2 of my 3 kids share names with my cousins’ kids. They have different last names, live in different parts of the country, & we see each other once every 2 years. I had shared my favorite girl name with my extended family & my cousin used it for his daughter when she was born the next day [first & middle]. When I found out I was having a girl, I told them it was my still my favorite but if they had a problem, I would go with my backup name. My family has lots of repeated or similar names, & the cousins who are close in age with the same name have fun with it when we are all together.
Sheri Moore - 8 years ago
I'd be more concerned with the popularity/likelihood of being Adilynn than the connection to a cousin I never see. If it's the name you love, it's your daughter's name =)
2 of my 3 kids share names with my cousins’ kids. They have different last names, live in different parts of the country, & we see each other once every 2 years. I had shared my favorite girl name with my extended family & my cousin used it for his daughter when she was born the next day [first & middle]. When I found out I was having a girl, I told them it was my still my favorite but if they had a problem, I would go with my backup name. My family has lots of repeated or similar names, & the cousins who are close in age with the same name have fun with it when we are all together.
I'd be more concerned with the popularity/likelihood of being Adilynn than the connection to a cousin I never see. If it's the name you love, it's your daughter's name =)