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Do you favor allowing motorized vehicles in the Teanaway Community Forest?


  • V S - 7 years ago

    I have owned property in Teanaway since 1981. We raised our children and now our grandchildren here. Back in the "day", we could ride the quad's and motorcycles throughout the area and many times, stopped to show the kids where there were nesting grouse, killdeer, and nighthawks. Always on the road, and always looking for signs of nature. Not raising hell through the forest. I am happy that I live in the middle of this beautiful forest, but sad that I am unable to show my grandchildren what my children were able to see. I say, let us ride, and big $$$ tickets for those not following the rules of terrain. Most of us are not there to try and live beyond the limits.

  • David - 7 years ago

    The little Naches ORV area is well managed. Back country Horse Man help with trail restoration etc. There is no private land nearby and it is seasonal. Also as a AMA member I have not seen anything mentioned in our magazine. Very prestine area, and needs to be preserved. Would like to see a comprehensive plan of the proposed location and trail types to decide.

  • J.S. - 7 years ago

    I am a Teanaway resident & both hike & horseback ride primarily in the West Fork area. While I totally understand the arguments of those wanting motorized use of the TCF, it is difficult to manage mixed use pairing motorized & non-motorized (hiker, horseback riding, mountain biking). The experience in the woods is so different for these groups. The motorized like to go fast, challenge their abilities to navigate rough terrain, and in so doing totally miss the beauty & serenity of the area that the non-motorized users so enjoy. If they put-put-ed along at 10 mph I would be all for sharing, but the reality is, they don't. That being said, why not consider assigning a specific area with challenging enough terrain to satisfy the motorized user, & clearly outlining the boundaries of that area. This area would also be open to other users, but they would be on notice that motorized activity is allowed so the non-motorized users would have no room to complain if they chose to use that area. No matter what is decided, it is critically important that ALL users respect the land, the wildlife & each other .

  • Art McAskill - 7 years ago

    Friends of the Teanaway and private landowners with adjoining property are against motorized access.

  • Kari T - 7 years ago

    This question and poll is misleading. Motorized vehicles can already access the forest - and get to the 3 forest service trailheads and head off for miles and miles of motorized trails. Open roads take you up to Red Top for scenic drives and more. This whole debate is misleading. What we're really talking about is expanding use - and we don't need more - there's a ton in the area and the state can't keep up with management. The community forest is about more than just getting to do what you want out there - it's about the critters, restoring the forest, and more.

  • Tracy rutt - 7 years ago

    Most of the state is locked up allow us motorized folks some space

  • John williamson - 7 years ago

    It will bring lots of money to not only that community but alot of the surrounding communities as well

  • Jerri Pardini - 7 years ago

    Without motorized vehicles, there are many folks who cannot get out and enjoy the forests or hunting or fishing. While there are those who show total disregard for others' property, there are many more people of various degrees of disability (by virtue of age or handicap) who will be shut out of our forested lands.

  • Eric w Giaudrone - 7 years ago

    Everyone needs to share all land, as long as its respected and not abused also there isn't enough places to go to ride and share the outdoors with your family etc.

  • J.L. - 7 years ago

    Absolutely! We all pay taxes and we should all be able to use it. I feel it should be more like Lt. Murray where areas are designated. We have plenty of non-motorized trails just down the road in Alpine Lakes Wilderness. There are hundreds of miles if trails that have been shut down over the years because nobody uses and maintains them. Use them or lose them!

  • Laura Gorman - 7 years ago

    FSRs and the connector only. Conservation is the number one thing. Take a look at some other moto areas.

  • Bob Seelye - 7 years ago

    Pattern it after the very successful Capital Forest to Allow all Use. Some of us are old an handicapped....We can't hike or bike to the top to enjoy the Forest.

    Those making the decisions often come from urban areas with many options for recreation.....For us that grew up here, at time of year our only recreation is to go for a Sunday drive in the Forest and have a picnic....Now we just find Gates.......Listen to Local Input!!!!!!!

  • Bob Seelye - 7 years ago

    Pattern it after the very successful Capital Forest to Allow all Use. Some of us are old an handicapped....We can't hike or bike to the top to enjoy the Forest.

    Those making the decisions often come from urban areas with many options for recreation.....For us that grew up here, at time of year our only recreation is to go for a Sunday drive in the Forest and have a picnic....Now we just find Gates.......Listen to Local Input!!!!!!!

  • Darryl - 7 years ago

    Absolutely, that would be including the whole community. If not call it the restricted forest.(Teanaway Resident)

  • Linda McAskill - 7 years ago

    No to motorized offroad vehicles in Teanaway community forest. I own land on Teanaway rd.

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