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How do you feel about Trump today?


  • Mike - 7 years ago

    Potus is 4-8. Congress has no limit to screw we the people, fixing stuff for thirty plus years? R U Kidding me? Vote them all out. What kind of magic is this anyway?

  • Debbie Brock - 7 years ago

    I love President Trump. He has very few loyalists to help. Obstruction from every direction. It will all come together. No one saw the magnitude of the deep corruption that he has been and is continually fighting against. But he will do what is right to keep his promises to the people regardless of how long it takes!

  • Monica - 7 years ago

    I believe in Trump and think that he is doing the best he can under the circumstances. The democrats and some republicans are fighting him every step of the way!! The president is doing the best he can right now. He has a lot of swampy people he has to fight off. He had a good start the beginning of the week with his buy American and made in the USA event!! This president has done more good in the last 6 months than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT!!!! Go Trump!!????????????????????????

  • joseph litus - 7 years ago

    They say, "the buck stops here"...sure, but when you have the people who are supposed to follow your lead, make the changes you instruct, the buck is spent, squandered and lost before it even gets to him!...The CONGRESS is the culprit, along with the MSM,Libs. and Dems. and they have been the negative element that has brought stalemate and stagnation to the progress that should have taken place. Remember, Obama got support right out of the gate, and when he didn't, he used his orders to get his way...WITHOUT ANY CHALLENGES,OR OPPOSITION from the congress, media or citizens!...IT'S BEEN THE OPPOSITE!, and it will take US, the people, to help him with making the changes in voting for those who would help him in congress. We can only succeed, when he has some people in the team that can help him use the 'buck' wisely and with progress in mind...

  • Ellen Foust - 7 years ago

    There is one thing that can be said for every president this country has ever had - they are privy to information we know nothing about. I prefer to give the president some leeway until ALL of the facts are known, whether it's about Russia, Don Jr., or anything else. That said there are definitely some things I'm not happy about at all.

    1. He has not picked the low-hanging fruit, which should have been his early top priorities - ending DACA, initiating e-verify, immediately ending welfare payments and Social Security benefits to illegals - the list goes on.

    2. He should have done what he promised to do re Obamacare. It should have been declared null and void, but failing that it should have been left to die on its own. There is NO REASON the government should be involved with and in charge of Americans' health care. That concept was never considered until Obama passed his job-killing legislation in the dead of night. It hasn't been that long ago. I find it very disheartening that so many people have now fallen into the mindset for government-run health care. NO. We should NEVER allow that. Let it go back to the way it was prior to Obama, when people had options and could purchase the kind of coverage that most suited their families, or opt for none at all.

    Many people were covered through their jobs, but Obama killed that too with his federal mandates regarding how companies had to cover their employees. There have always been and there will always be poor people who can't afford coverage. That is why Medicaid was put into place. Poor people have always used ERs for basic health care issues and when Obama started letting millions upon millions of illegals have coverage, the system started to collapse both financially and logistically.

    3. He needs to get Jared Kushner out of the White House. Even if Jared is as pure as the driven snow and is NOT influencing Trump (which I highly doubt), the optics are very bad. Ivanka is also a lefty but so far she hasn't done anything really offensive.

    4. He should have taken legal action to prosecute Hillary for her dozens of illegal actions and for her part in the sale of our uranium to Russia. The tables need to be turned on the former administration and start to finally make them accountable for their many misdeeds and their rape of our country's resources.

    Sorry to be so long-winded but I'm really getting sick of the constant battering of the man who is trying in his own way to make American great again and getting nothing for his trouble but hatred and resistance from not just the people in general, but also from his own legislative body.

  • Jennifer LaVertu - 7 years ago

    You options are bias and slanted. The Visas I don't care about. It is more complicated then a simple poll. The borders are being secured and to me the Visa are a secondary issue. Healthcare I am glad is dead. We need a FULL REPEAL and not a padded up version on a very bad bill. Why is Trump to always blame when 535 people are in charge of creating the legislation and only 1 choice is on the table? Iran, the issue is not as important as all the good he has done with pulling out of TPP and the Paris Treaty. The Middle East will always be on fire. Just 2 short years ago we were bombing 7 countries, now we are not. Not bad progress for just 7 months. Love you, but your poll sucks today.

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    I didn't say I was deserting him, I said I was disappointed in him. Big difference. Maybe if he went after Clinton and Obama for the illegal things they've done to this country he could get something done. Those 2 are throwing a wrench into everything he tried to do. I love the President and I will support him but he needs better people around him. I'm sick of hearing about Russia, who cares if they TRIED to hack the election. Obama and Clinton did the same to Israel our BEST friend and greatest Allie!

  • Robert G - 7 years ago

    Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. Follow the gameplan and support your leader. He is doing everything he can working with what he is given. Do you really think Mr Trump would have personally ok'd selling Chinese merchandise?

  • Sharon - 7 years ago

    DML, hold his feet to the fire! You are probably one of the few that he will listen to and not immediately assume "fake news"! He is acting like he is in campaign mode and is making the fatal mistake that so many moderate candidates make and that is forgetting what and who got him there (and WHY!!) He has moved center to try and garnish independent and moderate votes! Why do moderates also believe the very people that want them destroyed!? Newscasters that spit non-stop venom will suddenly say, "If he wants to be re-elected, he needs to embrace a more moderate position"...and suddenly our guy believes that that news guy or girl is offering some kind wisdom! Hello!! They want you destroyed! They are not going to offer you anything but ideas to self-destruct by!

    Your BASE got you in there! Moderates and independents are fickle voters, at best, because many will gravitate toward the biggest sugar daddy...and Dems will always sweeten the deal with one more sugar cube!

    And Mr. President, I did not vote for you so you and your cabinet could finance transgender needs in our military with desperately needed defense funds!!

    Please Sir, listen to your own campaign promises and move on them!

  • Josh - 7 years ago

    Karen, REALLY? You realize that congress has to pass the bill before he can sign it! He's ready to sign the bill, but our asshole lawmakers have to get their SHIT together before he can sign anything! This is NOT TRUMPS FAULT! BE MAD AT YOUR SENATOR AND CONGRESSMAN!

  • Deborah - 7 years ago

    I stand behind Preaident Trump. The full picture with the need to act for world interest WITH AMERICA FIRST, does NOT ignore or refuse to negotiate (give & take). I believe it will make more sense when the vacuum of every word & movement dissected under microscope. His foreign meetings I belitve art taken seriously with listening ear. The Trump campaign promises (be honest-how fully informed were they?) like everything is a process. Not being a dictatorship he has limited power acting through Constitution. The MSM is the loudmouth and getting all attention --- THE PEOPLE MUST SPEAK LOUDER, DEMANDING FROM REPRESENTATIVES MEANINGFUL ACTION FOR THE PEOPLE.
    The attention on what is sold in Trump gift shops as minimization of celebrating Made in America - REALLY? How petty & whiny! Celebrate Made in America for its own & AMERICA FIRST --- NOT ONLY!!!!

    I believe in the President continuing to negotiate w/ listening ear (global) with steps toward making America First for Americans and serving in our best interest .... allowing other countries to be first for their peoples. I do see America first in his direction - not a genie. Humor: it isn't shake n bake!

  • Lori Hill - 7 years ago

    DML I am becoming more disappointed in you these days. As Trump continues to take hits from all sides he needs our support now more than ever. Fighting the status quo has been brutal, he continues to work his a** off us. Not everything will go his way, DC doesn't work that way. Talk more about his accomplishments, than his roadblocks/struggles! Talk more about what we can do as supporters to rally behind our POTUS! Just remember how much he and his family have sacrificed, the invasion of privacy--yet still threw his hat in the ring because he loves this country that has afforded him so much. #MAGA

  • Sharon Gilley - 7 years ago


  • Toby V - 7 years ago

    I think the Pres is buying time on the Iran Deal-there is must be some behind the scenes happenings that are causing delays in implementing action. As far as healthcare bill, the swamp is mired in career politicians intent on making the president look bad and are implementing no action.

  • Chrystal Temple - 7 years ago

    I think he's trying and hitting road block after road block. I'm more upset with the Senate who doesn't stand with him. Do I agree with everything he's doing? No. But I feel he has reasons for doing it. I believe he never does anything off the cuff, even though it may seem like it to us. And as far as healthcare, he's doing everything in his power to repeal Obamacare. But it's not just his decision. So complaining that we are still paying high premiums and so on should not be directed at him. I'm still standing with him. For now anyway.
    Btw, it's "I couldn't care less about these three items listed". Not "I care less".

  • Shawnette F - 7 years ago

    We are not walking in his shoes so it's hard to judge his decisions even though something's don't make sense. I truely believe DJT is a very smart man who puts very smart people around him. Both intellectually and spiritually. Also doesn't he have the worst opposition of any seated president in history? 6-7 months is not enough time to make a decision about what and how he's doing things as president.

  • Teresa Chaffin - 7 years ago

    How can he get these things done with all the opposition he has against him?! The media crucifies him multiple times per day. Even the republicans in office in Washington can't come together and get anything done. I am very disappointed and am really sick and tired of the liberal agenda that is RUINING our country! Somebody prosecute Hillary and her cohorts already and kick Soros and his money out of everything America and we may be able to get this train back on the track!!

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    He's screwing around and we Americans are going down the tube. He hasn't helped me at all, still paying high premiums and deductibles. I also think it's really bad he's telling businesses to make things in America , but he's still having his stuff made in other countries. Practice what you preach President Trump. He's turning out to be like the others, caving in to the swamp. We want the refugees and illegals OUT! Don't give them visas. I'm VERY DISAPPOINTED IN HIM RIGHT NOW!!!!!

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