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Is Mattis right for halting Trump's transgender military ban?


  • Rita Winter - 7 years ago

    I voted uncertain because it seemed there were conflicting scenarios. Your vote asked if Mattis is right in halting Trumps transgender military ban. However, the article mentioned that he was halting the ban until they could conduct a survey regarding this question. I have no issue with further study as the President left it up to the military people to decide this issue. So, I didn't see that he was completely halting the ban.

  • Pat Stephen - 7 years ago

    I don't mind them serving but they should be paying for their own surgery, that should be elective surgery, tax payers shouldn't have to pay for that.

  • Nancy - 7 years ago

    This makes sense in my opinion because Mattis will give it the research and investigative thought process it deserves. I don't believe for a second that Trump made this announcement on his own or out of the blue. I'm going to bet he and General Mattis had a meeting and this announcement is a tool by which to put the focus on "awful" Trump. Now General Mattis can quickly get to work and come up with the same conclusion. As l suspect "Mattis" has wanted to do this for quite awhile. Not only is it not fair taxpayers pay for these operations there is no way you can tell me there is cohesion among the troops who have to serve with them.

  • Jenny Crosley - 7 years ago

    If there is no surgery allowed to be done for free see how many inlist! That should be considered an elective surgery!

  • Debbie Tellez - 7 years ago

    That's fine if he wants to allow the transgender people who are already in the military to stay, but the government should not be paying for any kind of hormone therapy or surgeries related to their gender confusion.

  • Sherrie - 7 years ago

    Why are they continually forcing confused people onto our society?
    The DoD doesn't pay for elective surgery for its 1.3 million SMs, why should we be forced to serve with folks that have high suicide rates when the military has enough problems in that regard.
    Support the President, not some backward agenda.
    Be gay on your private time and dollars, don't force it upon me nor my family or my wallet!!!

  • Judith Rae - 7 years ago

    Let them in; NO Taxpayer dollars should be used for gender reassignment surgeries.

  • Li - 7 years ago

    Why should taxpayers be forced to pay fir sex change surgeries and hormones for an ELECTIVE procedure? Should I join the army for implants and liposuction? Paid for by the taxpayers?

  • Wilma - 7 years ago

    The President needs to be able to be President and others need to back him....not block almost everything he attempts to do. Still proud of him and shocked he has accomplished all he has with such opposition

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