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Is allowing illegal aliens to vote a good thing for America


  • Katie R - 7 years ago

    Absolutely not!! For one, they do not pay taxes. Our tax dollars pay those who hold positions in office, so if you don't pay, you don't have a say. Secondly, US citizens who do contribute to our Government by paying taxes lose the "right to vote" if they acquire a felony charge on their record. So as a nation how can we unjustly give the right away so freely to a criminal (good person or not, if you are breaking the law daily, you are a criminal,) who does not pay their dues to the Government! In all of my years I have never heard a single AMERICAN who lost their right complain about not being able to vote. I feel they all knew it was a consequence of whatever stupid choice they chose to make, so they accept it and continue to pay their dues without a fuss. This is insane!!!!!

  • Susan - 7 years ago


  • Susan - 7 years ago

    Register them, have ICE agents at the polling stations, then arrest them for their illegal status.

  • Karen - 7 years ago

    Hmmm, I think I'll just travel around the globe, maybe to Canada, Mexico, places in Europe, etc...and try to vote in their National elections. I mean, if it's okay for just anyone to vote in our elections, it shouldn't be a problem for me to do the same in any other country, right?
    Too many politicians in this country have become addicted to power. It's no longer about serving the people of their districts, it's about serving themselves. Otherwise, no politician would agree to such absurdity.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    Send ice to pick up the people who voted yes. Send the unsure voters back to school.

  • Barbara - 7 years ago

    What do illegals know about our country our culture our history? What do they know about our politicians? How can they even make a good choice when even our own citizens can answer basic questions about our history! If they don't even know how to communicate or understand what is being said I don't think anyone who is know a citizen should be aloud to vote.., why would we open up the election to anyone or make it so anyone in the whole world like Russia take part in our election! Crazy to even think they should be aloud to vote!

  • Corlinna Smith - 7 years ago

    If my husband has to go about it the legal way to become a citizen and vote, so should every one else, full stop!

  • Sally - 7 years ago

    NO, never ever!!!!

  • Panda Bears - 7 years ago

    Not no but Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Nooooooooooooooooooooooo It's bad enough that they are doing it because someone sold them another persons identification so they are voting under that name. And lets not forget the last president telling them they could towards the end of the election year just to better Hitlerys chances of winning.......... Note: as a legal American citizen I would have NO rights in another country such as this so WHY they come here ( illegally ) and expect that right or any rights as a citizen is wrong on many levels and personally I'm tired of hearing them bitch and cry about they have non . YOUR coming here illegally YOU have no American citizen rights. Oh and stop blaming us for YOU not doing things the proper way and now you kids will see there parents deported that is YOUR PARENTS fault not ours.

  • Denise - 7 years ago

    Most definitely NOT!! My husband came here LEGALLY from Canada. He hired a lawyer and paid the fees for his green card status. HE LEGALLY CAN NOT VOTE BECAUSE HE IS NOT A CITIZEN. So why the hell should any illegal alien be given that right?? Apply, pay your dues and enter our Country the legal way and contribute to society! I'm so damn sick of everyone feeling entitled!

  • Saul Fein - 7 years ago

    Lets see now... the constitution says.... only an american citizen can vote.... hhhhmmmm... the answer to your poll question is hell No!

  • Kimberly - 7 years ago

    Is there a HEEEELLLLL NOOOOO???!!!!

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    Apparently illegal aliens voted yes here too

  • Arizon Kalde - 7 years ago

    That's a BIG H-E-Double hockey sticks NO! That be a big slap in the face. To founding fathers plus that would be collusion with a foreign body & grounds for treason.

  • Mary - 7 years ago

    This is just a way for Democrats to get back control and Choke the life out of hard working American's. No one but legal United States citizens should be allowed to vote in our elections.

  • Pam - 7 years ago

    Whoever voted yes needs to pack their bags and be deported with the rest of them!

  • Stacey - 7 years ago

    I accidentally voted yes, should have been a big fat NO!!!! Poll wouldn't let me go back and change.

  • Sharon Jannette Wimpey Little - 7 years ago

    Our country is the best country in the world... I, along with other citizens, would love to keep it that way. That being said, the citizens of this country have certain rights that being a noncitizen or illegal alien doesn't.. one of them is vote in the elections of our country. It's a privilege to be a citizen and vote. It's my honor to vote in all elections that I can. A felon (citizen of US) cannot vote in our elections. That privilege and honor has been taken away from them. So.. it shall be the same for anyone who is illegal and not a citizen of the United States of America!! They should have no rights, honors, or privileges afforded a UNited States Citizen!! And that includes voting in our elections.. or even running for office!!

  • T Pat - 7 years ago

    How can any country let non citizens dictate their law? That is the path to globalism and the loss of the country. Dems are the most corrupt party ever, bent on destroying the US.

  • Jerrie - 7 years ago

    Omg who the hell voted yes??? No,no,no

  • Robin - 7 years ago

    Not only no.... But Hell NO!!!

  • Angelena - 7 years ago

    This is all for the Democratic party vote! At our cost! Hell no!
    This party will continue to run this country into a hell hole! They must be stopped!!

  • Julie - 7 years ago

    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michelle - 7 years ago

    Angeleno, born and raised, but I had to leave my beloved state behind and go where there is at least a modicum of sanity in government.

    Non-citizens voting in elections is completely unconstitutional, not to mention insulting to those who came here legally or were born here. California is pandering to the illegals, to their own demise, and it just makes no sense.

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    And we see what a grand job they've done on them before...obama. no one should get to vote with out having citizenship. In fact, it is my opinion that if you haven't worked for at least 5 yrs you shouldn't.

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    Absolutely NOT. Citizenship gives that privilege. I can't vote on an organizations decisions without being a member in good standing. Our country's policies and leadership is much more important. We are headed for a video game tilt!

  • David - 7 years ago

    Who the hell voted "Yes"? ???? How could that possibly be good for America?

  • Petr Herman - 7 years ago

    Absolutely No! It is a crazy idea indeed. I would go even farther and temprarily halt right to vote for people who are on a government assistannce. It would be a great insentive to get off it if you want to vote! For sure we should have "voter I D" and have severe penalties for voting twice or even more times!!

  • Ellie - 7 years ago

    The term "illegal" says it all. It means that the individual is in direct violation of their rights to be here and as such, are not entitled to any consideration.

  • Becky - 7 years ago

    You are out of your mind to be even asking this question!!!!! Freaking crazy!!!!! We need to be deporting every last one of them!!!!! ILLEGAL====NOT LEGAL!!!!

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    HELL NO !!!
    Illegal means illegal !
    To have that right they MUST be legal Citizens!
    Appauling there is even a discussion about this BULLSHIT !!

  • Rush - 7 years ago

    HELL NO why the hell even ask such a question oh that's right they are corrupt and want to change America however they have no problem coming here taking free money raping iur children kidnapping them and selling them and killing us weather you are man woman or child. Send the Democrats there and let then try to take over their countries oh wait the might become headless. COWARD

  • Leslie - 7 years ago

    It's only the RIGHT of a US citizen....otherwise, Putin shouldn't have restrictions and this farce of colluding can't be investigated as an offense...incentive for becoming citizen is getting the rights we offer.."illegal" aliens are already breaking the law and voting should not be a reward...

  • April - 7 years ago

    Only one reason illegals were allowed to flow into our country...was to further set them up to illegally vote in our elections and further corrupt our government. That is what has obviously happened. Obama opened ALL doors for them!!

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    These officials making their own so called "plan" or laws allowing illegal activity has got to stop. Need to get them out on their buttocks!

  • Curt - 7 years ago

    America is in trouble if they continue to give up our soveriengnty by letting voices of the ones who didn't follow the rules to be here in the first place to have a voice in the rules that could exempt the rules!

  • Karen - 7 years ago

    Can Sessions and our stop this? Anyone? Because President Trump certainly has been blocked from liberals for such a ridiculous move!

  • Frances Mills - 7 years ago

    Absolutely must be a citizen! They are NOT CONSIDERED. A CITIZEN! HENCE, THEY ARE ILLEGAL! If you are illegal you cannot vote!

  • Effie Latschkowski - 7 years ago

    Heck NO, Hell NO, absolutely NO, positively NO, NO, NO! Did I make myself clear? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO !!!

  • Dee - 7 years ago

    It's the ONLY reason Democrats are pushing to allow anyone into our country for a potential vote. They push to get them in they come in and they illegally register them to vote and thereby who do you think the illegals will vote for the ones that got them into the country the ones that push for them to stay. Give the right a little credit Will you?

  • Andrew - 7 years ago

    What ever happened to the law - you must be a US Citizen to vote.

  • Patricia - 7 years ago

    As a legal, born here, long standing America citizen, I have earned the right to vote. Illegals are not citizens here until they are legally deemed so. Then they may vote. They need to learn our government procedures and how it works, not just what they can get free from a citizens had earned life that we as working legals have worked and paid for. Illegals are not and should not have anything or any rights. Including social security, food stamps, welfare, free housing, free medical...nothing period. Work for it like we had to do to put food in our families mouth, roof over their heads, and a legal upbringing
    Illegals are breaking the law and we need to deport asap all of them

  • Dorothy Lambert - 7 years ago

    Absolutely not! Not even if they were legal aliens! They don't have that right until they are citizens. No more than I could go to my neighbors house and tell them how they should run their house.

  • Tony - 7 years ago

    I was looking for a 3rd choice, something like; F--- NO!!!

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