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Do you think there should be an Army tank in JNU?

Total Votes: 3,898

  • Anil Rai - 7 years ago

    JNU is a premier educational institution in India and a leading university of higher learning globally...Army should do its duty to protect India's borders and not interfere in internal law and order issues much less institutions of learning... the VC of JNU has politicised the campus asking for a tank to be placed as a souvenir there...he should be summarily sacked by the Ministry of Human Resource Development for this gross impropriety and promotion of the divisive agenda of RSS and similar outfits...VC's job is to focus on improving the educational infrastructure of the University like good faculty, research facilities, increased intake of deserving students and Ph.D. scholars' better hostel and mess facilities ...universities are places for discussion, debate, dissent and free expression of different, and even opposing, view points on national and international issues of significance ... this is dangerous proposal of jingoism and anti- nationalism which needs to be opposed by all right thinking and secular citizens of the country and around the world.

  • Sanjay - 7 years ago

    To those who oppose this by saying "pen is mightier than sword", my question is why their Heros (the Burhan Wanis, Afzal Gurus, the Marxists etc.) took to the sword instead of the pen. Stop being stupidly liberal.

  • SK - 7 years ago

    Poll results will also show the percentage of fake Patriots and fake nationalists.

  • Chander Mohan - 7 years ago


  • Masoom - 7 years ago

    Patriotism can't be instilled in the mind of anyone by merely showing deadly, lethal armaments.
    The idea of installing it is a vain idea.

  • Pratima Chaterjee Aka patriot - 7 years ago


    Free JNU campus from #RSS, #BJP

  • Narayan Goswami - 7 years ago

    All these nonsense should stop.
    I would like to remember the morons in the ruling party and their hired agents like v.c of JNU that PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN UR DEADLY TANKS.

  • surendra Sharma - 7 years ago

    All these extremists , Leftists and anti national slogan shouters in JNU should be given three months training in arms combat and send them to the front to fight our enemies OR these people should be tried very quickly for treason and send to jail for a very long time and they should do very hard labour.This university needs root & branch reform

  • R Singh - 7 years ago

    When a tank is handy, use it.

    JNU needs to be shut down and the infra structure, buildings, used for distance education centre to bring education , using digital technology, by satellite, to all of Hindustan,Tibet, Myammar, Bangladesh, Pakiland, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka etc.

    No JNU faculty high or low , or alumni or current students should be hired.

    The name of Jawahar Lal University, a terror nursery, needs to eradicated from our collective memory.

  • Anoop Singh - 7 years ago

    you don't use a tank to flush out antinationals. small weapons and armored vehicles are good enough

  • Ashok - 7 years ago

    When there antinationals present at an university located at the center of Delhi and they dare to say India ka tukde. tukde karenge..there ought to be not one tank but an army to flush out those thugs , Sitting in India and enjoying the democracy of India and star sloganeering makings terrorists heros!!!There needs to be some discipline .With the leftst mindset people occupying the campus for a long time without showing any interest in comleting their course and moving out.They are playing some dirty antinational games...Shame on their supporters.....

  • Manna - 7 years ago

    Tank ke Naam se hi commies aur Pak Premi gang ki fut gayi..
    Rafoogar de do in fattuon Ko koi.
    Moreover CHANGE THE NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY ..uncles studying here get motivated by the filthy deeds of syphlisi man..
    The beggars with gutter level IQ are wasting my money.
    First thing should be stop funding them my money..I don't want to pay these idiots my hard earned money that they use for booz and condoms..

    A whole wall should have portraits of real freedom fighters..

    Put tanks all around the JNU..cover the boundary wall with the tanks..!!

    Something is wrong with your votes!
    They are being filtered..
    I am dead sure about it!

  • Sneha Ganguly - 7 years ago

    Are you F***in serious? Haan Bhaiya, ek e rickshaw to laga nahi pay, ab tank mei baith ke Centre set gate Tak jayenge

  • Sohini Sarkar - 7 years ago

    Please stop this insanity.

  • Tulsi Dhanjani - 7 years ago

    I support the placement of a tank at JNU.

  • Kapil Parashar - 7 years ago

    Its an educational institution. Placement of idol of Maa Saraswati and Dr. Radhakrishnan would be appropriate. An anti national if any cannot be made nationalist by placement of a tank.

  • Alok Lahad - 7 years ago

    As a former student of JNU and keeping in view that the degree of NDA is issued by JNU I don't think there is nothing wrong in placing a tank at JNU campus. On the contrary, an IAF aeroplane should also be kept and a rocket from ISRO.

    I do not want anyone to think that I am anti national the moment I say I have studied at JNU.

  • vin - 7 years ago

    there is a big difference between nationalism of europe during ww2 and what happened in jnu. if anti national slogans where really raised there nothing will change their minds to patriotrism anyway, not even 100 tanks or anything,really.

  • rajiv Pandey - 7 years ago

    anti national bjp....anti national rss....anti national jnu you india...
    and love you tooooooooo much to rss/bjp/jnu vc.....i pray to God that every indian get a chance to study in pro poor pro dalit pro farmers jnu! love you once again jnu.....kash bjp samaj park...

  • rajiv Pandey - 7 years ago

    anti national bjp....anti national rss....anti national jnu you india...
    and love you tooooooooo much to rss/bjp/jnu vc.....i pray to God that every indian get a chance to study in pro poor pro dalit pro farmers jnu! love you once again jnu.....kash bjp samaj park...

  • Deepak Malhotra - 7 years ago

    Those who think that in the world there will be no wars are actually saying 'come we are ready to be slaves again'. They are childish. Tell me one continent, one decade where there was no war. Even Switzerland which has never been to war keeps a sizable modern military. Even Japan wants tto have one for the safety for its own country. If you don't want war be very strong yourself. Men and material is required for a motivated armed forces. Keeping a tank is for motivation and not to prove your patriotism. Or please tell us how you want to display nationalism and what will you do in national interest for its safety and integrity,

  • Deepak Malhotra - 7 years ago

    I would have been happy if 100% had said YES. The national security has to be in the hand of Indians- we have enemies on our borders waiting to grab our territories- the security forces need youth who should know, be motivated and ready to join the security forces and be prepared to face difficult life

  • nagendra - 7 years ago

    jnu is one of the worst anti national universities in the world,so by forcibly hook and crook have to inculcate values in these colleges,mainly have to get rid of left ideology.

  • Rahul - 7 years ago

    Hyper nationalism was one of the chief reasons for World War II wherein 10 Crore humans were slaughtered for actually NOTHING. If 68% people out of the discerning readership of a rather balanced newspaper like Indian express are voting in favour of tank on JNU campus, I think situation in my country is far worst than I think it is. To my mind India is now probably the most dangerous places on earth to be in for any peace loving and enlightened person. Those who are yearning for war must watch documentaries on War on youtube. You will puke.

  • Shubham Kumar - 7 years ago

    One can't teach quislings the meaning of patriotism by force. Putting those rodents at gunpoint and in this case at tankpoint is just not going to work. It will only encourage them and give them one more opportunity to defame the secular and democratic image of India on international level.
    Let's assume for a second that the VC got the permission to put a tank inside the campus. Then what? Are they willing to fire it on students because the whole nation know that the students of JNU are the quislings. And trust me even if you can muster the guts to actually fire it on them, no true Indian will be standing behind you after that. There will be protest on every single street of India and the world will be spitting on us.

  • Andrew Sesuraj Murray - 7 years ago

    Keeping a Tank in JNU may not only remind the sacrifices of Indian Army but also the corruption by Indian Politicians in the purchase of arms and ammunitions. And the blood thirst of the ruling party in creating war like situation in border to evade from the failures in the governance

  • Azad - 7 years ago

    The VC is a Sanghi appointed to discredit JNU and bring it's reputation down we have already seen his tugalaq way of working without consent or advice of student or faculty bodies.

  • Sameer rafiq - 7 years ago

    Raise funds for poor people living inthe country and think as a humans not like fools

  • Saroj Kumar Debta - 7 years ago

    Indian that to students of JNU don't need to prove nationalism.

  • ved prakash - 7 years ago

    This JNU VC is RSS boot licker , will do any thing to please his masters , they want to offend good ppl by questioning their petriotism

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