Who is your early choice for the 2012 Libertarian presidential nomination?


  • willie - 13 years ago

    If Ron Paul had both the independant,libertarian and GOP nomination it would be aa slam dunk! If he doesn't get the libertarian or GOP nomination I may be compaired to how boxing is fixed! Want your country back? Get behind Ron Paul and get the republicrats out!

  • RJ Harris Liberty Team - 13 years ago

    Don't forget RJ Harris 2012 for President - Libertarian Party - 'Wake Up America!'

  • Bucky O'Hare - 16 years ago

    Ken, Pat Buchanan and Lou Dobbs are not libertarians in any sense of the word. Both are populist douche bags

  • Ken - 16 years ago

    The Libertarian Party needs to give up its own traditional, loyal candidates and do a better job of supporting a "name" candidate.

    Bob Barr would have been a fine choice if he had been allowed to bring in his own running mate, and if the party would have done more to raise funds for his candidacy like the RNC and DNC do for theirs.

    I'm afraid, as a new member, that the LP is just too provincial and egocentric to put up a top name and go to bat for him. Those who have spend a lifetime promoting libertarian ideas via the party naturally want a place at the table. Trouble is, nobody ever heard of any of them. Jesse Ventura for president? C'mon! Look who Minnesota is about to send to the Senate now - Al Franken. Look at the names on that poll I just voted in!
    The LP website merely quoted articles from the Barr08 site most of the time.

    Somehow the libertarian talking heads on TV have to be convinced to back the candidate whose views they share. Glenn Beck, Neal Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, all took a pass at endorsing anyone. They wanted to appear objective. Fat chance of that anyway.

    I will probably re-register as an independent so I can vote again in the primaries as I choose. I hope there will be a Libertarian with backing whom I can justify supporting as I did Bob Barr this year.

  • Ken - 16 years ago

    The Libertarian Party needs to give up its own traditional, loyal candidates and do a better job of supporting a "name" candidate.

    Bob Barr would have been a fine choice if he had been allowed to bring in his own running mate, and if the party would have done more to raise funds for his candidacy like the RNC and DNC do for theirs.

    I'm afraid, as a new member, that the LP is just too provincial and egocentric to put up a top name and go to bat for him. Those who have spend a lifetime promoting libertarian ideas via the party naturally want a place at the table. Trouble is, nobody ever heard of any of them. Jesse Ventura for president? C'mon! Look who Minnesota is about to send to the Senate now - Al Franken. Look at the names on that poll I just voted in!
    The LP website merely quoted articles from the Barr08 site most of the time.

    Somehow the libertarian talking heads on TV have to be convinced to back the candidate whose views they share. Glenn Beck, Neal Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, all took a pass at endorsing anyone. They wanted to appear objective. Fat chance of that anyway.

    I will probably re-register as an independent so I can vote again in the primaries as I choose. I hope there will be a Libertarian with backing whom I can justify supporting as I did Bob Barr this year.

  • Libertarians For Justice - 16 years ago

    I am surprised at the number of votes for Ventura. After reading his book, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, I don't find him to be Libertarian.

  • John C. Randolph - 16 years ago

    The Bob Barr episode should teach the Libertarian party that picking the big name politician over a candidate of true principles is a terrible mistake.

    Ron Paul should continue in his role as the conscience of the Republican party. If his health permits it, I think the best person to run in 2012 would be Steve Kubby.


  • Derek - 16 years ago

    I would like to see a kick-ass team with Jesse Ventura and Clint Eastwood together. In 2004, we could've had Gary Nolan and Aaron Russo run together. If there's a Ventura- Eastwood ticket, the duopoly can't look their big fat noses at us because we have two people who've held elected office.

  • Charlotte - 16 years ago

    The biggest name with the most determination to take it all the way with impeccable integrity like Ron Paul. That takes us to Ventura, I guess.

  • Ayn R. Key - 16 years ago

    Milnes, don’t waste your time seeking the LP nomination. You’re ready for the big leagues. Seek the Presidential nomination of the Republicans in 2012 (if Obama wins) or the Democrats in 2012 (if McCain wins).

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    What happened to Keaton-Shinghal 2012? I remember joining a Facebook group. But, disappointingly, Angela Keaton is not mentioned here.

  • Bob Weber - 16 years ago

    How about Karen Kwiatkowski? She knows a thing or two about neocon machinations. Or Peter Schiff? I've been very impressed at how he expresses economic truths in ways the average person can understand.

  • inDlgass - 16 years ago

    Baldwin was the best option out of the six candidates who have ballot access in a majority of states. His platform is the closest to Ron Paul's. You can't punish Ron for endorsing the best candidate.

    If it can't be Ron Paul, I think Mary Ruwart is the best voice of libertarianism we have. She really should have been nominated this year, and I hope the party will learn its lesson and nominate her in 2012 if Dr. Paul does not run for the nomination.

  • Mike Munger - 16 years ago

    For the record, I have already announced that I will be running for Governor of North Carolina in 2012.

    Hopefully, as an INCUMBENT.

    But under no circumstances would I seek, or accept, the nomination for Prez in 2012.

    I *do* appreciate the sentiment, however. Thanks to all who would even consider me!


  • Arthur Torrey - 16 years ago

    Barr and Root are definitely out after this years fiasco. Kubby and Ruwart are good folks, but IMHO all the candidates from '08 have enough baggage to be problematic.

    Of the listed options, Munger would be my top choice, perhaps followed by Boman, as both seem to be running principled Libertarian campaigns, and at the same time are acting in a professional manner, without any significant baggage to make them problematic with the non-libertarian voter.

  • Paige Michael-Shetley - 16 years ago

    My first choice would be Ron Paul, but I know he won't run again. Sure, he endorsed Baldwin, but I think we all know the reason behind that. (Being pissed at Barr, with Baldwin being his friend and loyal supporter.)

  • M. Yself Notyou - 16 years ago


  • Robert Milnes - 16 years ago

    I might try again. After he endorsed Baldwin, no one should support Ron Paul. Let's not repeat the mistake of nominating Barr again.

  • Robert Milnes - 16 years ago

    I might try again. After he endorsed Baldwin, no one should support Ron Paul. Let's not repeat the mistake of nominating Barr again.

  • Robert Milnes - 16 years ago

    I might try again. After he endorsed Baldwin, no one should support Ron Paul. Let's not repeat the mistake of nominating Barr again.

  • Robert Milnes - 16 years ago

    I might try again. After he endorsed Baldwin, no one should support Ron Paul. Let's not repeat the mistake of nominating Barr again.

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