This recent experience comes to mind of a false self controlling a situation. ( I now realize this and I now know how I would have handled this situation differently with the knowledge I have now gained from your valuable lesson so far...) My husband ( and I) were recently invited to a dinner party at a nearby restaurant to celebrate his retirement. We arrived a few minutes late and we walked into a roomful of men. I was the only women. Obvious mistake now.... my husband thought the men were bringing their wives... The men wildly rearranged the chairs making room for me. I was embarassed for me and my husband and all the men and sat down thinking "best to act like nothing's wrong". That was definitely an inadequate sub-self talking. The whole evening I tried to be unobtrusive, feeling like a "baby-sitter". I would behave differently now. Now, I would take control of the situation in a way that would free myself and all those men to have the evening they had planned. I would have excused myself in a fun way I hope, something like - One of these people is not like the other; hopefully get a laugh and leave. My evening would have been much more enjoyable. My husband and his work buddies would have had a much more relaxing time. Thank you again. I am so grateful.
This recent experience comes to mind of a false self controlling a situation. ( I now realize this and I now know how I would have handled this situation differently with the knowledge I have now gained from your valuable lesson so far...) My husband ( and I) were recently invited to a dinner party at a nearby restaurant to celebrate his retirement. We arrived a few minutes late and we walked into a roomful of men. I was the only women. Obvious mistake now.... my husband thought the men were bringing their wives... The men wildly rearranged the chairs making room for me. I was embarassed for me and my husband and all the men and sat down thinking "best to act like nothing's wrong". That was definitely an inadequate sub-self talking. The whole evening I tried to be unobtrusive, feeling like a "baby-sitter". I would behave differently now. Now, I would take control of the situation in a way that would free myself and all those men to have the evening they had planned. I would have excused myself in a fun way I hope, something like - One of these people is not like the other; hopefully get a laugh and leave. My evening would have been much more enjoyable. My husband and his work buddies would have had a much more relaxing time. Thank you again. I am so grateful.