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What did you think of Game of Thrones season 7? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,305

  • Nick - 7 years ago

    Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 7: Army of the Dead (HBO)

    The Army of the Dead in "The Dragon and the Wolf."
    Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.

    Full Video

  • Simon - 7 years ago

    For me season 7 was a good season. In the past we have been spoiled with the exceptional seasons like 4 and 6 as well as towering episodes in their own right like Hardhome The Blackwater and Watchers on the Wall (my personal favourites). Season 7 had elements of all of of these high points but was spoiled by some very poor pacing, as well as well as what I could see as fan fiction fulfilment - Daney and Jon was too convenient and underdeveloped for me. I think in some cases this may be down to the showrunners lack of source material to draw from. An example of this would be the Sansa/Littlefinger/Arya politicking which I found a bit tedious - although the pay off was rewarding! The main strengths of this season was the development of the lesser characters like the hound, Beric and Jorah, and their interaction with the story as a whole.

    Season 7 was stronger than seasons five and (I'll get stick for this) three, because it really tries to push the story to its conclusion. Maybe three more episodes in the season would have helped pacing and character development, but their was so much to savour here which outweighed any negatives for me, and there was a lot - the finale did leave me a bit cold.

    Plus points were as follows:

    1. I loved episode six - just thought it was great,but was hampered by the Winterfell story line.
    2. The Dragons were amazing - in the past always promised a lot but did really see the effects fully, plus I was genuinely upset about the death and resurrection
    3. The battles were all excellent- better that most movies in every case.
    4. Euron Grayjoy was excellent - but more time was needed to develop him fully.
    5. The talks between all of the major characters was all important - there was no filler here, like season 6 with Tyrion in Mareen - Jon and Daney's first scenes were superb, Diana Rigg was unbelievable and the scene between tyrion and ceirci was one of the best of the whole series.
    6. Deciding to no have a battle at Highgarden was a good choice.
    7. Interactions between the characters in the finale was enjoyable at the Dragon pit.
    8. Bronn and the Hound, and to a lesser extent Beric and Jaime (who was excellent)

    The negatives...
    1. Bran - just don't get it
    2. The littlefinger plot
    3. Lack of political activity
    4. Underused characters Brianne Pyburn the unsullied and the mountain - need more to do
    5. Pacing
    6. Romances
    7. Lack of what is happening with the houses in the North

    This is just a few examples, for me I love the season, but I love the show, and I feel looking at a season removed from the whole series is the problem - it will depend on the final season to show how good/bad the season has been.

  • Sarah Kanetzke - 7 years ago

    It's interesting to me that I felt a certain way before reading all of your opinions, and now I feel differently. I have been obsessed with GOT since I started watching it! I guess I had not thought of some of the points you made and they gave me a couple of "Oh my god, you'se so right" moments! Yes- I did feel it was all rushed, but I totally understand why it had to be, to move the plot lines along. I was very disappointed in no Ghost scenes and absolutely would have traded that stupid, senseless, out-of-the-blue ice bear scene for a mere glimpse of Ghost! I agree that it would have made much more sense for the Stark siblings to be so relieved to be around their own flesh and blood again, that they would have embraced the opportunities and been instantly bonded, close and trusting of each other (despite all they've been though!) The tension seemed forced...for dramatic purposes. Jon and Dany's fast paced attraction and "love affair" completely made sense to me and was super exciting to watch! Wish there had been more scenes with them intimate together. I literally screamed out loud at the end of the scene when Jaime was riding towards Dany!! This is why we all love GOT! Little finger deserved to die at the hands of Sansa and Arya! I cheered! Dany's entrance to the big meeting was freakin awesome! Cersei's scenes were perfect and on point! The hike out to catch a WW, though exciting, seemed far fetched (why was it Tyrion's idea? He never met one himself) and impossible- like, a really bad idea... that should have ended with many more of them losing their lives to those relentless monsters! But, I'm glad it didn't, because I want to see more of them! I've always loved Tyrion's character, but this season...he was a bit off. Overall, do I still LOVE the show? YES! I'm now reading the books for the first time because I seriously cannot imagine having to wait so long for more Thrones (2019?!! F*&# that!) D & D are still geniuses, but not to the same level as the creator himself, which was most obvious to me this past season. But let's face it; if we weren't so impressed, mesmerized, entertained and obsessed with the show, we wouldn't be spending our precious time and energy thinking about it and writing about it! :-)

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