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Do you think it was wise for President Uhuru to skip the debate?


  • Joseph kariuki - 7 years ago

    UK is great and very respected leader, world wide everybody was watching and listenning what Kenyans would ask, in this moment the opposition supporters were eager to ask insulting questions, so it was hard for him seeing insults by his eyes....congrats UK.…

  • philemon k lelei - 7 years ago

    I don't understand why President skipped yet it was an opportunity to tell Kenyans his achievement in five yrs as well as what to do again if elected

  • Anthony - 7 years ago

    Uhuru Kenyatta, Joe Nyagah, Cyrus Jirongo and Abduba Dida are presidential candidates who all missed the debate. Why are people so hard on Uhuru Kenyatta?

  • Otieno Steve Odogo - 7 years ago

    It was totally Not wise for UK to skip it. Rem this was a platform to attract the UNDECIDED VOTERS. He was afraid of facing BABA

  • Robert Opio - 7 years ago

    The President might have been misled deliberately to miss out on the debate. But he should have been there to defend his performance record on among other things: - fighting corruption - (NYS - Eurobond - MOH, cost of SRG), uniting the country, reducing nepotism, creating employment, expanding and growing the economy, reducing cost of living and fighting food insecurity, and laptop project.

    But he was wise to abstain if at all he knew he was going to be embarrassed before the public. And that’s the only obvious reason why he avoided being there. It happens you can apply for a job and they call you for an interview, but knowing that they’ll ask you for original testimonials and you know you don’t have them, so what do you do? You avoid the embarrassment by not going there. That’s what his handers told him to do. He couldn't have answered any of those queries accordingly, period.

    It was a great God given opportunity for the NASA candidate, and that's how He works his miracles, He can blind the enemy so that you have a safe way out!

  • Muraga - 7 years ago

    Kenyans have already decided who they want to be their president. The debate would not make them change their minds.

  • zul jamal - 7 years ago

    i feel UK should have participated in the debate, yesterday there was no debate. UK not turning up made it a Q & A session for Hon. Raila; the current administration disrespected Kenyans by not attending and were afraid of answering tough questions. the two mediators were excellent and i think , with the huge corruption scandals facing the current administration, they didnt want to answer for them on a national podium. Us Kenyans should vote wisely.

  • Olikdunga - 7 years ago

    A big percentage of Kenyans don't have the opportunity and time to attend a political raily. Such debate gives them the opportunity to gauge who to vote for. By intentionally missing, you have missed our votes. Diaspora.

  • Carolyne Adhiambo - 7 years ago

    Indeed it was a good opportunity for presidential candidates to express their desires and show Kenyans how they will serve the country. Kudos kwa #RAO who swallowed the pride. Very unfortunate for those who misled the president not to value the debate. After all is said and done we preach peace in the hearts of all Kenyans because Kenya is bigger than Rao and Uhuru.

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