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Is there a race problem in the United States?


  • Ivy - 7 years ago

    People without without educational qualification problem don't matter of racist....

  • Bonnie - 7 years ago

    I voted the 3rd actually it's everyone's own subculture and where you live I believe it's the environment where some people come from and bringing that is what people don't like.

  • barbara Jewell - 7 years ago

    i believe it depends on where u live, nw PA. not bad.

  • AndyFromVA - 7 years ago

    I voted for the third option. Nowhere is perfect in this world.

  • Steve Newman - 7 years ago

    Thanks to Obama there was no progress over the last 8 years when there should have been. Why do blacks vote 85% democrat? It is always blamed on Republicans not getting our message out to them, but that does not explain how they keep voting blindly for democrats that don't help them and want to push this socialist garbage on all of us.

  • Amanda Lewis, DMD - 7 years ago

    There is a race problem but only because the media has incited one. In the 80's when I was a kid, i lived in an almost exclusively white town in the south. The very few black kids that attended our school dated white kids, played sports, and were just as popular as anyone else. Our kids had rebel flags on their cars, gun racks in their pick up trucks and not a single instance of racial violence comes to mind. Boys fought over girls and girls fought over boys and that was about it. It's definitely gotten worse over that last decade.

  • Dave Millikan - 7 years ago

    The only problem is anti Americans who are socialist/communists who want to remake the USA in the image of all other socialist failed states in the rest of the world (funded by Soros et al.

  • Linda K. - 7 years ago

    I voted it's not a huge problem, but still exists.....until everyone is treated equally and not getting extra credit points for being a certain color, or getting a job over a higher qualified person because of their nationality or color, the problem will still exist.

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    I don't think there's a race problem between us normal people. I think the media is trying make it look like there is with there news coverage. I think the problem is with the groups President Trump called out in his statement!

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    The problem is a matter of the heart. A spiritual problem. What about all those who are bi-racial, a mix of several races. Are they forced to choose which "racial" side to stand with? Pitting brother against brother or sister...the Bible speaks to this! I hate to see America destroy itself from within.

  • Jeff Lane - 7 years ago

    The only reason I voted yes; though I get 'long fine with others, as in I love 'em, 85% of voting Black America either did not vote for Trump, or voted other. A lot of America still buys into whatever rubbish MSM feds them. They have been indoctrinated. Changing that level of brain drain gonna' take some serious work; like a lot of us sharing stuff like this and sittin' down for a drink an' a chat with a 'whole lotta' cra-cra's!

  • Patty bajek - 7 years ago

    There seem to b quite a few on this poll listening to the MSM!!!

  • Dianne Tatom - 7 years ago

    George Soro' and Obama are funding and fueling them with HATE !!! Just where can you make $25 per hour to stroll the streets and spread their hate!!! They are trying to cause MARSHALL LAW!! Plain and simple!!!

  • William - 7 years ago

    Yes, there is a race problem. Currently, it is a relatively small percentage of the population.
    However, this is changing. The schools, colleges and media are teaching victim hood and that all problems are the result of institutionalized white racism. I fear the smoldering embers will turn into a raging bonfire. A divide and conquer strategy is obviously at play by the deep state.

  • Lynn Tivens - 7 years ago

    America only has a race problem when its convient for the leftists to try and present a problem to the American public.

    If you really want to find out if the US has a race problem, take a look at the middle school children, they don't see color, they only see other children.

  • Martha mckinnon - 7 years ago

    I live in Ga in the Deep South. Every family I know has a mixed race child in their family. How can we be racist when we are going to a mixed race wedding or Christian if or we go to church with mixed racial couples. How? America as a whole is not racist. We voted in a black Muslim president, not once, but twice. There is a lot of lying going on especially by the media.

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