Drinking any alcholol can have an adverse affect on a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Very few people consider things like are they physi ally well, fatigued, taking prescriptions or OTC drugs/supplements, under excessive stress,, drinking on an empty stomach etc. All of the above can cause alcohol to impair a person's judgement and ability similar to if they had consumed enough alcholol to be legally drunk.
Environmental factors also need to be considered. Even a small amount of alcholol will make it more difficult to drive safely when disability is poor, roads are wet or frozen, heavily congested roads, road construction, or driving in an unfamiliar area. So for parents who cannot.relax without their adult beverage, I applaud this restaurant in taking a bold stand, having a drink limit for designated drivers of children and firmly enforcing your policy.
JANE Meyers - 8 years ago
Drinking any alcholol can have an adverse affect on a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Very few people consider things like are they physi ally well, fatigued, taking prescriptions or OTC drugs/supplements, under excessive stress,, drinking on an empty stomach etc. All of the above can cause alcohol to impair a person's judgement and ability similar to if they had consumed enough alcholol to be legally drunk.
Environmental factors also need to be considered. Even a small amount of alcholol will make it more difficult to drive safely when disability is poor, roads are wet or frozen, heavily congested roads, road construction, or driving in an unfamiliar area. So for parents who cannot.relax without their adult beverage, I applaud this restaurant in taking a bold stand, having a drink limit for designated drivers of children and firmly enforcing your policy.
Drinking any alcholol can have an adverse affect on a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Very few people consider things like are they physi ally well, fatigued, taking prescriptions or OTC drugs/supplements, under excessive stress,, drinking on an empty stomach etc. All of the above can cause alcohol to impair a person's judgement and ability similar to if they had consumed enough alcholol to be legally drunk.
Environmental factors also need to be considered. Even a small amount of alcholol will make it more difficult to drive safely when disability is poor, roads are wet or frozen, heavily congested roads, road construction, or driving in an unfamiliar area. So for parents who cannot.relax without their adult beverage, I applaud this restaurant in taking a bold stand, having a drink limit for designated drivers of children and firmly enforcing your policy.
Drinking any alcholol can have an adverse affect on a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Very few people consider things like are they physi ally well, fatigued, taking prescriptions or OTC drugs/supplements, under excessive stress,, drinking on an empty stomach etc. All of the above can cause alcohol to impair a person's judgement and ability similar to if they had consumed enough alcholol to be legally drunk.
Environmental factors also need to be considered. Even a small amount of alcholol will make it more difficult to drive safely when disability is poor, roads are wet or frozen, heavily congested roads, road construction, or driving in an unfamiliar area. So for parents who cannot.relax without their adult beverage, I applaud this restaurant in taking a bold stand, having a drink limit for designated drivers of children and firmly enforcing your policy.