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Which Season 13 Food Network Star Finalist Do You Want To Win The Competition (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,453

  • Loraye - 7 years ago

    Rusty is horrible! How they picked him over Matthew baffles my mind. Then he makes it to tbe final two. He jacked up every challenge and is awful on TV. I picked Jason from day one.

  • Nissa Deloopercrump - 7 years ago

    Amy should be in the finale. Jason is annoying. Rusty I have no words for. Corey is boring as HELL and looks fake. *I actually wish Matthew hadn't been eliminated at this point...even though he tore into my nerves on every episode, his ???? for what he does is genuine.

  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Lord, honey, I will NEVER watch a show with Jason on it. He annoyed me no end on the Baking Championship show he was on, and this season has been even more annoying - so much so I've quit watching!

  • Lucinda Eadric - 7 years ago

    This tough. I can't stand Rusty. (Why must there always be a loud fat disorganized man trying to prove what a "regular guy" he is?) On the fence as to whether Jason is more annoying or entertaining. Corey is kinda boring but refreshingly "normal", not trying to be a stereotype character. Honestly, Matthew has grown on me by making so much progress in his personality. I can't believe I was so sad to see him go.

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