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Do you support the Justice Department's crackdown on leakers?


  • Erica - 7 years ago

    Yes!! But I am worried it will be just talk. I hope they REALLY DO WHAT THEY SAY THEY WILL DO! And I hope they do it QUICKLY!!

  • Marianne Hertel - 7 years ago

    He should have started this months ago. Jeff Sessions used to be in the Senate,so he's used to working slow. No longer! His top priority should have been to stop the leaks that are hurting President Trump and his administration.

  • Wilma - 7 years ago

    I would also check for wire taps if they haven't already. Don't trust those connected to Obama. They would to anything.

  • Jeff Lane - 7 years ago

    You got it, Linda Berry! Some said, yesterday, A.G. Sessions pressed amounted to Lott more than a finger wag. When coupled with suits against the perpetrators, it puts them on notice. Like DML's said, The A.G.'s come to play. The President knows it, and supports his course of action, for the good of the country. Looks like Team Trump may be ready to roll! Special Prosecutor Mueller, hope you're as capable!

  • Barbara Graham - 7 years ago

    The Justice Dept should have been taking action frim Day 1 of the Trump Admin. I thought highly of Jeff Sessions BUT it appears he doesn't do his job to take down criminals in DC, only gangs. Doing great on gangs BUT there is a gang in DC that needs to be taken down and join the M_13 being bars. Apparently, Unions in DC corrupt the process of dealing with law breakers.
    Im frustrated with Jeff Sessions. He works for We the People and I want him to crack down in DC.

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    Geeeezzzzz I am appauled that this,is,even being debated. Those who appose this think about within your own businesses. How would you react if YOUR information was leaked by employees. ..?

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