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Do you support the ICBC rate hikes?

Total Votes: 1,350

  • L. Tuplin - 7 years ago

    Why not take a few of the billion$$$ surplus and beef up ICBC, while at the same time putting a cap on payouts to lawsuits. Viola, done with no need to reach into our pockets!

  • Stuart Mitchell - 7 years ago

    Back in November 2016 I conducted an investigation after obtaining information that was concerning. It involved contacting 3 bc authorized dealers to find all 3 had a different price for a simple windsheild replacement. To find the cost ICbc is paying out to it authorized dealers over and above the $200 deductible that is any where from $270 - $460 depending on what dealer you talk to. I also contacted 3 auto shops in Alberta all who gave a flat rate of $210 including tax and profit for the same. Which us our deductible. Who are getting the same windshield from the same manufacturer doing the same installation procedure. Yet ICbc is paying out to the authorized dealer double and in some cases triple what it actually costs to replace a simple windshield. I asked this to be explained to me how and why this is being allowed to happen? I sent letters and encouraged all to check it out for themselves. I sent to our Liberal government no comment and ICbc head at the time, who actually had the audacity to advise that BC windshield dealers must do superior work to Alberta. I sent it to BCAA who checked it out and couldn't believe it. I also sent it again a couple weeks back to our new government official AG David Eby and our premier John Horgan plus ctv news who recently ran an ICbc rate increase story a few weeks back. I have received no explanation and no comment. I even calculated the additional expense over and above the actual cost being paid out to these dealers, for one dealer for one year it was astounding. Yet ICbc needs a rate increase due to excessive auto repair costs. The problem is within. No one is looking at or questioning the unbelievable payouts that are taking place. It's not only the windsheild its also including what they are paying out over and above what it actually costs to repair a vender bender. What needs to take place is ICbc needs to stop paying excessive amounts to these authorized dealers. Have a third party go in and look at the actual costs to do the windsheild replacement and auto repair work and do some spending controlling of what is being paid out. In bc to get your windshield replaced your also getting your car detailed, and new wipers whether you need them or not, to justify the gouging that's been going on of us the people of this province. ICbc was created and is supposed to be working for the people of British Columbia making sure we are getting rates that are fair and comparible. Not over paying the authorized dealer who are getting richer at our expense. Then increasing our rates because of auto repair expense increases. This has to change now not later.

  • His- story - 7 years ago

    The free markets, greatest enemy is the concept of insurance. A world without insurance would show what the market can bear. Otherwise it could be plausible that a very few people can own the world.

  • Troy S. - 7 years ago

    I would say we need a rob ford and a donald trump personality. combined to flip over this ridiculous government scam job. Its just one example of many tax grabs. Im tired of being a sheep and a means to an end. They need to be muscled over by a politician that would will oput the people first and coorporations last. How is that we live in a democracy and free market when everything in B.C. Is controlled by governement? Anyone have a link to the petition site so I can sign my john henry so these morons go belly up and put it to a vote by the citizens of B.C. ?
    The citizens of this province never were given the chance to have a say whether government and coorporations can rule the land in a free market society. I also want to know where all that surplus went over the last how many years?...That money should be given back to B.C. Taxpayers immediately and all the ICBC CEO's should resign effective yesterday. We the tax payers have every right to call the shots now. ICBC and every other corp are on the tax payers watch and dollar$ in B.C.
    If I was running for any riding I would put privatization on the top of my list and absolutely rip to shreds any legal binding documents with these corporations, no matter what the cost. It would be cheaper.
    Signed a very hungry black sheep

  • Emm b - 7 years ago

    You are right, USA did sold INDIA ???????? in 1962 to china and will repeat again. This is going to be a very very hard blow for India and third country Will come in existence, because of HAR HAR Modi and Associates. They don't know with whom they are dealing.... Former USA can do anything to save itself, other wise it's existence is in Danger.
    So my advice is to not toTry your mother and you will enjoy too, throw a party and will get a sibling unlike you.
    Does it make any sense for Indians who are never tired of talking
    about the glory of their past, their religion and their civilization
    to call themselves “Hindus” when this word is not found in any Hindu
    text? The foreigners gave this derogatory label “Hindu” to the
    people of the Indian subcontinent. What right or justification do
    the champions of “Hindutva” have to apply this derogatory
    label “Hindu” to others, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists? Have Hindus no
    sense of shame or decency? It’s no wonder that Sanskrit does not
    have the equivalents of words like jameer (conscience), emaan (moral
    conviction) and vfa

  • Brian Durrell - 7 years ago

    Privatize it government has no business in insurance

  • Bob zimmer - 7 years ago

    The most ridiculous insurance system in Canada and the most expensive. Privatize it now!!!!!

  • Arnold - 7 years ago

    The person that tried to give that last message was not and was probably some asian that got offended due to the fact they are chinese its okay buddy you know its true and its are governments fault for letting them all do this hope this is a major change and hit them where it hurts hard

  • Arnold larson - 7 years ago

    I'm sorry for my stupid comment_ that it's the Asians that are the problem _ .
    Truth is ..... I'm just another low life nazi.

  • Kit - 7 years ago

    Check your crash statistics, as turns out it's safer to drive in richmond in the metro Vancouver area. (Check em)

  • jay venus - 7 years ago

    Privatize it for Christ's sake. I haven't had an accident in 40 years and I'm paying for other people's mistakes. Yea NDP...cancel construction projects and raise insurance rates. Bunch of buffoons!!

  • SqueezedTooMuch - 7 years ago

    I don't understand why your average Canadian isn't bombarding MLA's with letters of complaint about the 2017 allowable 4% rent increase, rising hydro rates, and now ICBC threatening to squeeze the screws tighter on many folks. CCP and OAP are not increasing enough to cover these increases. Minimum wage jobs also barely pay for the ever-increasing costs of living in BC. Who knows how people on disability or welfare even manage to eat given all these recent increases. ICBC increases do NOT help the average person at all. People, start writing to your MLA's about this. It is free to send them a snail mail letter (no postage needed) or email them.

  • Arnold larson - 7 years ago

    I Agree with the one guy that said that chinese are the problem ... there alot of the reason why we are paying more for insurance .. its a joke .. give them there own insurance since they can afford the housing market and bring black money into canada ...

  • DGST - 7 years ago

    How much money has the provincial government siphoned off from ICBC in the last ten years or so to add to general revenue and look good with a surplus? ICBC and BC Hydro have been cash cows for the government.

  • Chris c - 7 years ago

    Its the damn asians that are causing the issues here they dont know how to drive

  • P. Paudar - 7 years ago

    FIX the problem.
    Don't FEED it.

  • Tom Lie - 7 years ago

    Those with poor driving record and a high risk should should have shoulder a good portion of the increase. I agree with a comment already stated - take off the tolls and now raise the ins rate. Make sense?

  • Lindsay Gowin - 7 years ago

    If a business is failing the doors inevitably close. Is it time to say goodbye to ICBC? I think so. The provincial government should get out of business and back to governing. Shut it all down, privatize, and let the chips fall where they may. Insurance companies do not lose money....give them the reins and make the majority of us happy.

  • robert in vancouver - 7 years ago

    We would be much better served by opening up car insurance to competition from private insurance companies. We buy house insurance, life insurance, and all other insurance from private companies and it works well and keeps the cost down. Let's do the same with car insurance.

  • Bob rindero - 7 years ago

    Nice try you remove the tolls from the bridges and all of a sudden icbc is broke. Bring back private insurance let the people of bc breath some fresh air. No insurance company has ever lost money paying claimee is part of the game and the money ftom compulsory insurance should be blended with the money from optional insurance.When you run a home does your wife buy her own food and you buy yours? Or does it come out of a blended account? PROJECTED LOSSES are just a tool for a money grab.

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