Are you upset with Trump's comments about Sessions to The NYTimes


  • Patricia - 7 years ago

    Yes, I am upset with Trump for what he said to Sessions, but, there is no way I would go anywhere near as far as what DML wrote to him. DML, you accuse those of us who support Trump, that we would never be mad at him for anything. You don't help the situation at all, in fact anyone who doesn't like Trump, if they read what you said, you just encouraged them further in their negative ideas. I guess I should know by now, when you get it in your head that you are mad at him, you are actually no different than Trump. You go off , just like he can. I pray you are getting the medical attention that you need. I do care about you.

  • Jeff - 7 years ago

    How do we know that Pres. Trump didn't give Sessions a heads up about he was going to say to the NYT? Sessions does not look or seem upset since it was reported. The Pres. does love to mess with the media.

  • Billseinbug - 7 years ago

    President Trump has done and said some things that really puzzle and confuse me sometimes. I still support him though. We've got to. I won't let the Dem trash win! I voted for him! MAGA!

  • Jack Fitzgerald - 7 years ago

    I'm still for Trump all the way. I wish he never went off on Sessions like he did.
    I can just imagine what it must be like when the Dems and some Republicans oppose or stand in the way of most everything he trys to do. He has no backing from the dirtbags in Congress or the Senate. Put yourself in his shoes. Hardly any coorporation from anyone. Sessions recusal let Muller in and I'm sure he's feeling the heat, especially with his son getting grilled next week. I know how I would feel if one of my sons were getting set-up.
    DML, Trump needs our support more than ever.
    I sure hope we haven't lost Sessions; he's such a good guy.

  • Kmak - 7 years ago instead of taking responsibility for our own decisions as it relates to Trump when we voted for him (you knew he was a firecracker & spoke his mind) you want to be a part of taking him down. He has had enough heat, if you don't want to be his supporter - don't be, but all this negatism fuels the crazies who want him out, and it further erodes our country. Otherwise, DML this includes you....stop whining,it's not professional and chances it will harm you more than Trump.

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    Even though I have been an avid Trump supporter, It concerns me that what we're seeing may be the ruthless business man side of Trump that worked for him in his billionaire corporate world..however it does NOT work as President of the United States !! Along with his tweets ....this public outlashing about
    Session's is really pushing the envelope very close to the edge of NOT OK Mr. President!

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    I want to believe that Trump was trying to create a distraction and that he and Sessions still have a bromance from the campaign days. I would hope Trump isn't that cruel since Sessions is a decent man and desires to do the right thing for the country. If Trump was sincere then he has a problem and needs to get over Sessions recusal. That ship has sailed and he needs to get back on board his own Trump train and get down to #MAGA.

  • Kenneth Lanford - 7 years ago

    How can you get upset having an honest President? He thought Sessions' recusal was a BS move and he called him in it! Why is that "throwing him under the bus?" I don't always agree with my friends! They don't always agree with me! That's life buttercup. I mean if you want to look for a reason to be mad at MY President, look at some of the things he backpedaled on. Iran deal and such. On the other hand you have to also give him credit for the thing he has held up! TPP , VA... just to name a few. I still have a job, the sun came up this morning. I am better off now than I woulda been with Hillary. Let him do his thing his way, leave the whining about how and why to the liberals.

  • robert v. costa jr - 7 years ago

    i really don;t understand his thinking, we no he is very smart, but he is throwing his own staff under the bus or is this his way of changing the narrative it is getting difficult to tell anymore he still has my support but it is becoming hard at times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Stephanie Dallakian - 7 years ago

    I am so DONE! Life is too special to be wasting it on all this hateful energy. Trump had no business being lassoed into giving an interview with The NY Times. Between his excessive tweets and now this! I am clearing my spirit for happy thoughts.

  • Barbara Dillon - 7 years ago

    A little upset. But President Trump always has a plan. Who knows. Maybe Sessions knew what Trump was gonna do. He took the hit maybe to get the fake news onto another subject other then Russia Russia Russia. I believe they are good friends. Trump always has a reason. Just watch now how the Democrats will defend Sessions. They had pure hate for him before. Just like the Dems hated Comey. He needs to fired. Then Trump fires him and Dems get all high and mighty and then defend Comey.

  • Cyndi - 7 years ago

    Confused is a better word. Not upset by this interview but definitely confused by it.

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    Hope you feel better soon DML, we miss you.

  • gmab5 - 7 years ago

    I think he should STOP going on Twitter, stop throwing his loyal cabinet and others under the bus, stay there in DC and work on his programs quietly, stop talking about other people ...he sounds very childish!! And after all the awful stuff he's said about the NYC, why is he doing an interview to them? Stop all the bull comments. Ignore the bull and continue to govern from the oval office and let the staff relay messages to the public!! Give only prepared messages and STAY ON MESSAGE!!

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    I think if he didn't like what Sessions did he should have talked privately with him, not in an interview with "The Fake News". Sessions was the only person he could truely trust and he kicked him to the curb. Very Mean!

  • Pat - 7 years ago

    I feel he was wrong in kicking Sessions to the curb and especially as Sessions was his appointee and friend.
    He is not going to engender integrity or friendship with this kind of behavior. And I would think he needs both.
    Your letter was straight and to the point. A much needed discourse on his behavior. I think he would be wise to take council, to think twice before he just opens up his mouth and sticks his foot in it.
    I pray you are feeling better soon. Thanks for all you do.

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