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Who was the most corrupt member of the Obama admin?


  • Chris Knapman - 7 years ago

    I voted Obama, king of turd island. The rest were his minions. He was placed by George Soros and I hope that they enjoyed their run of corruption and perversion because the party is over.

  • Amy - 7 years ago

    Tough poll. Holder and Rhodes are right up there, too, but I had to say HRC. She orchestrated the Libyan overthrow to move weapons and gold even after Obama objected. Obama was forced to go along with a lot and toward the end it was willingly.

  • Alyce Larson - 7 years ago

    The actual name, I feel, is puppetmaster and moneybags George, Soros. He directs both Obama and Hillary and is complete evil. They are his puppets.

  • robert costa - 7 years ago


  • Susan R - 7 years ago

    all of the above

  • Susan Chrislip - 7 years ago

    Should have added "All of the above"! Made it tough, DML!

  • Maribeth Halstead - 7 years ago

    You needed to have a spot for all of the above!

  • AndyFromVA - 7 years ago

    I voted for Hillary, well she is obviously is the most currupted member of Obama Admin.
    1- Hillary
    2- Obama (All of his policies are never good for the U.S)
    3-Lynch (Cover up)

  • Bev - 7 years ago

    No question marks... that was supposed to be a mad emoji.

  • Bev - 7 years ago

    They were probably all corrupt but especially Obuma, Hillary, Lynch and Holder. The whole administration's plan was to mess up this country and they sure did! ????

  • Kat - 7 years ago

    I voted for Obama because of the things he did during his term, hurt our country in so many ways, and that was his intention.

  • Kat - 7 years ago

    I voted for Obama because of the things he did during his term, hurt our country in ao mamy ways, and rhat was hia intention.

  • Terri M - 7 years ago

    I selected Obama only because he allowed all this corrupt people and was the commander in chief. We all know Killary, Holden and Lynch were just as corrupt as they come. All Obama's administration are responsible for ruining our country.

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    All sooo corrupt...Hillary Obama Lynch...Hand in Hand in Hand equally.
    And still today their corruption is infused in the establishment so deep to protect them from prosecution. Its sickening!

  • Bonnie - 7 years ago

    I put Obama but I believe there was someone helping him to decide on many decisions expecially as the man had no real world working experience. Do know that senators from Noth parties helped cover that info got him onto a senate term right on to potus. We need to find out who that was

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