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Do you think it was a good idea to air the 'Outlander' episode at Comic-Con?

Total Votes: 1,877

  • Chrissy - 7 years ago

    What a bunch of wieners! (Yes weiners, not whiners). NO ONE is a bigger Outlander fan than myself- and i am I a tad jealous? Sure! But God bless those that made the trek and got rewarded. Must be all those trophy milllenials crying again.

  • Patricia - 7 years ago

    Cheap shot and bad for Starz. I pay them every month, whether or not there's anything to watch and for over a year no Outlander. I'm an original reader and re-reader of the Outlander series, but I feel that I should have been able to log into my account and watch as well as those who went to SDCC. After all those that subscribe are their core audience.

  • Coleen Brooks - 7 years ago

    Gracious good golly!! Grow up people!! Folks traveled far and wide and spent big bucks to go to Comic-Con. What's the problem here? These people deserve some perks and not just a goody bag. Way to go STARZ, Ms. Galbadon, Mr. Moore, and anyone else involved in this did the right thing. I'm anxiously waiting for Sept. 10 as did all those fans attending. What a treat for them...and they get to see it again on Sept. 10!!

  • Vicky P - 7 years ago

    I think its awesome that folks who had the funds and opportunity to attend Comiccon were rewarded with such a special treat.

  • Dawn Compton - 7 years ago

    I think it was wonderful of STARZ and Ron & Company to give this awesome gift to the fans at the Comic Con panel!!!
    Sure, I would have loved to have been fortunate enough to be able to attend Comic Con and see the episode but I would never begrudge anyone else the opportunity!! Best. Surprise. Ever. !!!

  • DIANA GERDING - 7 years ago

    I was a little disappointed, but life is FULL of disappointments. I'm just re-reading Voyager again. and will wait till Sept 10th. If you have read the book, watched all the interviews, read all the articles you can find..then episode 1 of season 3 will not be that big of a shocker. Culloden battle, maybe Claire & Frank..nothing I really want to watch anyhow. Not happy already with the 20 years apart, but that is what Diana G. wrote. Now IF they had shown the "reunion", Print Shop" episiode, I would be VERY, VERY Still LOVE my Outlander, still Starz OBSESSED!!

  • Lynne - 7 years ago

    I'm just jealous!!!! I have waited YEARS for the books, I can wait but I am still jealous! Clair and Jamie have been a part of my life since 1993...what's another few weeks. I'll just read "Voyager" for the 6th time!

  • Teresa - 7 years ago

    What is the difference between those fans at Comic Con getting a preview of 301 versus the famous people who go to the premieres of each season? Personally I'm excited for the people at CC. There are a lot of things I can no longer attend because of arthritis but I don't begrudge anyone else the opportunity. There are so many positive-minded fans of Outlander, but then you have the self-centered gripers and the whiners that no matter what you do they're never happy. And if they refuse to watch S3 because they are angry about the preview, they're hurting no one but themselves. No one else is going to lose any sleep over it.

  • ingeborg oppenheimer - 7 years ago

    devil's advocate: i forgive the powers-that-be for showing episode 1 of season 3 only to those who attended. they deserved that prize just for the crowds and noise they had to deal with at comic.con, let alone the money it cost them. we, who were spared all that pandemonium, have access to the many pictures and videos that were generously shared online by those who did attend.

  • Cherron Dewberry - 7 years ago

    I don't think its fair to the millions of fans out there who have been waiting patiently for the season to begin. Regardless to the fact how they paid. I love the show and feel cheated out of this opportunity to see the first episode. If Stars agreed to this screening than it should have been made public a special spot on television. Not just for Comic-Con; for everyone. I don't know if I will watch the 3rd season. If so I decide GOD I hope it will be better than season 2. So disappointed when I found out about the screening.

  • Cherron Dewberry - 7 years ago

    I don't think its fair to the millions of fans out there who have been waiting patiently for the season to begin. Regardless to the fact how they paid. I love the show and feel cheated out of this opportunity to see the first episode. If Stars agreed to this screening than it should have been made public a special spot on television. Not just for Comic-Con; for everyone. I don't know if I will watch the 3rd season. If so I decide GOD I hope it will be better than season 2. So disappointed when I found out about the screening.

  • Karen - 7 years ago

    Aye, STARZ, we love ye; but it's not too late to stream Outlander E301 online, ye ken‼️????

  • LE Starke - 7 years ago

    Money Talks & BS walks!!!! If you don't have money you are S O L!!!!

  • Shelly Valladolid - 7 years ago

    They didn't just pay top dollar, they also waited in lines overnight. They earned this.

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