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Do you plan to watch the eclipse?


  • Joanne Stevenson - 7 years ago

    I enjoyed watching those who were in the path of totality on TV, but here in Sacramento County, there wasn't much to see. I went outside and thought it looked "less light " , but not really all that noticeable. Someone was mowing their lawn so I couldn't tell if the birds and insects had gotten quiet. My cat didn't seem to notice that something out of the ordinary was happening.

  • Jeff Lane - 7 years ago

    Sheila Randall makes an excellent point. Though it was cloudy in Metro Omaha, our CEO provided glasses and shirts to commemorate and enjoy the brief time together. The eclipse moment broke through enough to enjoy the experience; share some social time with the folks with whom I work, ponder God's great power in the Universe with all of it's glory, giving thanks to all life's moments, great and small.

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    No, but my husband and his brother took off work and found a good spot to go fishing AND see the Eclipse.

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    I will probably stop work and look of the weather allows but they are forecasting cloudy whites Anna rain later in the day. It's not that it doesn't interest me, but I can't afford to take a day off work and drive 3-5 hours to go see it

  • Linda K. - 7 years ago

    I'm with's not that I don't care but I won't stop my day for it so I voted no. I'm toying with the idea of making a viewer from a cereal box....but we're only going to have a 75% eclipse here in NY. Although it will be kinda cool, it won't be a cool as a total

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    Here in St Louis, a lot of people are taking the day off and having an eclipse party, since we get to see the total eclipse.

  • Michael Callan - 7 years ago

    Will be watching, i work at Pilgrims Pride in Elijay, Ga and our supervisors are briefly shutting down production so everyone can go outside and see it.

  • Rhonda Jennings - 7 years ago

    I wish the poll had just said 'No'. I care. I just didn't make a viewer or get glasses. I saw a partial eclipse back in the 80's, so it's more exciting for those that have never seen one. I'll watch the light change from the window, but won't look at the sun. The rest of you be safe and enjoy the wonder of it.

  • Michael Nee - 7 years ago

    I live in Oregon, I am taking the day off because of the heavier traffic expected today. So I am watching today, not because excited. I drive from store to store... Time is money... I hope to record it on my filtered GoPro.

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    Questionable tip??
    Stand with your back to the sun w/phone
    Set camera in reverse (selfie mode)
    Watch eclipse over your shoulder
    The only thing, phone screen is hard to see outside.Maybe find a shade when trying?

  • Sheila Randall - 7 years ago

    I voted yes. It's a once in a lifetime to see. You have to stop and smell the roses! Life is just too short. I lost a friend at work 3 days ago. He seemed fine but a little tired, he left work early and sat in his truck and had a heart attack right there. This was his last year he was going to work and retire. He never made it. So I'm not waiting to retire to do the things I want to do. It's not a given that tomorrow will be here. So enjoy life while you can.

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