch in their own ways.

  • Timmy Menard - 7 years ago

    I really like how My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the upcoming coming Late 2017 movie is like a modern day Fantasy.

  • Tandy - 7 years ago

    I really don't like it. The ponies look weird in 3D style, and the backgrounds are so terrible, especially the simplistic textures. They look like one of those low budget Nick Jr. shows for babies.

  • tekydr - 7 years ago

    The animation is undeniably better for me. However I'm not liking the art style as much as the show's. It's something about the maws that doesn't look quite right, like the chins are not sticking out far enough (Tempest looks great, however). I think that's just the problem with adapting the old style to a new animation software though. All in all, I think it looks fine.

    Not understanding what Sailor Sedna means by poor frame rate though. Animation in general has a lower frame rate than video games; I don't see a problem, but maybe I'm not as finely tuned to these things. But I agree that the CGI on that ship looks very out of place.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    I prefer the show style. From what I think of the trailer, the animation quality is very mediocre; the 2D art is OK, but the animation has poor frame rate, stilted/stiff movements, and the CGI is terrible for a 2017 film and sticks out too much, looking more like early PS2-quality graphics. I think they tried to do the 2D/3D thing like with the Peanuts movie but the execution ended up sloppy.

    I've heard that they might not have finished with it yet which I hope it's true, or I'll be disappointed partially.

    The story/characters in the trailer, I have no problem with though.

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