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Which party do you think can best handle the financial crisis? (Poll Closed)


  • SERENDIPPITTY - 16 years ago

    Andrew Oct 8, 2008 6:10pm ET

    Alex! Why don't you go fuck yourself you liberal wanker.

    My, your debating skills put you in a place of #1 in a Harper government, if there is to be one. Happily... Harper will be viewing the prospect of assuming a position in a 'secret' organization extrolling the virtues of DEMOCRACY. Unfortunately, the Canadian electorate has "caught on" to his doublespeak. Hence, your potential prospect has been elimated. Like pepsi?

  • Ken - 16 years ago

    How soon people forget! At least a $billion overrun on the LongGun Registry; nearly $1B for 4 submarines (rejected by Australia) and only 1 of which I believe is seaworthy even now; a Billion "lost" in the HRDC scandal under Jane Stewarts watch; Adscam; one could go on and on. And some people actually say the Libs have a "solid track record" in managing our economy????

  • Lynn - 16 years ago

    Now that's the best put down post I've ever read. I'm still laughing 10 minutes later. What is it with Harper Torys that they feel the need to humiliate and criticize?

    Just look at the millions spent by the Tory campaign to put down Stephan Dion. Looks like it back-fired.

  • Alex - 16 years ago

    Cogito ergo spud?

    THANKS Andrew. Sorry, I didn't mean to have you expend your entire vocabulary in one post.

    Alas, you are living proof that many Tory supporters have a small capacity for reason, only basic tool-making skills, and the use of a few simple words.

    It might interest you to know that I've voted Tory for the last three elections. Alas our plagiarizing, promise-breaking PM (broke his own election law to call the election), and Neanderthals like you and your ilk, have completely turned me off the party. I may not vote at all in this election.

  • Andrew - 16 years ago

    Alex! Why don't you go fuck yourself you liberal wanker.

  • David - 16 years ago

    "believe" is not spelled "beleive" (i before e except after c)

  • Jasmine - 16 years ago

    I beleive that Stephen Harper's conservative government is the wisest and least radical of all four parties. First of all, I beleive that Stephan Dion is an incompetant leader becasue he contradicts himself quite often and he's not very familiar with his own policies. I praise Jack Layton for making that straight forward comment about Stephan Dion during the debates. As for hte green party, I don't support them because their policies are not clearly defined. Therefore I beleive that our best bet is with the conservatives. I also want to say that I support the war in Afghanistan with all my heart. Our troops are fighting for someone's father,mother, brother, sister, friend, unceand Aunt. Support our Troops!!!!!!!

  • Bruce - 16 years ago

    Alex, spare us all the dramatics, you've had your mind made up for a good long while and as far as hurling insults, you take the hypocritical cake.

  • Alex - 16 years ago

    I'm still undecided, but if the Tory posters on this site are any indication, there are a lot of mediocre minds in the Conservative fold. Other than personal attacks, name-calling and the same old lame, unsupported rubbish, few pro-Tories seem able to string a few words together in the right order, let alone make intelligent comments.

    I think I've narrowed my choice down to three possibilities, none of which is PC.

  • richfisher - 16 years ago

    Dion can't pay back his creditors from the LAST election.
    The liberal party of Canada has still not given back the money they admitted they stole through Adscam.
    How can anybody be expected to trust them when they say they'll mind the economy.

    Fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me.

  • Bruce - 16 years ago

    You guys have a bench? That's it? Iggy and Rae ready to plunge the knives into Dion's back then fight it out amongst themselves.

    Paul Martin thinks that Dion's Clarity Act was a waste of time.

    And you guys now have Beetlejuice, I mean Gerrard Kennedy.

    What a laugh.

  • econ observer - 16 years ago

    Why would anyone who wants a strong economy vote for the Conservatives? Every time they get into office, the economy goes into the toilet.

    1984 - 1993 conservatives in power, massive deficits, economy goes in the toilet
    1993 - 2006 liberals in power, budget gets balanced, economy steadily rises, debt gets paid down, good times even with low commodity prices
    2006 - 2008 conservatives in power, budget near deficit, economy going back into toilet even with high commodity prices, admittedly with help from Harper's idols down south

    Squeezing the people at the bottom and giving more money to people and companies who are already rich is bad for the economy.
    Our economic history in the 20th century shows this repeatedly.

    Marginally lower taxes also don't help if you aren't making any money.

    Harper has a steady hand all right, and the ship is headed straight for the rocks.

  • David - 16 years ago

    Considering the economic maelstrom that is headed our way at mach speed, I will feel much more comfortable having the Liberal 'team' guiding us through these tough times. Mr. Harper, who likes to be the sole member of his team, now must take the crap with the cream. Most of us do not know who is on his 'team', save for the incompetent Flaherty and the missing-in-action Baird. With 4 of his ministers choosing not to run again, one must wonder why, and only guess at the reasons.

    Should Mr. Harper and his invisible team members retain the same number of seats in Parliament, or actually lose some, then we Canadians must express our disgust with this waste of our time and money for what is turning out to be a needless eletion, one that was apparently chosen for Mr. Harper's gain only.

    Mr. Harper, it is quite evident, is suffering from severe "Electile Dysfunction".

  • SERENDIPPITTY - 16 years ago


    People no long want baboons and jackals performing in the commons.

    Ditto for Jacko-beat-the-tom-toms-Layton and his 'gotcha' subsidy for
    BIG ASS.

  • Bruce - 16 years ago

    This is where Dion/Layton would take Canada;

    "Standard & Poor's last night downgraded Iceland's credit ratings after Haarde's comments. The long-term sovereign rating was reduced to BBB+/A-2 from +/A-1, and the foreign currency rating to BBB/A-3 from A-/A-2."

  • H Pontius - 16 years ago

    Would someone please comment on the article by Lorrie Goldstein Sun Media called Follow Europe where? The carbon tax is not working in Europe why would it work here.

  • Bruce - 16 years ago

    PM sees trouble ahead for economy

  • Dave - 16 years ago

    Stephen Harper's level headed, live-within-ones-means approach is exactly what this country needs right now. Dion's wacko socialist ideas would kill this country's economy faster than anyone can imagine, and this coming from someone who voted Liberal most of his adult life. No longer.

  • East of Eden - 16 years ago

    Karen, you are so correct. Toyota is not suffering but the CAW plants are. Could there be a connection between lousy products which consumers don't wish to purchase and the layoffs? And, besides, the auto industry lays off people no matter who is in power. I seem to recall that Buzz had lots of complaints when the Libs were in power.

  • Claude - 16 years ago

    Let's see we have the sociology professor and the economist talking about the economy and who do we want in charge? I know the goofy guy with the funny glasses. Come on now let's tax everyone more for everything and that will fix the economy. Think about it people.

  • Alex - 16 years ago

    Andrew said: "Stephanie Dion couldn't find his ass with both hands!"

    But I bet you could.

    You sound like a disgruntled loser. So, Harper's blown his majority. He can now have the job of running the country with a minority government in a deep recession.

    Good luck!

  • Mike - 16 years ago

    SJ writes he is hoping for a change. What a joke. The Liberals were inpower for how long SJ? And they were defeated (not so long ago) in disgrace because they conned the taxpayer out of millions....or have we forgotten Ad Scam. The only Cons here are the Liberals. Give the Conservatives the chance that WE ALL DESERVE.

  • SJ - 16 years ago

    Your right, Dion WON'T be doing it alone. He will have a COMPETENT team behind him. A team who is actually willing to VOICE opinion and not have it DICTATED to them.

    He would be what we like to call, a TEAM player. One who is OPEN to ideas. Make all the snide remarks you like cons. Nothing will change how Canadians are feeling about this foolish con government. I'm hoping for a change. For the BETTER this time. Not worse.

  • Karen - 16 years ago

    Dion can't do anything by himself, let alone run a country. The CAW are idiots to blame the Harper government. They should look at their products and realise they make crappy cars. Dion, if elected (God forbid) won't help them at all.

  • Canuck ON - 16 years ago

    Hmmm ... the Liberals as caretakers.

    If the cupboard is bare, the PM has nothing to offer.

  • Andrew - 16 years ago

    Stephanie Dion couldn't find his ass with both hands!

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