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Which Jason Morgan Will Sam Choose?


  • Cat - 7 years ago

    I love Steve Burton but I think Sam belongs with Billy Miller. They have so much chemistry together.

  • Amy - 7 years ago

    I will stop watching GH after 40 years if Super couple Jason ( Burton) and Sam are not together. Not many soap couples have their own song ( popular). Phoenix and the Dragon will mean nothing. JaSam are legendary like Luke and Laura era. Shame if personal lives and choices of actors dictate soap couples....they are actors. Team JaSam forever. No more GH if Sam chooses Drew.

  • sharon jefferson - 7 years ago

    Billy Miller is not the real Jason Steve Burton is. and always will be.

  • Judy - 7 years ago

    Steve Burton is Sam's ride or die Jason and you still can see the love in their eyes for each other! Billy Miller seems so fake

  • christine - 7 years ago

    Steve Burton may have originated the tole but he Chose to leave it & NO he doesn't deserve it back

  • Cher - 7 years ago

    Burton made that role and should get it back!!

  • Patricia - 8 years ago

    Loved Billy Miller on Y & R and love him on GH. Billy Miller is the REAL Jason now. Burton can be a lost twin.

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